Closed Bug 1094574 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Charcoal theme


(DevTools :: General, defect)

36 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: canuckistani, Unassigned)



As suggested in feedback, many 'dark theme apps' choose some neutral dark grey-ish color, we went deep deep black. Maybe we should dial this back a bit.
If we do this we should revisit the dark devtools theme colors at the same time to be consistent
(In reply to Brian Grinstead [:bgrins] from comment #1)
> If we do this we should revisit the dark devtools theme colors at the same
> time to be consistent

A slightly crazier idea would be to provide a set of 3-5 color palettes that style the entire dev edition theme, ranging from the current 'black metal' through charcoal-ish and lighter themes to the current light theme. In my dreams, this would be controlled by a short list of css variables. Might actually be pretty complicated tho.
(In reply to Jeff Griffiths (:canuckistani) from comment #2)
> (In reply to Brian Grinstead [:bgrins] from comment #1)
> > If we do this we should revisit the dark devtools theme colors at the same
> > time to be consistent
> A slightly crazier idea would be to provide a set of 3-5 color palettes that
> style the entire dev edition theme, ranging from the current 'black metal'
> through charcoal-ish and lighter themes to the current light theme. In my
> dreams, this would be controlled by a short list of css variables. Might
> actually be pretty complicated tho.

Of course that would have to also change the devtools toolbox at the same time :).  Would definitely have to wait for bug 947242 to implement said crazy idea.
See Also: → 1094357
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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