Closed Bug 1107888 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

e10s support for dynamic actor registration


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Not set



Firefox 37
Tracking Status
e10s + ---


(Reporter: Honza, Assigned: Honza)



(Whiteboard: [firebug-p1][e10s-m8])


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

This is a follow up for bug 977443 ActorRegistryActor actor that is used to register new actors needs to support multiprocess browser. Honza
Assignee: nobody → odvarko
Whiteboard: [firebug-p1]
Attached patch bug1107888-1.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Patch attached. - just one child process supported - we might want to support more child processes in a followup Honza
Attachment #8532698 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex)
Blocks: dte10s
tracking-e10s: --- → +
Comment on attachment 8532698 [details] [diff] [review] bug1107888-1.patch Review of attachment 8532698 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to prevent adding actor-specific code within child.js, see my comment about that. And hopefully you don't need to register the actor in addChildActors! ::: toolkit/devtools/server/actors/actor-registry.js @@ +14,2 @@ > const { XPCOMUtils } = require("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); > XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); I missed that during the previous review but using require() for a JSM, this is weird! You don't need XPCOMUtils, you can do: loader.lazyImporter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); @@ +15,5 @@ > XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); > > +const { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {}); > +const { registerActor, unregisterActor, registerActorInChild, unregisterActorInChild} = > + devtools.require("devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-registry-utils"); You don't need to import `devtools`, you already have access to require in this module. ::: toolkit/devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-registry-utils.js @@ +8,5 @@ > + > +let { Cu, CC, Ci, Cc } = require("chrome"); > + > +const { XPCOMUtils } = require("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); > +XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DebuggerServer", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm"); Same comment here, you don't need XPCOMUtils and also, the best way to retrieve DebuggerServer from actors is: const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main"); ::: toolkit/devtools/server/child.js @@ +61,5 @@ > + unregisterActor(; > + }); > + > + addMessageListener("debug:register-actor-in-child", onRegisterActorInChild); > + addMessageListener("debug:unregister-actor-in-child", onUnregisterActorInChild); I wish there wouldn't be any actor-actor specifics in child.js but only generic things. We talked about having something similar to what rpl did but the otherway around: DebuggerServer.setupInChilds(). Otherwise actors are going to pile up random stuff here :s // Here I just took setupParent from rpl and tuned it a bit let onSetupInChild = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(msg => { let { module, setupChild } = msg.json; let m, fn; try { m = require(module); if (!setupChild in m) { dumpn("ERROR: module '" + module + "' does not export '" + setupChild + "'"); return false; } m[setupChild].apply(m, msg.args); return true; } catch(e) { let error_msg = "exception during actor module setup running in the child process: "; DevToolsUtils.reportException(error_msg + e); dumpn("ERROR: " + error_msg + " \n\t module: '" + module + "' \n\t setupChild: '" + setupChild + "'\n" + DevToolsUtils.safeErrorString(e)); return false; } }); addMessageListener("debug:setup-in-child", onSetupInChild); And in toolkit/devtools/server/main.js, you could add such helper method: const globalmm = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager); DebuggerServer.setupInChild = (args) => { globalmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("debug:setup-in-child", args); }; And from actor-utils, you would call: DebuggerServer.setupInChild({ module: "devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-actor-utils", setupInChild: "registerActor", args: [sourceText, fileName, options] }); You might even be able to get rid of actor-actor-utils by calling setupInChild only if (!DebuggerServer.isInChildProcess) {}. ::: toolkit/devtools/server/main.js @@ +413,5 @@ > + prefix: "actorRegistry", > + constructor: "ActorRegistryActor", > + type: { global: true } > + }); > + } Why are you registering it in child? you shouldn't need it and for security reason you don't want to load it if restrictPrivileges is true! @@ +765,4 @@ > let { NetworkMonitorManager } = require("devtools/toolkit/webconsole/network-monitor"); > netMonitor = new NetworkMonitorManager(aFrame,; > > + events.emit(DebuggerServer, "debug:new-child-process", { mm: mm }); You don't need to prefix with `debug:` for internal events.
Attachment #8532698 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex)
Attached patch bug1107888-2.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
All fixed, thanks for the review! Couple of comments: > You might even be able to get rid of actor-actor-utils by calling > setupInChild only if (!DebuggerServer.isInChildProcess) {}. I simplified the module, but I kept it, so setupInChild can point to a simple module with helper setup method. >> + events.emit(DebuggerServer, "debug:new-child-process", { mm: mm }); > You don't need to prefix with `debug:` for internal events. I was thinking about extensions here so, that event doesn't have to be just internal thing. Honza
Attachment #8532698 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8534949 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex)
Comment on attachment 8534949 [details] [diff] [review] bug1107888-2.patch Review of attachment 8534949 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- (In reply to Jan Honza Odvarko [:Honza] from comment #3) > Created attachment 8534949 [details] [diff] [review] > > >> + events.emit(DebuggerServer, "debug:new-child-process", { mm: mm }); > > You don't need to prefix with `debug:` for internal events. > I was thinking about extensions here so, that event doesn't have to be just > internal thing. But here this event is dispatched on DebuggerServer, it's not a global observer service notification. In order to listen to it, you will have to do: event.on(DebuggerServer, "debug:new-child-process"); `debug:` is redundant. Otherwise it looks good now, here is a try run: ::: toolkit/devtools/server/child.js @@ +14,5 @@ > let Cu = Components.utils; > let { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {}); > const DevToolsUtils = devtools.require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils.js"); > + const { DebuggerServer, ActorPool } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm", {}); > + const { dumpn } = DevToolsUtils; Could you move this line one line up? const DevToolsUtils = devtools.require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils.js"); const { dumpn } = DevToolsUtils;
Attachment #8534949 - Flags: review?(poirot.alex) → review+
Attached patch bug1107888-3.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
New patch attached. > In order to listen to it, you will have to do: event.on(DebuggerServer, > "debug:new-child-process"); `debug:` is redundant. Good point, done. > Could you move this line one line up? Done Honza
Attachment #8534949 - Attachment is obsolete: true
One more question (we might want to have another report for it) If an extension wants to use DebuggerServer.setupInChild/Parent, what module URL should be specified? (internaly devtools.require is used). Shouldn't we allow to pass custom loader into the methods? Honza
hum unfortunately it is going to be hard as you won't be able to pass a load instance cross processes. Also addons should only be using actors setupInParent/Child should be kept as an internal API. Addon modules won't even be available on remote targets... (like phones)
(In reply to Alexandre Poirot [:ochameau] from comment #4) > Otherwise it looks good now, here is a try run: > I am seeing one failure related to Gaia integration, is that a random thing? (In reply to Alexandre Poirot [:ochameau] from comment #7) > addons should only be using actors setupInParent/Child should be kept > as an internal API. True Honza
Flags: needinfo?(poirot.alex)
(In reply to Jan Honza Odvarko [:Honza] from comment #8) > (In reply to Alexandre Poirot [:ochameau] from comment #4) > > Otherwise it looks good now, here is a try run: > > > I am seeing one failure related to Gaia integration, is that a random thing? Yes, you should be able to checkin your patch.
Flags: needinfo?(poirot.alex)
Patch rebase Honza
Attachment #8534989 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: in-testsuite+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [firebug-p1] → [firebug-p1][fixed-in-fx-team]
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [firebug-p1][fixed-in-fx-team] → [firebug-p1]
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 37
Whiteboard: [firebug-p1] → [firebug-p1][e10s-m8]
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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