Closed Bug 1014386 Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago

The alarm API accepts nonsense dates


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: reeder_29, Unassigned, Mentored)



(Whiteboard: [good first bug][lang=js])


(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 (Beta/Release) Build ID: 20140506152807 Steps to reproduce: Executed the following code in my app: var addRequest = navigator.mozAlarms.add(new Date(0/0), 'ignoreTimezone', { action: "BACKUP" }); addRequest.onsuccess = function () { console.log('A new alarm has been set:' + this.result); }; addRequest.onerror = function () { console.error('operation failed: ' + this.error); }; Actual results: The onsuccess callback was called Expected results: The onerror callback should have been called.
Component: General → DOM
Product: Firefox OS → Core
Summary: Notification API accepts nonsense dates → The alarm API accepts nonsense dates
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Yeap, thanks reeder_29 for discovering this and Fabrice for bringing this to me. This is an interesting question. I just did some tests by JS: var date = new Date(1); // |date| is a valid [object Date]. alert(date.getTime()); // Will return 1. but var date = new Date(0/0); // |date| is still a valid [object Date]. alert(date.getTime()); // But it Will return NaN. We need to do more checks at [1] for |aDate|: 1. If it's a Date object, check if it has a valid getTime(). If not, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. 2. If it's not a Date object, check it the time is a valid number. If not, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. 3. Otherwsie, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. [1] This a good-first-bug for a newbie. Does reeder_29 want to take it?
Blocks: alarm-api
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Whiteboard: [good first bug][mentor=gene]
Why not just define this API to take a double and then all you have to check is whether it's finite? If someone passes a Date object it will get coerced to a double by calling its getTime(), which is what you want anyway.
Ever confirmed: true
How much of FxOS would I need to build, to test and fix this? My old Mac mini is getting creaky. On a related note, IMNSHO, the alarm API should also reject dates in the past (unless the system sends these as soon as it gets around to them). Either way, the behavior should be documented.
I'm not sure. Gene, can you answer this question?
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
(In reply to reeder_29 from comment #3) > How much of FxOS would I need to build, to test and fix this? My old Mac > mini is getting creaky. I think you can start with mochitests on the Mac, which has been done at bug 848617. > > On a related note, IMNSHO, the alarm API should also reject dates in the > past (unless the system sends these as soon as it gets around to them). > Either way, the behavior should be documented. We used to discuss this issue a lot. Please see bug 876936, comment #9. Eventually, we tend to not reject past dates. Instead, immediately fire them once expired.
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #2) > Why not just define this API to take a double and then all you have to check > is whether it's finite? If someone passes a Date object it will get coerced > to a double by calling its getTime(), which is what you want anyway. Yeap, it's more straight-forward to eat a double, but it's easier for a web developer to prepare a Data object based on a certain set of year/month/day/hour/minute/second... etc, where the absolute time is more difficult to calculate.
As a developer, I'm definitely going to be using a Date object to calculate the alarm time(s). It makes more sense to have the API convert that to a double, than to require each app to do so. FWIW, my scheduling code is scheduleNightly: function () { var alarms; if (!navigator.mozAlarms) { console.warn("No alarms; can't schedule backups"); return; } var listRequest = navigator.mozAlarms.getAll(); listRequest.onerror = function () { console.error('listing alarms: ' + this.error); var userMsg = $L("Can't schedule backup<br>") + (this.error.message || || this.error.toString()); enyo.Signals.send('onShowMessage', {message: userMsg}); }; listRequest.onsuccess = function () { var nightly; console.log('operation successful:' + this.result.length + ' alarms pending'); this.result.forEach(function (alarm) { console.log( + ' : ' + + ' : ' + alarm.respectTimezone); }); alarms = this.result; // schedules nightly update, for backup nightly = new Date(); nightly.setHours(4, 30, 0, 0); // local time if ( >= nightly) nightly.setTime(nightly.valueOf() + 86400000); addAlarm(nightly); nightly.setTime(nightly.valueOf() + 86400000); addAlarm(nightly); nightly.setTime(nightly.valueOf() + 6 * 86400000); addAlarm(nightly); }; function addAlarm(date) { console.log('scheduling for ', date.toString()); for (var i=0; i<alarms.length; ++i) { console.log(date.toString(), alarms[i].date.toString()); if (alarms[i].date.valueOf() === date.valueOf()) { console.log('already scheduled'); return; } } var addRequest = navigator.mozAlarms.add(date, 'ignoreTimezone', { action: "BACKUP" }); addRequest.onsuccess = function () { console.log('A new alarm has been set:' + this.result); }; addRequest.onerror = function () { console.error('operation failed: ' + this.error); var userMsg = $L("Can't schedule backup<br>") + (this.error.message || || this.error.toString()); enyo.Signals.send('onShowMessage', {message: userMsg}); }; } }, Scheduling a repeating event using the current Alarm API requires a chain: each time an alarm happens, then next one is scheduled. As many things can go wrong between the system firing an alarm and successfully scheduling the next, my app actually schedules three alarms: for tonight, tomorrow night, and in a week.
