Bug 1110806
Opened 10 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Selecting text with mouse in DevTools -> Network -> Params -> Request payload does not copy the text (Linux)
(DevTools :: Netmonitor, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: casey.bessette, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0 Iceweasel/34.0
Build ID: 20141203180037
Steps to reproduce:
1. View an AJAX request in the Network panel.
2. View the Params.
3. Make sure Request payload has some data (e.g., a JSON payload).
4. Select some of the text in the Request payload area to copy it (Linux).
Actual results:
After middle-clicking elsewhere to paste what was selected (this is standard X Windows behavior, e.g., in an xterm or elsewhere in Firefox), the previously mouse-selected text does not paste.
Expected results:
Selecting text with the mouse should copy it to the clipboard so it can be pasted later.
Updated•10 years ago
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Netmonitor
I can confirm this, together with some other code showing places in devtools. Also, middle mouse pasting doesn't seem to work either.
Firefox 35 on Arch Linux.
Comment 2•9 years ago
I can confirm that selecting then middle click elsewhere, like a text editor, to paste does not work. Right click also does nothing. Other places it would open dialog including option to copy. However, ctrl+c works to get stuff into clipboard.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Comment 3•6 years ago
This does not work on Windows either.
If I left click a parameter value, then right click (just right click does nothing), and in the menu select Copy, nothing is copied.
FF 65.0.1 64 bit
Comment 4•5 years ago
I can't select (and by extension cannot copy) text in any of the panels in the Network pane in dev tools on my Mac. I can highlight text, but the instant I release the mouse button, the selection is cleared.
This is a great big bummer when trying to share information with another dev for debugging purposes. :(
Updated•5 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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