Bug 1035144
Opened 11 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
Add AsyncShutdownTimeout to the crash signature
(Socorro :: General, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: Yoric, Unassigned, Mentored)
(Whiteboard: [lang=python][diamond])
At the moment, all the AsyncShutdownTimeout crashes have the same signature, regardless of their cause which makes the signature useless/counter-productive (e.g. bug 944873 was about a specific crash and has completely been hijacked by other crashes with the same signature).
For these crashes, neither the native stack nor the native signature make sense, but only the contents of metadata `AsyncShutdownTimeout`, which looks as follows
phase: string,
conditions: array of [
name: string, // This is the most important piece of information
state: either arbitrary JSON or the string "(none)",
// Since FF 33
lineNumber: number,
filename: string,
// In FF 34+, we will probably add
stack: string
I believe that it would be more productive if we had the following signature:
AsyncShutdownTimeout | name [, name, name ...]
Comment 2•11 years ago
I support this change, with the minor nit that it should be |-separated
AsyncShutdownTimeout | name [| name ...]
If the AsyncShutdownTimeout annotation is not valid JSON or has a 0-length conditions field (or other unexpected errors), the signature should be "AsyncShutdownTimeout | UNKNOWN" is an recent example of how to make these kinds of signature modifications. This one should be quite simple. Lars do you have any webdev/socorro volunteers you could mentor for this?
Flags: needinfo?(benjamin) → needinfo?(lars)
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•11 years ago
As a side-note, once bug 1034726 has landed (today?), we might wish to expose the JavaScript stacks alongside with (or instead of) the C++ stacks.
Comment 4•11 years ago
Let's not make that part of this bug.
Comment 5•11 years ago
Benjamin, I unfortunately do not have a volunteer/apprentice/protege/slave eager and willing to write such code. You are correct that this is likely to be quite simple - in your reference to the git hub commit, this new transform rule will be patterned after he OOM signature rules found on lines 138-180 in the commit that you reference.
Flags: needinfo?(lars)
Updated•11 years ago
Mentor: lars
Whiteboard: [lang=python][diamond]
Comment 8•8 years ago
Yoric, this came up again recently and I was looking through some recent crash reports. See for an example of a crash that has no active conditions in the "Places Clients shutdown" block. Does that make any sense/do you have suggestions for figuring that out?
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)
Comment 9•8 years ago
This is an untested patch without unit tests. Can somebody from the socorro team take this across the finish line, since I don't have a dev environment?
Flags: needinfo?(peterbe)
Comment 10•8 years ago
I would love to have this fix in Socorro, so that we can better understand reports and apparent spikes in crashes like we see right now in bug 1255745.
Comment 11•8 years ago
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #9)
> This is an untested patch without unit tests. Can somebody from the socorro
> team take this across the finish line, since I don't have a dev environment?
I'll write a unit test towards your PR but perhaps we can wait till Monday (next week) for Adrian to do a final review and merge.
Flags: needinfo?(peterbe)
Comment 12•8 years ago
|| for unit tests on bsmedbergs PR.
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•8 years ago
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #8)
> Yoric, this came up again recently and I was looking through some recent
> crash reports. See
> bd1ea2160823 for an example of a crash that has no active conditions in the
> "Places Clients shutdown" block. Does that make any sense/do you have
> suggestions for figuring that out?
That's a bit surprising. It should mean that the problem is in "Places Clients shutdown" itself, rather than any of its blockers, but I can't see how this can happen in this barrier.
So, in all likelihood, this indicates a bug in the state-reporting method of this barrier: `PlacesShutdownBlocker::GetState`. We should check this method and this will probably help us find out what causes the timeout.
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)
Comment 14•8 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
Bug 1035144 - Modify signatures for AsyncShutdownTimeout to represent the shutdown conditions instead of the stack.
tests for bug 1035144
Merge pull request #1 from peterbe/tests-for-bug-1035144
tests for bug 1035144
Merge pull request #2 from adngdb/bug1035144
Removed inheritence from SignatureGenerationRule.
Bug 1035144 - Modify signatures for AsyncShutdownTimeout to represent the shutdown conditions instead of the stack. (#3443)
* Bug 1035144 - Modify signatures for AsyncShutdownTimeout to represent the shutdown conditions instead of the stack.
* tests for bug 1035144
* Removed inheritence from SignatureGenerationRule.
* review
* fix test
Updated•8 years ago
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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