Closed Bug 106244 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

In JS strict mode, |if (a = b && c == d)| compiles as |if (a == (b && c == d))|


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Windows 95
Not set





(Reporter: neil, Unassigned)



(Keywords: js1.5, regression, Whiteboard: JS Strict Mode)


(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

The JavaScript engine likes to think that if (a = b) was mistyped as if (a == b) which it usually is. However I had mistyped if (a == b && c == d) as if (a = b && c == d) which (because of precedence of =) compiled (after JS warning) as if (a == (b && c == d)) If I hadn't had JS warnings on I would have been really confused.
So what should have happened?
I'm not sure. I just wanted to point out that "correcting" = to == isn't simple.
Well, the js compiler already gave a js strict warning. Was the warning not clear enough?
No, because its assumed == still has the precedence of = which causes problems in complex conditional statements. If you are going to assume == I would appreciate it to have the precedence of ==.
Oh! I see what you mean now. I kept misreading this: if (a == (b && c == d)) as this: if (a = (b && c == d)) and was wondering what was wrong. Now, I've run a little test in xpcshell, and this is what I get: js> var a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 2; js> if (a = b && c == d) print("yes"); else print("no"); typein:2: strict warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?: typein:2: strict warning: if (a = b && c == d) print("yes"); else print("no"); typein:2: strict warning: ...................^ yes js> a true As you can see ("yes" was printed, and |a| now is |true|, not |0|), this code was executed like this: if (a = (b && c == d)) print("yes"); else print("no"); I would be surprised if the js compiler tried "correcting" your code to use |==| instead of |=|, but it's not impossible. Can you attach a simple test case that shows this bug, so we can fix it, or explain why it's doing what it's doing?
The JS console appears to try to correct = to ==. Try this: var a = false, b = true, c = false, d = true; if (a = b && c == d) alert('true'); else alert('false'); JS console alerts true, showing it has compared a to the result of b && c == d. Both if (a == b && c == d) alert('true'); else alert('false'); and if ((a = b) && c == d) alert('true'); else alert('false'); alert false.
SUMMARY: The bug claims that expressions like (a = b && c == d) are being coerced to (a == (b && c == d)) This seems to have been true in JS versions 1.1, 1.2. The testcase shows, however, that this does NOT happen in JS versions 1.3 and greater. When you run the testcase, notice the warnings in the JS Console for versions 1.1 and 1.2: Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? Assuming equality test The warnings from JS1.3 and greater, however, say only this: Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? The tetcase results also show that the expression was not coerced. Therefore marking this bug Invalid. As far as I can see, this is another one of those quirks of JS1.2 and earlier -
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Marking Verified - thank you for this report; it's a tricky one. If for some reason your results on this testcase differ from mine, please reopen this bug. I was using a Mozilla trunk binary 2001101603.
Strange. Using my current profile all the expressions evaluate to true. But when I created a new profile the problem went away. Any ideas?
Yes, I cannot understand that. When I try the testcase with a Mozilla trunk build 2001101603, the output is: [JS1.1, JS1.2] true true [JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5, JS] false true What build of Mozilla or N6 are you using?
Mozilla Build ID: 2001101103
Perhaps a new bug should be filed against Profile Manager BackEnd - ? Or should we say, "All's well that ends well" ? I've never heard of a different Profile affecting the outcome of a pure JS function...
Reopening because shaver tells me this is because I have strict mode on.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Whiteboard: JS Strict Mode
You are right! If (mozilla binary path)/bin/defaults/pref/all.js has pref("javascript.options.strict", false); then the above testcase gives the results I have reported: [JS1.1, JS1.2] true true [JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5, JS] false true But if I change to pref("javascript.options.strict", true); the results are: [JS1.1, JS1.2JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5, JS] true true Thus in JS strict mode, the reporter is correct: all versions of JS compile if (a = b && c == d) as if (a == (b && c == d)) The warnings in the JS Console for ALL versions now say: Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? Assuming equality test In non-strict mode, as I have reported above, this only happens in JS1.2 or less.
Summary: if (a = b && c == d) compiles as if (a == (b && c == d)) → In JS strict mode, |if (a = b && c == d)| compiles as |if (a == (b && c == d))|
Reassigning to Kenton; cc'ing Brendan in case this is of interest -
Assignee: rogerl → khanson
Yes, strict trumps version here. Maybe we should make this a quirk-only (version check for 1.2 or lower) "feature" and wash our hands of it. I kept it as a strict warning too, and didn't think about the problem further. But Neil rightly points out that we want to reparse the expression as if the = were == and then check that the root of the parse tree is still that same == (original =) op. Or some such tedious waste of code footprint. I'm for removing this as a strict warning. Who's with me? /be
