Closed Bug 1102198 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Always show unknown plugins


(Plugin Check Graveyard :: UI, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: espressive, Assigned: espressive)


Unknown plugins should always be shown to the user, whether it is the old style plugincheck code or the new. Unknown plugins should be moved to the bottom of all listed plugin statuses and be a bit more subdued.
This has now been done on stage and the results can be seen at
Pull request opened: FYI, this will also bump the version of Fx to 34.
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #0) > Unknown plugins should always be shown to the user, whether it is the old style > plugincheck code or the new. > > Unknown plugins should be moved to the bottom of all listed plugin statuses and > be a bit more subdued. I confirm that I see this on STAGE, using Aurora (AKA "Firefox Developer Edition") 35.0a2 (2014-11-20), providing I set "plugins.enumerable_names" to "*" (i.e. enumerate all plugins). The "Status" column (for "unknown" plugins) is empty but the 'version information' is displayed 'next to the Name': in my case "Google Update (v.". See also bug 1017483. If I set "plugins.enumerable_names" to "" (empty string - i.e. do NOT enumerate ANY plugin) I get 'no result' on STAGE using Aurora. On LIVE, using Aurora, with "plugins.enumerable_names" to "" (i.e. do NOT enumerate ANY plugin) I still see the 'typical result - as seen since May 2014': in my case, 3 plugins from the 'JSON List' are reported (Adobe Reader is the 'wrong result') and NO "unknown" plugins. On LIVE, using Fx 33.1.1 (Release) with "plugins.enumerable_names" to "*" (i.e. enumerate all plugins), I still see the 'typical result that is expected' i.e. the "Unknown Plugins" in a section at the 'top of the report' with the "Status" column reporting "unknown" and "" (in my example of "Google Update") Screenshot from 2014-10-21 to illustrate 'look of plugincheck' on LIVE. Both Flash and Google Update have been updated since that screenshot. Flash was the WRONG result, on 2014-10-21, in bug 1084537. So, I am just reporting what I see. I have never thought of a way of showing the "unknown" plugins without enumerating the plugins. From comment # 2 > FYI, this will also bump the version of Fx to 34. Very good to see this too. DJ-Leith
Commits pushed to master at Fix Bug 1102198, always show unknown plugins. Use subdued style Merge pull request #2524 from ossreleasefeed/bug1102198-always-show-outdated-plugins Fix Bug 1102198, always show unknown plugins. Use subdued style
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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