Closed Bug 1022023 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[B2G][Calendar][Week View]All day events do not display correctly in week view


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Calendar, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(firefox31-, b2g-v2.0 affected, b2g-v2.1 fixed)

2.0 S5 (4july)
Tracking Status
firefox31 - ---
b2g-v2.0 --- affected
b2g-v2.1 --- fixed


(Reporter: rkuhlman, Assigned: mmedeiros, NeedInfo)




(3 files)

All day events are displayed at the top of the screen in day and week view. When in week view, all day events do not display correctly. The orange rectangle is not tall enough, and does not fill the available space

Repro Steps:
1) Update a Flame to BuildID: 20140606040202
2) Launch Calendar app.
3) Tap '+' button to create a new event.
4) Tap 'All Day' toggle and save the event.
5) Tap on week tab at bottom of screen.
6) Observe all day event in week view.

Rectangle for all day event does not properly fill alotted space.

Rectangle properly fills alotted space

Master M/C Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame Master M/C MOZ
BuildID: 20140606040202
Gaia: 857129928b6e56a809cee9d5445effb8fa9f1c2c
Gecko: c8288d0c7a15
Version: 32.0a1
Firmware Version: v10G-2


Repro frequency: 100%
Link to failed test case:
See attached: screenshot
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst Triage?]
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Please needinfo jmitchell on all triage? bugs.
Flags: needinfo?(rkuhlman)
QA Wanted to check 1.4.
Keywords: qawanted
Flags: needinfo?(rkuhlman) → needinfo?(jmitchell)
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
On Buri 2.0 and Open-C 2.0, both the originally reported issue and the different event sizes for all day events (title vs no title) occur
Environmental Variables:
Device: Buri 2.0
Build ID: 20140616000203
Gaia: a6988c15b361938bea5976c846c147ecdc1121c0
Gecko: 52a276202888
Version: 32.0a2 (2.0) 
Firmware Version: v1.2device.cfg

Device: Open-C v2.0 MOZ
BuildID: 20140616000203
Gaia: a6988c15b361938bea5976c846c147ecdc1121c0
Gecko: 52a276202888
Version: 32.0a2
Firmware Version: P821A10v1.0.0B06_LOG_DL

On 1.4 Flame only the issue with the all day events not taking up the entire cell occurs (no difference between title vs no title)
Environmental Variables:
Device: Flame 1.4
Build ID: 20140616000202
Gaia: 164644d91290708a71436dfdf4301e33b92e2c77
Gecko: 2949e8bef869
Version: 30.0 (1.4) 
Firmware Version: v121-2
Keywords: qawanted
When a QA Wanted request is complete, please needinfo your lead for review.
Flags: needinfo?(rkuhlman)
Flags: needinfo?(rkuhlman) → needinfo?(jmitchell)
QA-Wanted to do the rest of the branch/device checks
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
Keywords: qawanted
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
This issue DOES reproduce on Buri 2.1

Environmental Variables: 
Device: Buri 2.1 - Master 
Build ID: 20140624090716 
Gaia: 2944695a89c3281d49dbe5ff9c0cd26c8318e2ba 
Gecko: 215b93e07e1d 
Version: 33.0a1 (2.1 - Master) 
Firmware Version: v1.2device.cfg

On 1.4 Buri and the Flame Base Image v122 only the issue with the all day events not taking up the entire cell occurs (no difference between title vs no title)

Environmental Variables: 
Device: Buri 1.4 
Build ID: 20140610034016 
Gaia: c39db439202b29897bee9896bc789e6782809f3a 
Gecko: edd648be2b07 
Version: 30.0 (1.4) 
Firmware Version: v1.2device.cfg

Environmental Variables: 
Device: Flame 1.3 
Version: 28.0 (1.3) 
Firmware Version: v122
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
Keywords: qawanted
Not nomming as a blocker. This bug is an appearance issue only and does not affect functionality. The user must specifically not enter a title to see the smaller box and even then the user is still able to click on and interact with the event box.
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?] → [QAnalyst-Triage+]
Flags: needinfo?(jmitchell)
the all day event doesn't fill the whole area because we want user to know that he doesn't need to scroll. it would look weird if we had a single event covering the whole area and if we had 2+ events we changed the height. that way we always keep it consistent.

I'll add a minimum height to the element so it should always have the same height (with or without a title).
Assignee: nobody → mmedeiros
Blocks: 1027360
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0 S5 (4july)
added minimum height to keep it consistent with events that have a title
Attachment #8446216 - Flags: review?(gaye)
Comment on attachment 8446216 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

No issues here :)
Attachment #8446216 - Flags: review?(gaye) → review+
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Gaia      43226cf5c3ad19728a88b3786595670b6d60e5c6
BuildID   20140701160202
Version   32.0a2 May 20 09:29:20 CST 2014

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:
31 has been released. Too late for that.
Attached image Verify_1022022.png
According to Comment 8, height of colored rectangle changes if title is present(See the attachment:Verify_1022022.png ), but the all day event in week view does not fill all the available space.

Ross, Could you help me to confirm the issue has been fixed?
Flags: needinfo?(rkuhlman)
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