If I'm changing per-site or per-language translation to never be offered, it's a bit weird that the popup for that site in that language doesn't immediately go away. I assume this is a bug of some kind... but for users who find the feature annoying / where it gets in their way, it's definitely an additional point of frustration when after finding the entry in the cog menu for it to never show up, it then seems like that "doesn't work" because the panel stays open.
Bug 1856182 Comment 0 Edit History
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If I'm changing per-site or per-language translation to never be offered, it's a bit weird that the popup for that site in that language doesn't immediately go away. I assume this is a bug of some kind... but for users who find the feature annoying / where it gets in their way, it's definitely an additional point of frustration when after finding the entry in the cog menu (which is already not super obvious as a place to look for 'turn this off') for it to never show up, it then seems like that "doesn't work" because the panel stays open.