Closed Bug 591249 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

event dragleave not properly dispatched if drag-and-drop aborted with ESC within iframe


(Core :: DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: 446620, Assigned: unusualtears)



(Keywords: testcase)


(2 files, 6 obsolete files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

If a drag-and-drop session is aborted with the ESC key while the ghost being over a possible drop target in an iframe, the according dragleave event is not dispatched to the iframe at all.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Decompress attachment
2. Start file main.html with FF3.6
3. Drag something over the dotted square in the iframe - the background color of the square turns yellow.
4. Press ESC - the background color of the square keeps yellow because Javascript function onDragLeave() has not been called.
5. This works quite well if you start iframe.html instead and proceed as before.
Actual Results:  
The dragleave event is not dispatched to the appropriate handler in the iframe.

Expected Results:  
The dragleave event should be dispatched to the appropriate handler within the iframe. Instead, only the handler gets called that has been registered for the dragleave event of the top window.
Keywords: html5
Version: unspecified → 3.6 Branch
Attachment #469833 - Attachment mime type: text/html → application/octet-stream‎
I can't reproduce in Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 or Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; rv:2.0b6pre) Gecko/20100904 Firefox/4.0b6pre when dragging the text from the page. Maybe windows-specific? What should be "something" in step 3?
Component: General → Drag and Drop
Keywords: html5testcase
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: general → drag-drop
Version: 3.6 Branch → 1.9.2 Branch
> Maybe windows-specific?
Same on Linux (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100723 Fedora/3.6.7-1.fc13 Firefox/3.6.7).

> What should be "something" in step 3?
Take e.g. part of the text on the sample html page (say: "Iframe"): drag it over the square -> the square's background turns yellow; hit Escape key -> background remains yellow (should change to white again).
Checked with FF3.6.9 under Mac OS X 10.6: Nickolay is right, this issue is not reproducible with FF3.6 under Mac OS X (v10.6).
Yeah, and I can reproduce on Windows: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:2.0b6pre) Gecko/20100908 Firefox/4.0b6pre
Ever confirmed: true
Version: 1.9.2 Branch → Trunk
Alternate steps to reproduce:

1. Open bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B).
2. Drag a bookmark such that the drop marker shows in the sidebar.
3. Press Escape to cancel the drag.

The drop marker will remain in place on Windows and Linux, as the sidebar never received the final drag leave event to clear the marker.
The presContext used by GenerateDragDropEnterExit may differ for drag over and drag exit.  The latter is the root presContext on Linux, while the presContext for drag over is the one it's over.  This patch fixes that by making the LastDragOverFrame static.

The problem is likely the same on Windows, but haven't tested.  OS X seems to use the correct presContext for drag cancellations, but haven't tested that either.

Patch works on Linux except that the CSS pseudoselector :-moz-drag-over doesn't respond to the dragleave received from the drag cancellation.  That's probably a separate bug.

The test fails, though the drag starts successfully.  Is it possible to synthesize a drag cancellation?  I believe gtk needs to receive the keypress first and then passes along the drag event off that, so the synthesizeKey probably doesn't fit the bill.
Attachment #542596 - Flags: feedback?(Olli.Pettay)
Blocks: 481737
smaug, review ping? Is this the right approach?

This patch also fixes bug 684431.
(And it's also green on try server.)
Argh, I've totally missed noticing this. I tend to focus on my review queue, not so much
feedback queue. My bad.
Comment on attachment 542596 [details] [diff] [review]
Make the LastDragOverFrame static for EventStateManager

>+        if (sLastDragOverFrame) {
>           //The frame has changed but the content may not have. Check before dispatching to content
>-          mLastDragOverFrame->GetContentForEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, getter_AddRefs(lastContent));
>+          sLastDragOverFrame->GetContentForEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, getter_AddRefs(lastContent));
Need to check if using sLastDragOverFrame and aPresContext makes sense, or should it be
sLastDragOverFrame and sLastDragOverFrame->PresContext();
(In case of nsImageFrame passing aPresContext could be actually wrong.
 I think we could get rid of passing prescontext to GetContentForEvent)

>           FireDragEnterOrExit(aPresContext, aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_EXIT_SYNTH,
>-                              targetContent, lastContent, mLastDragOverFrame);
>+                              targetContent, lastContent, sLastDragOverFrame);
Same here.

>-        if (mLastDragOverFrame) {
>+        if (sLastDragOverFrame) {
>           FireDragEnterOrExit(aPresContext, aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_LEAVE_SYNTH,
>-                              targetContent, lastContent, mLastDragOverFrame);
>+                              targetContent, lastContent, sLastDragOverFrame);
And here.

>+      if (sLastDragOverFrame) {
>         nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> lastContent;
>-        mLastDragOverFrame->GetContentForEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, getter_AddRefs(lastContent));
>+        sLastDragOverFrame->GetContentForEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, getter_AddRefs(lastContent));
And here.