(In reply to Gene Lian [:gene] (needinfo? encouraged) from comment #5) > (In reply to reeder_29 from comment #3) > > How much of FxOS would I need to build, to test and fix this? My old Mac > > mini is getting creaky. > > I think you can start with mochitests on the Mac, which has been done at bug > 848617. I just found all the FirefoxOS (B2G) Desktop tests have been turned off [1]. I wonder why we did so. Anyway, I think the FirefoxOS (B2G) Emulator test and other Firefox (non-B2G) Desktop tests are still working. So, you can still run Firefox Desktop Mochitest on the Mac (note what I mean is a Firefox Browser Desktop build, not a FirefoxOS Desktop build). Vaibhav, would you please comment why we turned off the FirefoxOS (B2G) Desktop tests? Thanks! [1]
(In reply to reeder_29 from comment #7) > Scheduling a repeating event using the current Alarm API requires a chain: > each time an alarm happens, then next one is scheduled. Yes, that's the current design. We used to think of something like Calendar API which can accept repeating alarm setting. However, we gave up because it's very hard to define how to configure the repeating behavior for the API, so we decide to keep the Alarm API as native as possible.
(In reply to Gene Lian [:gene] (needinfo? encouraged) from comment #8) > I just found all the FirefoxOS (B2G) Desktop tests have been turned off [1]. > I wonder why we did so. Anyway, I think the FirefoxOS (B2G) Emulator test > and other Firefox (non-B2G) Desktop tests are still working. So, you can > still run Firefox Desktop Mochitest on the Mac (note what I mean is a > Firefox Browser Desktop build, not a FirefoxOS Desktop build). > > Vaibhav, would you please comment why we turned off the FirefoxOS (B2G) > Desktop tests? Thanks! Quoted from Vaibhav in an off-line e-mail: "Actually the tests in are failing frequently and hence they have been disabled. See bug 931116." > > [1] > > mochitest.ini
> but it's easier for a web developer to prepare a Data object Sure. My point is if the API takes a double the web developer can pass in a Date object and the right thing will happen.
(In reply to Gene Lian [:gene] (needinfo? encouraged) from comment #8) > and other Firefox (non-B2G) Desktop tests are still working. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is wrong. Boris corrected me in an off-line e-mail: Those tests self-disable on actual Firefox desktop. For example, test_alarm_add_data.html has: 205 // Currently applicable only on FxOS 206 if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile") != -1 && 207 navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android") == -1) { 208 209 testEmptyObject(); 210 211 } else { 212 ok(true, "mozAlarms on Firefox OS only."); 213 SimpleTest.finish(); 214 } So, in summary, the Mochitest only works on the FirefoxOS (B2G) Emulator for now.
Can I work on this? I have some time next weekend.
Hi, Mark. I'd think so! Gene, what do you think?
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Sure! Please go ahead! Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Some friends stole the time I had this weekend, but I'm looking at it now. I get the error "navigator.mozAlarms is null" when I test any sample code, in both the regular FF and the nightly build. But the docs say it is available since FF 16. What am I doing wrong?
You at least need to set the "dom.mozAlarms.enabled" preference to true. But also there are permissions checks for the "alarms" permission and some stuff like that before the API gets enabled...
Flags: needinfo?(gene)
Mentor: gene.lian
Whiteboard: [good first bug][mentor=gene] → [good first bug]
(In reply to Mark Van Peteghem [:markvp] from comment #16) > Some friends stole the time I had this weekend, but I'm looking at it now. > > I get the error "navigator.mozAlarms is null" when I test any sample code, > in both the regular FF and the nightly build. But the docs say it is > available since FF 16. > > What am I doing wrong? Sorry for the delayed response. As mentioned at comment #16, that's highly possible either the preference or the permission check makes it return null to you. The Alarm API is supposed to be available on the following platforms/builds for now: - FirefoxOS Device/Emulator (for installed apps only) - FirefoxOS Simulator (for installed apps only) - Firefox Desktop (for installed apps only) but not: - FirefoxOS Device/Emulator (for webpages) - FirefoxOS Simulator (for webpages) - Firefox Desktop (for webpages) - Firefox Android You may find some indications and the corresponding bugs in the Alarm API test [1]. [1]
Flags: needinfo?(gene)
> Sorry for the delayed response. As mentioned at comment #16, that's highly ^^^^^^^^^^^ Sorry, I mean comment #17.
