Closed Bug 1255608 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Ability to view users who are in a group


( Graveyard :: Dashboards, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jswisher, Unassigned)


(Keywords: in-triage, Whiteboard: [specification][type:feature])

What problem would this feature solve?
Currently in the Django admin panel for MDN, there is no way to see what users are members of a particular group. From a user's record, you can see what groups they are in, but from the group record, you cannot see who is in the group.

As a result, it is difficult to track and manage group membership. Users may remain in groups long after their need to belong has passed, simply because there's no easy way to review the members.

Who has this problem?
Contributors with access to the Admin panel (mainly staff, but a few volunteers)

How do you know that the users identified above have this problem?
I am a member of the target audience, and I find it frustrating. There are discussions ongoing about adding a new group, and tracking the group's membership is an immediate need.

How are the users identified above solving this problem now?
Some users who know the right incantation may be able to use a SQL query against the database. Otherwise, it's a matter of guesswork to look at users you think might be in the group. 

A workaround for the case mentioned above will be to use a spreadsheet.

Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem? Please explain in detail.
Add a view within the Django admin panel.

Is there anything else we should know?
Jannis mentioned to me that he has some partially-working code to address this.
Filtering by groups is possible in the URL, if you know the group IP. For example, here are the Trusted Writers:

Digging in to make this a clickable field in the sidebar.
Thanks for the tip! This will serve as a workaround.
Commits pushed to master at
bug 1255608 - Add Groups to user filter

Adds groups to the Django admin list view for users, to allow admins to
easily see user accounts assigned to a group.
Merge pull request #3836 from mozilla/filter-by-group-1255608

bug 1255608 - Add Groups to user filter
To see users in a group:

1. Log in as staff member
2. Go to Users list:
3. In the Filter toolbar on the right side, in the "By Groups" group, select the desired group to show users in that group
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This is really handy! Thanks!
Yes! Really nice! Thanks a lot, John.
Product: → Graveyard
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