>         FireDragEnterOrExit(aPresContext, aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_EXIT_SYNTH,
>-                            nsnull, lastContent, mLastDragOverFrame);
>+                            nsnull, lastContent, sLastDragOverFrame);
>         FireDragEnterOrExit(aPresContext, aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_LEAVE_SYNTH,
>-                            nsnull, lastContent, mLastDragOverFrame);
And here.
Attachment #542596 - Flags: feedback?(Olli.Pettay) → feedback-
Yeah, looks like we can just get rid of the aPresContext argument.

Adam, did you want to do that or would you like me to?
Thanks for the feedback and help.

Note that this patch has some extra, unchanged lines listed as changed (in the section marked "@@ -7096,20 +7096,20 @@ PresShell::HandleEventInternal(nsEvent*" for nsPresShell.cpp) for reasons I could not determine.

In removing the nsPresContext being passed to nsIFrame::GetContentForEvent, note that nsImageFrame was the standout that used it, so it now just looks it up when needed.

The nsPresContext passed to FireDragEnterOrExit now corresponds to the frame that it's dispatched to.

I'll take a look at the style not being cleared for the next revision of the patch.
Attachment #542596 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #559649 - Flags: feedback?(Olli.Pettay)
Perhaps your text editor is changing line endings from unix to Windows/DOS style is the reason for the PresShell::HandleEventInternal changes?

The call to GetImageMap in nsImageFrame::GetContentForEvent actually doesn't need the prescontext argument either if you follow it all the way through. So if you wanted you could remove that (and related) too.
Comment on attachment 559649 [details] [diff] [review]
Remove the aPresContext argument for nsIFrame GetContentForEvent, pass correct nsPresContext to FireDragEnterOrExit

May as well just ask for review so this doesn't fall off the radar again.
Attachment #559649 - Flags: feedback?(Olli.Pettay) → review?(Olli.Pettay)
Comment on attachment 559649 [details] [diff] [review]
Remove the aPresContext argument for nsIFrame GetContentForEvent, pass correct nsPresContext to FireDragEnterOrExit

>-        mLastDragOverFrame = nsnull;
>+        sLastDragOverFrame->GetContentForEvent(aEvent, getter_AddRefs(lastContent));
>+        nsPresContext *lastDragOverFramePresContext = sLastDragOverFrame->PresContext();
>+        FireDragEnterOrExit(lastDragOverFramePresContext,
>+                            aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_EXIT_SYNTH,
>+                            nsnull, lastContent, sLastDragOverFrame);
>+        FireDragEnterOrExit(lastDragOverFramePresContext,
>+                            aEvent, NS_DRAGDROP_LEAVE_SYNTH,
>+                            nsnull, lastContent, sLastDragOverFrame);
nsRefPtr<nsPresContext> lastDragOverFramePresContext, since nothing makes sure otherwise that it is still
alive when FireDragEnterOrExit is called second time.

>+++ b/content/events/test/
>@@ -88,16 +88,18 @@ _TEST_FILES = \
> 		test_bug545268.html \
> 		test_bug547996-1.html \
> 		test_bug547996-2.xhtml \
> 		test_bug556493.html \
> 		test_bug574663.html \
> 		test_clickevent_on_input.html \
> 		test_bug593959.html \
> 		test_bug591815.html \
>+    test_bug591249.html \
>+         bug591249_iframe.html \

>-  map = GetImageMap(aPresContext);
>+  nsPresContext* context = PresContext();
>+  map = GetImageMap(context);
Could you remove the prescontext param passed to GetImageMap and the presshell passed to
nsImageMap::Init. nsImageMap doesn't seem to use mPresShell for anything.
Attachment #559649 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review+
Thanks tn; the extra line changes are my editor changing from DOS to UNIX newlines.  

Thanks for the feedback smaug.  

The patch removes mPresShell from nsImageMap, and removes the PresContext from nsImageFrame::GetImageMap().

It also fixes the issues with the -moz-drag-over style:  

In the case of the drag cancel, the context/Event State Manager would differ.  Same problem that existed with LastDragOverFrame.  By making DragOverContent static, calls to nsEventStateManager::SetContentState() will properly modify/cancel the state.

In the case of drop, the drop calls nsEventStateManager::ClearGlobalActiveContent(), so adding a check for sDragOverContent can clear it there.  That method may need renaming, given that it previously only dealt with the Active state, not DragOver.  

Wondering whether should the test be changed to todo, removed, or left as-is?
Attachment #559649 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #559892 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Comment on attachment 559892 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix -moz-drag-over style removal (both cancel and drop), remove unneeded PresContext/PresShell, clean up some minor issues.

