Closed Bug 1024715 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Create test_firefox_accounts_login to validate user authentication from both Settings and FMD


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::UI Tests, defect, P3)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rpapa, Assigned: bsilverberg)




(1 file)

46 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
: review-
: review-
Details | Review
      No description provided.
Attached file Git PR
Hey Bob, I've updated my branch with fixes.  New user test will Fail, but that's because the age-verification (COPPA) menu is broken at the moment.  Will rebase w/ latest gaia once there's a green build on Travis.
Assignee: nobody → bob.silverberg
Flags: needinfo?(bob.silverberg)
Attachment #8443746 - Flags: review?(bob.silverberg)
Hey Zac, Bob has been moved off of B2G work and can no longer do this review.  Would you be willing to pick it up?
Flags: needinfo?(bob.silverberg)
Attachment #8443746 - Flags: review?(bob.silverberg) → review?(zcampbell)
Comment on attachment 8443746 [details] [review]
Git PR

r-, a few things (also commented in github):

1. Remove 2 files that should not be included/checked in
2. Split the 3 tests into individual files (and possibly their own folder to neaten it all up)
3. Add test files into manifest.ini file so test runner picks them up. Also add tags as appropriate, eg `external=true` to denote that the test uses internet resources.
4. Make tests connect to the network in the setUp so it can be autonomous
Attachment #8443746 - Flags: review?(zcampbell) → review-
I tried running the tests again to debug the sleeps but I can't run the test twice in a row because the accounts data is being cached or kept on the device somewhere.

We need to clear this out in between test runs (possibly in the cleanup_data method in in order to have the device run from a common state every time.

Until then we can't merge this because stability isn't assured.
Thanks, Zac.  I've added tearDowns to each of the testcases with the cleanup_data method.
Flags: needinfo?(zcampbell)
Comment on attachment 8443746 [details] [review]
Git PR

The pull looks OK 

it runs nice without any issues.

There are some small updates required and I think we are done
Attachment #8443746 - Flags: review-
Clearing ni? as Bebe has usurped it with r?!
Flags: needinfo?(zcampbell)
(In reply to Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] from comment #7)
> Comment on attachment 8443746 [details] [review]
> Git PR -The pull looks OK 
> it runs nice without any issues.
> There are some small updates required and I think we are done
Hey guys, thanks for the updates.  
There are still some sleeps in the code that I had asked Zac for helping with.  The tests pass if I leave them in, but fail otherwise.  You guys had mentioned you may have some tricks up your sleeve to help me do without.  If you're OK with the PR as-is, however, I'll leave them in, make fixes and recommit.
Flags: needinfo?(florin.strugariu)
I took a look over those sleeps and managed to remove them. 

To make sure the next button is available we wait for it to be enabled
For the select_age_from_coppa_menu we wait for it to be displayed so we can interact with it.

You can find my changes in:

With this changes in your pull I think this is OK for merge
Flags: needinfo?(florin.strugariu)
Flags: needinfo?(rpappalardo)
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-backlog+]
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-backlog+] → [fxosqa-auto-s5]
Flags: needinfo?(rpappalardo)
I'm not sure how I ended up as the assignee on this, but I'm pretty sure this is never going to get done. Marking as wontfix.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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