Closed Bug 812224 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Enable the purchase button on B2G desktop


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kumar, Assigned: kumar)



(Whiteboard: u=patron c=pmt p=1)

Paid apps are only supported on B2G (at first) but currently this is not detected correctly for B2G desktop. We need to support B2G desktop because it's an easier way to develop.

- Enable payments on a dev server using the waffle switch (set disable-payments to False)
- Edit an app to make it premium
- Visit the app details page on B2G desktop

Result: the purchase button is grayed out with a message saying "you must be on Firefox OS"

The current workaround for this is to enable middleware that forces mobile for all requests but we can't use this in production obviously.
cvan or potch: one of you probably knows how to fix this. I took a quick look but couldn't figure out a way.
Priority: -- → P2
Make sure desktop with a regular browser remains disabled please/thanks.
Assignee: nobody → thepotch
Target Milestone: --- → 2012-11-22
The best solution here is to use r2d2b2g instead of stock B2G Desktop. r2d2b2g changes the user agent to match firefox OS (No clue why b2g desktop doesn't).
Hmm, I can't see anything that the simulator is doing differently to define a user agent It just starts a subprocess with b2g desktop. We will probably need to support custom builds of desktop b2g before features land so maybe myk or Harold can show us how they got the UA string in there.
we need to come up with a solution for this so we can disable the middleware that forces mobile

potch, I think you're back next week? If not, I can grab it.
Priority: P2 → P1
Target Milestone: 2012-11-22 → 2012-12-20
Yay. I have a fix for this. It requires some custom prefs to override the desktop UA which I will document. I'll also remove the middleware from altdev when it's working.
Assignee: thepotch → kumar.mcmillan
Target Milestone: 2012-12-20 → 2012-12-27
Target Milestone: 2012-12-27 → 2013-01-03
Priority: P1 → P3
Whiteboard: u=patron c=pmt p=1
Target Milestone: 2013-01-03 → 2013-01-10
This was fixed in bug 821000 (UA string on desktop)
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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