Closed Bug 256185 Opened 20 years ago Closed 19 years ago

"filter log" produces an empty display (also can't open filterlog.html)


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: klewis, Assigned: sspitzer)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OpenVMS COMPAQ_AlphaServer_DS20E_666_MH; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040621
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OpenVMS COMPAQ_AlphaServer_DS20E_666_MH; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040621

I suspect this problem is unique to the OpenVMS build.  The file
for exclusive access only.  I can't OPEN or TYPE it from the command line while
Mozilla is running, and the "filter log" button from the "message filters..."
dialog produces an empty display, although "enable filter log" is checked and
the filters are working.

I was able to copy it by turning on (BYPASS?) privilege and doing
BACKUP/IGNORE=INTERLOCK, but this should not be required.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.  Open IMAP mail.
2.  Tools->Message Filters...
3.  Filter Log

Actual Results:  
Got a window with 1 line of text across the top, button at top right, checkbox
at top left, and OK button at bottom right.  No content.

Expected Results:  
On older versions and versions on other OS, filter log contents were visible in
a scrolled pane type of display in the middle of this window.
I have what seems to be the same problem on the latest builds. My main browser
is working fine - I get an area for the log output and on Junk mail (the only
log enabled) the output comes out fine. Main browser id is:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

On the latest trunk build, I can't get the logs to display - I've enabled them
and set filtering on & made sure they have filtered and put entries in
filterlog.html and junklog.html but there is nothing displayed. I've restarted
the browser as well. Latest build for me is:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8a4) Gecko/20040923

The profiles are on seperate accounts so there should be no interaction problems
there. I have tried both classic & modern themes.

By the way other bugs I've seen suggest that filterlog.html is open all the time
mozilla is open - see bug 231923.
Keith, have you tried altering the size of the filter/junk log dialog?

I have just had a look at this, and when the log dialog is extended down, then
the log appears. Tried trashing my profile & starting again and the same effect
applied - the dialogs are too small on startup, and there is no indication that
you should need to extend it.

The fix is probably simple, but I don't know the best way round it.
I tried resizing the log dialog window to fill my 1200x1000 screen, no luck.

As I mentioned before, the filterlog.html file itself appears to be open for
exclusive access.  Under the VMS OS, that means it can't be opened, even within
the same process, under a second file handle (except by using BYPASS).

The simple fix is almost certainly to change whatever mechanism is used to open
the file to allow concurrent reading.  For example, add "shr=get" as an extra
argument to fopen(), when the file is opened for write (append) access by the
logger object.

I had the same problem and your solution worked for me on Windows running Gecko
build 2004092505.  

THE DEFAULT SIZE OF THE DIALOG IS TOO SMALL.  It should force a minimum size big
enough to see the text box.  Probably a separate issue from the OpenVMS problem
Note: I have created bug 263070 for the default size of the dialog being too small.
The DEC C runtime library has a feature that helps with this.  Adding the
following line to the MOZILLA.COM script fixed the problem.


This definition needs to be placed near the other "define /user" commands, as
user-mode logicals only stay around for the very next image invoked.

My filter log display now contains the data it should.
Product: MailNews → Core
This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01".

This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that
bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are
highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code.

While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we
are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce
this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a
copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and
you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug
(given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more
reproduction information if you have it.

If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not
changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved.
Thank you for your help in this matter.

The latest beta releases can be obtained from:
This bug has been automatically resolved after a period of inactivity (see above
comment). If anyone thinks this is incorrect, they should feel free to reopen it.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → EXPIRED
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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