Comment on attachment 8449089 [details] [diff] [review] Added additional check for invalid date Review of attachment 8449089 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- r=me once the new test is added if we agree to stick only to Date objects. Dropping review till then. ::: dom/alarm/AlarmsManager.js @@ +40,5 @@ > debug("Cannot add alarms for non-installed apps."); > throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; > } > > + if (!aDate || !(aDate instanceof Date) || !isNaN(aDate.getTime())) { Please use Number.isNaN() on getTime()'s return value. We do currently accept non-Date inputs and convert them to a valid Date in AlarmService.jsm:_getAlarmTime(), so I'm not sure we can add this instanceof check here. The MDN docs for the API say that add expects a Date, but I'm not sure if we'd be breaking apps silently. If we do add this check, we should track this change in release notes and so on for FxOS v2.1(?) Gene, Boris, what do you think? ::: dom/alarm/test/test_alarm_add_date.html @@ +96,5 @@ > + ok(false, "Expected an exception to be thrown for alarm with invalid date."); > + } catch (e) { > + ok(true, "Exception thrown for alarm with invalid date."); > + } > + Since the code added a |instanceof Date| check, please add a test for passing non-Date objects and see if it fails.
Attachment #8449089 - Flags: review?(nsm.nikhil)
Comment on attachment 8449089 [details] [diff] [review] Added additional check for invalid date Review of attachment 8449089 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: dom/alarm/AlarmsManager.js @@ +40,5 @@ > debug("Cannot add alarms for non-installed apps."); > throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; > } > > + if (!aDate || !(aDate instanceof Date) || !isNaN(aDate.getTime())) { I agree with Nikhil. For safety, we shouldn't assume the |aData| has to be a Data object at this moment. It's actually a gap between the MDN document and the real implementation. Some third-party apps might potentially call this API by feeding a real number, though. Therefore, I'd prefer checking the |aDate| by: 1. If it's a Date object, check the return of getTime(). If it returns NaN, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. 2. If it's not a Date object, check if it's a valid number (i.e. > 0). If it's not valid, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. 3. Otherwsie, throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG. Does that make sense to you?
Flags: needinfo?(gene.lian)
Tyler, do you want to finish this off quickly? Without affecting your other timelines of course.
Flags: needinfo?(tylsmith)
Oh! This slipped my mind. Yeah I'll get it done.
Flags: needinfo?(tylsmith)
Any progress? :)
Flags: needinfo?(tylsmith)
Assignee: tylsmith → nobody
Mentor: airpingu → nsm.nikhil
Flags: needinfo?(tylsmith)
Whiteboard: [good first bug] → [good first bug][lang=js]
Hi. Just getting started with contributing here. What prerequisites would I need to get to fixing this task. Would it be an FF nightly build? some links would help.
Flags: needinfo?(nsm.nikhil)
You would need the clone and build the code from mozilla-central (, then import the patch attached to this bug and address the review comments in comment 21 and comment 22.
(In reply to Josh Matthews [:jdm] from comment #27) > You would need the clone and build the code from mozilla-central > (, then import > the patch attached to this bug and address the review comments in comment 21 > and comment 22. thanks. From the 2 comments What I understand is: if ( ( aDate instanceof Date && isNaN(aDate.getTime()) ) || ( !(aDate instanceof Date) && !( aDate > 0 ) ) ) { throw Error(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) } Not sure what NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG is. it seems the way to throw it in the patch is: throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; Will setup the basic FF first and check it out.
`throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG` is how we can throw other values besides NS_ERROR_FAILURE.
Attached patch 1014386.patchSplinter Review
Attachment #8697542 - Flags: review?(nsm.nikhil)
Attachment #8697542 - Flags: feedback?(nsm.nikhil)
Hi I wish to start with this bug but I am absolutely new to OpenSource Dev. Please help me get started with this.
Flags: needinfo?(nsm.nikhil)
I don't know how relevant this bug is any more considering Firefox OS is end of lifed. That said, I no longer work at Mozilla, so I don't know the exact details. :jdm, is this still worth fixing? Michael, if this bug is still relevant, please ask me for review again. Please only set either the review or the feedback flag on the attachment. Both are not required. On the bug itself, please set the "Need more information from..." flag and my email.
Flags: needinfo?(nsm.nikhil) → needinfo?(josh)
Michael, I haven't cleared the review? flag, so you only need to set the needinfo.
"Firefox OS is end of lifed" My apologies. It isn't being distributed via carriers any more.
My understanding is that this is still desirable. Work is continuing on 2.5 and subsequent releases.
Flags: needinfo?(josh)
I want to work on this bug.
Michael has already written a patch that is waiting on review, so you'll need to find something else to work on, unfortunately.
Comment on attachment 8697542 [details] [diff] [review] 1014386.patch Review of attachment 8697542 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: dom/alarm/test/test_alarm_add_date.html @@ +84,5 @@ > ok(true, "Exception thrown for alarm with null date."); > } > > // Move on to the next test. > + testInvalidDate() nit: add a `;` @@ +96,5 @@ > + ok(false, "Expected an exception to be thrown for alarm with invalid date."); > + } catch (e) { > + ok(true, "Exception thrown for alarm with invalid date."); > + } > + nit: trailing whitespace. Also, please fix the indentation of the new function and of the } after testInvalidDate(); @@ +102,1 @@ > testInvalidTimeZone() let's add a `;` here too
Attachment #8697542 - Flags: review?(nsm.nikhil) → feedback+
Closing this bug because the Alarm API was removed in bug 1300884.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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