Open Bug 1091086 Opened 10 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Evaluate using PRAGMA threads for the awesomebar


(Firefox :: Address Bar, task, P3)





(Reporter: mak, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [snt-scrubbed][search-performance])

Sqlite has a new multi-threaded sorter we could try to see if it would anyhow improve sorting speed for the awesomebar.

We could also evaluate it for history results.

This needs to take measurements of its effect on our queries, since they are a little bit exotic.
Priority: -- → P2
Keywords: perf
Type: defect → task
Component: Places → Address Bar
Priority: P2 → P3
Product: Toolkit → Firefox

Hi, I think that this bug is no longer valid in the face of the latest changes on the browser. Can we close it?
Regards, Flor.

Flags: needinfo?(mak)

Still valid.

Flags: needinfo?(mak)

Thanks for all the help :)

Severity: normal → S3

For this bug, we'd need to do an investigation into the most common number of CPU cores Firefox users have - maybe only enable this feature if the user has 4+ cores.

Severity: S3 → --
Whiteboard: [snt-scrubbed][search-performance]
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