Closed Bug 100505 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

The popup context menu for attachments doesn't work


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Mac System 9.x
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: IDontUseMozillaAnyMore, Assigned: sspitzer)


If I click on a file in the attachment list of a mail message I get a popup contect menu with three items. Open, Save as and Save. A few points come to mind but I think they're all related to I'll post them here. 1) It's extreemly difficult to get this menu to pop up at all. 2) When it does popup it's not active as a menu. It looks like a menu but it doesn't show a hilight, nore can you click on items in the menu. I'm seeing this in Mozilla 0.9.3 (2001080214) and 0.9.4 releases.
Reporter, this works for me using Mac/2001091311 (0.9.4). Does this happen using a new Mozilla user profile, or after deleteing (and letting Mozilla rebuild at next launch) the Component Registry?
OK. A little more specific this time. Using a new profile and a new build of Mozilla 0.9.4 (2001091311) it appears as follows: I click on an attacment in the list and nothing happens. If I then click and hold the menu will popup. If, however, I continue to hold the mouse down then the hilight will not appear on the menu, even if I move the mouse around over the menu. I must release the click and then move the mouse over the menu to make the hilight appear. This is not the case with other popup menus in Mozilla. Also, sometimes when I release the click the menu will disapear. Sometimes when I release the click the menu stays on the screen but the hilight refuses to display on it.
Reporter, I can confirm part 1 of your bug, but not part 1. Using both Mac/2001091311 (0.9.4) and Mac/2001092010, if I click once on an attachment, the attachment highlights just fine. However, clicking and holding to summon the contextual menu results in an unusable menu, in that no menu items will highlight and releasing on a menu item results in no action on Mozilla's part. It seems I can click, hold for a while, and then release, which results in a usable menu. Normal contextual menu access (control-clicking) works just fine. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 92094 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verifying dupe
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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