Closed Bug 37133 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

unable to change master password


(SeaMonkey :: Passwords & Permissions, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: morse)


noticed this using today's opt comm bits on linux, 2000.04.25.09, while using
any of my existing profiles --i cannot test this w/a new profile due to horkage
by bug 37084. o'course, the inability to change master passwords might be due to
morse hooking up encryption to single signon (and autofill), as posted recently
in netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey. in which case, i guess this would be
invalid. :-(

1. launch browser w/an existing profile.
2. go to Tasks > Personal Managers > Password Manager > Change Master Password.

expected: dialog for changing master passwd should appear.
result: no dialog appears.
There's a chance it merely appears *under* another window, instead of surfacing.
(bug 28459)
Have you checked?
I'm sure I added a comment to this bug report yesterday, but obviously it's not 
here so I must have been dreaming.

In any event, wallet/single-signon no longer manage the master passwords.  All 
that will be done by PSM.  Currently PSM does not even have master passwords 
implemented but they will.  And I'm sure they will be having some UI for 
changing it.  To make sure they don't forget about this, you might want to file 
a bug agains them (thayes).

So my UI hooks (menu and preferences) for changing the master password are 
currently no-ops.  I would have removed my UI hooks completely but I'm waiting 
to see what psm provides and maybe I'll be able to call the psm function from my 
UI hooks.  I'll leave this bug report open as a reminder that I have to do one 
or the other.
Target Milestone: --- → M16
My UI hooks for change-password have been removed.  This will now be done by 
whatever UI PSM provides.

Changes are in tasksOverlay.xul and pref-wallet.xul.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

cc'ing junruh, in the advent of PSM's adding UI for this feature.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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