Bug 1070506
Opened 10 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Guide Recruitment & Life Cycle
(Community Building :: General, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: emma.irwin, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
Define steps for recruiting guides. Should also include:
1) Attributes
* Self identify as 'helpers'
* Interest in helping others
* Expert in their area (actually 'expert' might not be needed, someone comfortable with the topic area. IF they are part of that community, that comfort includes knowing who they can ping with more specific or expert questions.
* Have availability
* Interested in community building OR helping their functional area grow/build/get better
2) Invitation
* Extended to everyone on mentor group
* Everyone on Guide's spreadsheet of names
* Reps
* Functional Area Leads
Create an invitation letter than can be used by CBT, and functional areas alike to invite guides. Invitation does not = acceptance, because there are factors (like time) that dictate whether someone will be accepted.
3) Pathway
* Guide's should have their own mentor (someone they can ask for assistance if unsure etc).
* Pathway could include becoming a 'Guides Mentor'.
* Pathway could include helping shape he Guides program.
4) Application Process
* First & Last Name
* City, Country
* Languages Spoken
* Areas of Expertise (list to select from)
* Why they are interested in being a Guide
* What availability they have to be a guide. (average per week based on 2-3 month period)
* Mozillians Profile (this is where vouching helps see impact of this person)
5) Application Review
A human needs to be here to receive and review.
Initially, it might be good to setup quick interviews, but V1 may decide how doable that is. We want quality in this process, so believe the investment of time to do quick interviews (to start at least) is important.
* Ask them a bit more about their interest in Guides
* Availability. Generally looking at the commitment to check on their functional area 'once a day'. Does that seem enough?
* Provide feedback mechanism their input is appreciated and valued as we make this program better.
* Offer our own level of mentorship to them - ie: they are not on their own. A way to escalate issues if they have any.
6) Acceptance
Create acceptance letter, with steps:
* Join Guides Group, and add it to their Mozillian Profile 'Guide - Contributor Area'.
* Update their permission/role for Discourse (if that's needed)
* Can we have a badge, or something that can go on a blog, discourse profile or mozilla backpack? (encourage sense of pride in being a guide)
* Ask them to post an introduction on their 'Discouse bucket' so people know who they are, and that they are there to help.
* Ask them to have a human avatar, vrs icon if possible (though not forced), this helps personify the guide , I think that's important.
* Share Mentor Training Date(s?), and ask them to attend. As a criteria? before becoming active.
7) Mentor Training
Provide mentor training in batches - the first before launch.
Have to be very careful not to let guides fall through the cracks if we don't have time to onboard or train. It has to be deliberate to never let someone start guide without 1:1 or training session.
Could have monthly guide meeting where they guides stories - hack on FAQs.
8) Recognition Suggestions
* Badge
* Mozillians Profile (curated Group)
* Blog Post - Mozillians Newsletter Profile
* Swag
9) Leaving Guides
* During onboarding options for leaving should be covered. This is an OK thing, but important to communicate.
* Should be part of guide wiki
* Should be made as easy as possible - vrs having someone avoid stepping down, leaving contributors in the lurch.
* Removal from Guide's Group (Perhaps Guide's Alumni Group can ensure they have lasting recognition.)
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