Closed Bug 1062555 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

"avast! Online Security" add-on does not work with e10s


(Firefox :: Extension Compatibility, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
e10s + ---


(Reporter: u279076, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



(Keywords: addon-compat, dogfood, Whiteboard: [e10s-top-addon])

The add-on installs okay but does not appear to function. Whenever I click the button in the toolbar I see nothing happen. Checking browser console reveals "TypeError: window is null". In a non-e10s browser, clicking this button displays an overlay.
hi Martin, are you the maintainer of avast's Firefox add-on?

It does not seem to be compatible with multi-process Firefox (e10s). If you have any questions about e10s support, just drop by the #e10s IRC channel on MDN also has a good introduction:
tracking-e10s: --- → +
My apologies, what I actually tested was the AMO version of avast!, v9.0.2022.113, not the Beta as originally indicated. Sorry about that. If you can point me to the Beta version I'll be happy to test it.
Summary: "avast! Online Security (BETA)" add-on does not work with e10s → "avast! Online Security" add-on does not work with e10s
Is this a binary addon?
Flags: needinfo?(
(In reply to :ally Allison Naaktgeboren from comment #3)
> Is this a binary addon?

I don't know.
Flags: needinfo?(
avast!'s website does not have a straightforward way to report bugs, so I tweeted about this bug to @avast_antivirus, the company's Twitter account.
Hi Anthon and Chris,

thank you for your notification re. the E10s and pointing us to detailed resources. We started to look at what changes are required in the Avast add-on.
Thank you.
Whiteboard: e10s-top-addon
Whiteboard: e10s-top-addon → [e10s-top-addon]
Keywords: dogfood
Assignee: :tracy
Link to add-on: (this a pay for use security suite)
Contact info for add-on:
Bug #: this bug 1062555
Add-on ID: unknown
How well does it work?: Reporter says it installs but doesn't function.
Steps to reproduce broken features:
Any obvious performance problems? unknown
Chromium version: yes -
Anthony, how did you manage to get a copy of this add-on?
Flags: needinfo?(
(In reply to Bill McCloskey (:billm) from comment #8)
> Anthony, how did you manage to get a copy of this add-on?

The version I tested originally was one hosted on AMO. I was never able to get my hands on an add-on directly from Avast!.
Flags: needinfo?(
(In reply to Anthony Hughes, QA Mentor (:ashughes) from comment #9)
> The version I tested originally was one hosted on AMO. I was never able to
> get my hands on an add-on directly from Avast!.

I double checked and the Avast! add-on that I tested above from AMO is no longer on AMO. I suppose this add-on no longer exists in any meaningful way, unless Avast! can provide a copy of their add-on to us for testing.
Hello Anthony,

The add-on exists, we just disabled it on AOM. We will re-enable it there soon with new version. We also have new version in the queue that should resolve e10s compatibility issues. What is the best way to provide you with the our testing version?

Thank you,
(In reply to Martin Havelka from comment #11)
> What is the best way to provide you with the our testing version?

I'll send you an email off this bug report to coordinate.
Anthony, can you let me know how this goes? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(
(In reply to Bill McCloskey (:billm) from comment #13)
> Anthony, can you let me know how this goes? Thanks.

Will do. I've been told the add-on is still WIP. I'll keep the needinfo flag set and report back when I have something to report.
(In reply to Bill McCloskey (:billm) from comment #15)
> Any progress here?

Sorry I'm still waiting for a version of the add-on to test.
Flags: needinfo?(

No answer to the first email studenyp@ is an unknown user. Havelkam didn't reply
Any information about the status?
Flags: needinfo?(havelkam)
Received an answer from Martin. Following up to ask for status.

I also gave him the following info:

> They start every Tuesday at 10 am UTC and go on for 17 hours, 
> see
> There is also #e10s on IRC
Avast Online Security is on our list of popular Chrome extensions that we will attempt to enable to run in Firefox as a web extension. If we are successful that may eliminate the need to fix the existing add-on to work with e10s. I will add the bug for enabling the extension as a dependency to this bug after I open it.
With Firefox 57 only WebExtensions are permitted and are, by default, e10s compatible.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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