This is actually a bit tricky. We need to at least release DragOverContent at right points, otherwise
we leaks document.

>-  if (mDragOverContent &&
>-      nsContentUtils::ContentIsDescendantOf(mDragOverContent, aContent)) {
>-    mDragOverContent = nsnull;
>+  if (sDragOverContent &&
>+      nsContentUtils::ContentIsDescendantOf(sDragOverContent, aContent)) {
>+    sDragOverContent = nsnull;

For performance reasons
if (sDragOverContent && sDragOverContent->GetOwnerDoc() == aContent->GetOwnerDoc() &&
    nsContentUtils::ContentIsDescendantOf(sDragOverContent, aContent)) {
  sDragOverContent = nsnull;

> nsEventStateManager::ClearGlobalActiveContent(nsEventStateManager* aClearer)
> {
>   if (aClearer) {
>     aClearer->SetContentState(nsnull, NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE);
>+    if (sDragOverContent)
>+      aClearer->SetContentState(nsnull, NS_EVENT_STATE_DRAGOVER);
if (expr) {

>+  static nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> sDragOverContent;

Add something like
if (sDragOverContent && sDragOverContent->GetOwnerDoc() == mDocument) {
  sDragOverContent = nsnull;
to ~nsEventStateManager();

That should be enough to not leak document, at least I hope so.

> 		test_bug591815.html \
>+		test_bug591249.html \
>+		     bug591249_iframe.html \
Attachment #559892 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review+
Thanks smaug.

This patch fixes the leak and improves the check prior to clearing sDragOverContent in ContentRemoved().

> > 		test_bug591815.html \
> >+		test_bug591249.html \
> >+		     bug591249_iframe.html \
> indentation

The extra indentation was to match other tests; they indent support files in that way, presumably to indicate they are support files.  I've changed it, but will change it back if needed.  

Still wondering if the test itself is okay as is.
Attachment #559892 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #560933 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Attachment #560933 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review+
Is this ready for the try server and then landing if all goes well?
Thanks Timothy, it's ready for the try server.
So far it looks like it is failing the test you added. More results coming.
Sorry, forgot to get final review on the test.  

This patch makes the test use todo(), but if there's a way to make it a useful test, that would be preferred.  

As mentioned before, I'm pretty sure that there isn't a way at present to generate a drag cancellation that would allow this test to be useful.  Synthesizing VK_ESCAPE doesn't work because GTK+ normally takes that before it reaches the browser and converts it into a drag event.

Spent some time revisiting the test to look at possible ways to achieve the desired behavior, but I'm not aware of anything currently exposed to the test that would allow it to simulate canceling a drag.
Attachment #560933 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #561579 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Assignee: nobody → unusualtears
Try run for a8605b748266 is complete.
Detailed breakdown of the results available here:
Results (out of 171 total builds):
    exception: 2
    success: 148
    warnings: 19
    failure: 2
Builds available at
Test still uses todo(), but the drag attempt was persisting beyond the test end, so this revision prevents any side effect on other tests.
Attachment #561579 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #561579 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
I wasn't able to come up with a useful test that used the nsIDragService, but it's possible I overlooked some way?  

This test still gets the warning about enablePrivilege.  I believe that's due to using EventsUtils.js in conjunction with an iframe?  Not certain.  I tried to rework it to avoid the warning, but haven't been successful.
Attachment #561800 - Attachment is obsolete: true
(In reply to Adam [:hobophobe] from comment #26)
> This test still gets the warning about enablePrivilege.  I believe that's
> due to using EventsUtils.js in conjunction with an iframe?  Not certain.  I
> tried to rework it to avoid the warning, but haven't been successful.

What is the warning that you are getting?
The full warning, visible in the error console (I can keep the test window open by removing/commenting out the call to SimpleTest.finish() (line 28), possibly some other option (opposite of --close-when-done?)) is:  

> Warning: Use of enablePrivilege is deprecated.  Please use code that runs with the system principal (e.g. an extension) instead.
> Source File: chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/content/events/test/test_bug591249.xul
> Line: 0

I know it's related to the move to SpecialPowers, which allows using specific chrome-privileged calls without exposing privileges to the whole test.  I'm not clear what the best way to fix it is/why it's still not being run as a chrome-level test (I changed the test to be XUL and run it with make -C obj-dir mochitest-chrome)?
(In reply to Adam [:hobophobe] from comment #28)
> I know it's related to the move to SpecialPowers, which allows using
> specific chrome-privileged calls without exposing privileges to the whole
> test.  I'm not clear what the best way to fix it is/why it's still not being
> run as a chrome-level test (I changed the test to be XUL and run it with
> make -C obj-dir mochitest-chrome)?

I wouldn't worry about it.

What else is needed before this can land?
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla10
Blocks: 684431
Thanks Adam!
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