Open Bug 1091913 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

mach mochitest-plain dom/media/test also runs tests in dom/media/tests


(Testing :: Mochitest, defect)

Windows 8.1


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: kinetik, Unassigned)


I've noticed this behaviour since content/media and dom/media were merged into dom/media. The merged directory has both "test" (from content/media) and "tests" (originally in dom/media) subdirectories. It's desirable to run these tests separately based on the code being modified. (Dealing with the fact that "test" vs "tests" is a bit of a confusing mess is a separate issue.) I'd expect a simple: ./mach mochitest-plain dom/media/test or ./mach mochitest-plain dom/media/tests to run the tests *only* in and below that directory, leaving ./mach mochitest-plain dom/media as a way to run all of the tests. This doesn't work as expected, and running ./mach mochitest-plain dom/media/test seems to discover all of the tests in dom/media and run them all, leaving no easy way to run a subset/subdirectory of tests.
Severity: normal → S3
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