Closed Bug 1119197 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Offline messages for Facebook Chat don't work


(Thunderbird :: Instant Messaging, defect)

31 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: soy_leyenda2012, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0 Build ID: 20141126041045 Steps to reproduce: Hello: I found a problem with Thunderbird Chat, using a Facebook account. What happens is that I do not receive any new private message from my contacts from Facebook when I run Thunderbird. When my Facebook contacts send me private messages while Thunderbird is closed, later, when I run the client does not receive them right there in the integrated chat. This means that Thunderbird should be permanently connected and running to receive private messages from Facebook on my Thunderbird client integrated chat. This is not very convenient for those who have the PC for a long time off, suspended or hibernated. Steps to reproduce the problem: 1) Open the Thunderbird client, access to Instant Messaging chat and associate a Facebook account with some contacts; 2) Start a conversation with any contact as you normally would; 3) Close Thunderbird completely and wait for some time. Your contact that was talking with you will leave messages normally, but you will not notice because you has closed Thunderbird. 4) Later, run Thunderbird again and access the integrated chat with your Facebook account. 5) Open the conversation with the contact you chatted lately. 6) You will notice that there are your own first messages, and all that responded immediately your Facebook contact while you was online. But you can not see what your Facebook friend has written to you, while Thunderbird was closed and you offline. There is no new messages. 7) Now, go to Facebook website, log in with your account, and you can see that the site tells you that you have received new messages while Thunderbird was closed. Facebook will display them normally. But Thunderbird does not. Actual results: I do not receive any new private message from facebook to my Instant Messaging Chat when I run Thunderbird after be closed or offline Expected results: Thunderbird Chat should retrieve last private messages received from facebook when I run Thunderbird Client, even that messages received while Thunderbird was closed or offline
Unfortunately this is not supported by the Facebook Chat XMPP interface. There's not really any thing for us to do here. At least not while we're using the XMPP interface.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Summary: Thunderbird chat does not receive last private messages from Facebook after be offline or closed → Offline messages for Facebook Chat don't work
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