Closed Bug 223848 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

signons.txt is 128MB large


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: wolruf, Assigned: bryner)


(Keywords: hang, regression)

build: FB 20031024 Win2k

Since this WE, I noticed that it took longer and longer to get initial HTTP 
Auth popup when trying to reach sites with HTTP authentication. In 2 days, FB 
was just unusable (700MB of RAM).
I'm using the security manager to protect passwords (HTTP basic auth.).
I checked for a possible parsing issue with FB, and one of my files, 
signons.txt, in my profile is 128MB large.
I'll try 20031027 tonight and can possibly send the zipped signons.txt (only 
400KB) to a developer (for security reasons).

One possible reason I see is bug 222134, which touched wallet.cpp according to:
It's not that, Firebird does not use extensions/wallet at all.
Do you remember anything peculiar that may have happened while using password
manager? I'm thinking along the line of a connection problem when telling the
password manager to save login information for example.
bug 222134 also touched Satchel.
Few actions that happened this WE, one of my passwords changed so I had to save
the new one, and also deinstalled Googlebar to then install an earlier version
of googlebar (after restarting).
20031007, on Win XP pro

My signons.txt was 135MB. Took me a while to find the file and figure out that
this was the reason for permanent crashes of firebird on pages with forms.

No unusual activity on my side before the problem.
My signons.txt grew up to several hundreds of MBs, each time I tried to store
the password of a proxy login. 
The 'AuthName' of this logon contained a German umlaut which was replaced by
various sequences of thousands of characters. At the place of 'ü' you could read
for example fÃ...ƒÂ‚¼. 
There seems to be a problem while escaping/coding characters in the range 128...255.
Flags: blocking0.8?
minusing request, bryner's gone until Dec 30th, and the fix for this probably
isn't trivial
Flags: blocking0.8? → blocking0.8-

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 228270 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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