Closed Bug 246201 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Infinitely repeating conflicts, if other files missing


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: Roaming, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: BenB, Assigned: BenB)



1. New profile, roaming bookmarks (exists) and address book (doesn't exist)
2. Roam against server with a different version of bookmarks and no abook either
3. Start browser
4. Conflict dialog comes up, asking you to select which version of bookmarks
   to use, abook doesn't appear. That's correct. Select server version.
5. Close browser (select server version, of conflict comes up)
6. Start browser (select server version, of conflict comes up)
7. Repeat 5.-7.

Assuming no other browser runs in parallel against the same server profile.

Actual result:
In step 5 and 6, the conflict dialog comes up just like in step 4.

Expected result:
The user already chose the server version in step 4, don't ask again. In step 5,
just upload the local version (which has the server version plus recent
modifications). In step 6, we have the same most recent version locally and on
the server, no need to ask.

This is a logic error. I shortcut the logic, if *all* files match. However,
non-existant files never match. Need to figure out a solution.
Assignee: nobody → ben.bucksch
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8alpha2
yay, I have this fixed. The problem was that I (intentionally, for other
reasons) didn't make 2 empty files (on both server and locally) return as
matching. To make sure I don't break these "other reasons", I carefully checked
the logic for these cases, and while doing so made a number of changes to the
logic. I think they substantially improve the logic, but some bugs may have
slipped in by that, and I didn't have time to test carefully (yet?). There are
now less conflicts (IIRC), if some files don't exist yet, and a few needless
transfers may be avoided.

There's a problem remaining (existed before and still exists): A (spurious)
conflict is shown again during download, if there was a conflict during upload
and the user chose the server version. We should detect / remember that somehow
and just download silently.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.8alpha2 → ---
Fix will be included in patches in bug 246710.
Depends on: 246710
Priority: P2 → --
Fix checked in.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Profile: BackEnd → Profile: Roaming
QA Contact: core.profile-manager-backend → core.profile-roaming
please verify
Summary: [Roaming] Infinitely repeating conflicts, if other files missing → Infinitely repeating conflicts, if other files missing
No longer blocks: roamingtracking
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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