Closed Bug 108126 Opened 23 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Double-click-and-hold (1.5 clicks) shouldn't open context menu


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mpt, Assigned: hyatt)


Build: 2001103108, Mac OS 9.1 To reproduce: 1. Rapidly mouse down, mouse up, and mouse down anywhere, e.g. in a Web page to begin selection of some text in word-by-word mode. 2. Wait half a second. What happens: * The context menu opens. What should happen: * Nothing.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1
This bug is targeted at a Mac classic platform/OS, which is no longer supported by Please re-target it to another platform/OS if this bug applies there as well or resolve this bug. I will resolve this bug as WONTFIX in four weeks if no action has been taken. To filter this and similar messages out, please filter for "mac_cla_reorg".
Well, the behaviour is still the same as in comment #0 with Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; de-AT; rv:1.8a1) Gecko/20040520, but I don't know what is wrong with that :-\
seems resanable... to say that this exist for 10.x as well... as the behavior doesn't exist in the Finder but in Firefox and Seamonkey's... so moving to os x... but what should the expected behavior be? I've come to expect this. So moving for now... action later?
OS: Mac System 9.x → MacOS X
Expected behavior, as I wrote in comment 0, is to begin selection of text in word- by-word mode. Y'know, just like selecting text works in every other Windows/Mac app.
I think it might be simpler then to just reduce the concept of this bug to click-and hold then... would you agree with that... as that shouldn't be expected behavior... I only ask what the expected behavior is mostly out repetitive conditioning I've come to expect this... so at first I was a little confusead :)
No, click-and-hold should begin selection of text in character-by-character mode. And it already does, so that's not a bug. This bug is not about click-and-hold.
hmmm... sometimes when I click and hold I do get a context menu and not character-by-character mode... not often but I do... thats why I was wonder.
dead bug?
Yeah, dead now that click-and-hold doesn't open context menus.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XUL
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
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