I agree. Rewriting code is not a good idea. If the warning goes unnoticed and the logic gets changed we are not helping the user. =Kenton=
You know I want to rip this out -- I've been telling you so since 1997. =)
Comment on attachment 55845 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix, please r= and sr= and I'll check in. sr=shaver. BEGONE!
Attachment #55845 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 55845 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix, please r= and sr= and I'll check in. r=jband Looks right to me. I trust you like tested it and stuff.
Attachment #55845 - Flags: review+
Tested already, fix is in now. /be
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Using Mozilla trunk binary 20011105xx on WinNT. The fix has done this: when I load the HTML testcase, the results are the same whether I am in strict mode or non-strict mode: ------------------ OUTPUT FROM TESTCASE ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2] true true [JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5, JS] false true ------------------ JS CONSOLE MESSAGES ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2] Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? Assuming equality test [JS 1.3 and greater] [NO WARNING; NOTHING] Are we sure this is a good idea? Don't we still want to provide the WARNING, without affecting the output? This is what non-strict mode did in JS1.3+ before this fix went in (see Additional Comment #8 above).
Urk, you're right -- thanks, Phil. Simpler patch coming up. /be
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attachment #55845 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Would like to repair this for 0.9.6 -- status quo ante and all that. /be
Keywords: js1.5, mozilla0.9.6
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Attached patch diff -wu of better fix (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I think the warning sucks, since you can't avoid it with the usual extra-parens trick. But if you insist, I'll grant an r.
shaver: sure you can -- extra parens ensure that pn->pn_type != TOK_ASSIGN (it'll equal TOK_RP, for a parenthesized expression, aka JSOP_GROUP). That suppresses the warning. /be
Comment on attachment 57046 [details] [diff] [review] better fix, diff -wu coming up for reviewers sr=jband
Attachment #57046 - Flags: superreview+
Give the warning only if the condition's root expression is a plain assignment (=), and its right operand has greater precedence than ==. Note that operator token types are now ordered from least precedence to greatest. /be
Attachment #57046 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #57047 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 57196 [details] [diff] [review] best fix, diff -wu format I dig it. Thanks for the clue. r=shaver
Attachment #57196 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 57196 [details] [diff] [review] best fix, diff -wu format sr=jband
Attachment #57196 - Flags: superreview+
Hoping asa will a= for 0.9.6. /be
Keywords: regression
a=blizzard on behalf of drivers for 0.9.6
Has this been checked into the 0.9.6 branch yet?
Sorry, I was out of town Monday and Tuesday. I'll do it now. /be
checked into the branch -- waiting for trunk to open. /be
Fix is in trunk now. /be
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Using Mozilla trunk binaries 20011120xx on WinNT, Linux, Mac 9.1 Using 0.9.6 branch binary 20011120xx on WinNT. When I load the HTML testcase, the results are the same whether I am in strict mode or non-strict mode, for ALL versions of JS: ------------------ OUTPUT FROM TESTCASE ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2, JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5] false true ------------------ JS CONSOLE MESSAGES ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2, JS1.3, JS1.4, JS1.5] [NO WARNING; NOTHING]
This shows no coercion took place on |if (a = b && c == d)| in any version of JS, and no warning was given. To test what happens on the simpler assignment |if (a = b)|, I will attach an HTML testcase below -
The results of the simple assignment test are as follows: ------------------ OUTPUT FROM TESTCASE ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2] false [JS 1.3 and greater] true ------------------ JS CONSOLE MESSAGES ------------------- [JS1.1, JS1.2] Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? Assuming equality test [JS 1.3 and greater] Warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?
Marking Verified. These test results are just what one would expect from Brendan's patch in Comment #32.
Flags: testcase?
/cvsroot/mozilla/js/tests/js1_5/Regress/regress-106244.js,v <-- regress-106244.js initial revision: 1.1 this regressed at least in Mozilla 1.4/winxp.
Flags: testcase? → testcase+
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee: khanson → general
QA Contact: pschwartau → general
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → ---
Flags: blocking1.9?
Igor ripped out all the pre-ECMA code, so this is FIXED. /be
Closed: 23 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: blocking1.9?
there is still no warning.
(In reply to comment #48) > there is still no warning. The summary and comment 0 do not complain about lack of warning, so that's not this bug. Since Igor in fact ripped out the warning along with the pre-ECMA "error correction" code, you shouldn't see a warning. Can we declare victory, or do you want a GCC-ish strict warning for an assignment in a condition? If so, new bug depending on the pre-ECMA version cleanup bug. /be
(In reply to comment #49) that's fine. i'll add the test to spidermonkey-n.tests. i just want it out of my logs. ;-)
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