Closed Bug 112283 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Change the version number to 6.2.1 in readme.txt and install.txt


(CCK Graveyard :: CCK-General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jeesun, Assigned: kristif)



(6 files)

Change the version number to 6.2.1 in readme.txt Build: 11/27 1. Run n6ccksetup.exe 2. In Setup type dialog, click "Read Me" button. 3. The readme file still says "Netscape 6.2 Client Customization Kit Read Me". The version number should be changed to 6.2.1
After building a custom client the install.txt file needs to be updated as well. Kristi, let me know if we should track this issue on another bug. Rob suggested I document the intstall.txt bug on this bug. Location of default install.txt located in C:\Program Files\Netscape\CCK\CCKTool\Configs\Default\Workspace\Autorun
Yes, in case there is any confusion, the readme text should list 6.2.1
Attached file CCK 6.2.1 Read Me
Comment on attachment 59544 [details] CCK 6.2.1 Read Me > > *The volume on which you install the CCK tool must have at least 108 MB of hard > disk space in addition to the space described above, for these purposes: > -Linux Netscape 6.2 tar file: Should this be "6.2.1" instead? > 27 MB. Note that this can be located on a different > volume. >
Attached file 6.2.1 install.txt file
Attaching revised 6.2.1 install.txt file
Attached file Readme.txt-FINAL
Corrects the remaining "6.2" instance found by Tao
Comment on attachment 59552 [details] Readme.txt-FINAL r=tao
reassigning to shruti for checkin to SeamonkeyCCK_6_2_1_BRANCH. Two files... Readme.txt install.txt need to be checked in. Reassigning QA to jeesun for verification.
Assignee: kristif → shrutiv
QA Contact: blee → jeesun
Hi Kristi, The readme.txt and install.txt are not formatted very well. I assume this has been inherited from cck6.2. For now, do you want me to check in the files as they are?
QA Contact: jeesun → blee
Summary: Change the version number to 6.2.1 in readme.txt → Change the version number to 6.2.1 in readme.txt and install.txt
Checked in readme.txt and install.txt. Marking fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi, Shruti: I did see one mis-aligned bullet, however other than that the formatting looked OK on my system. I'm wondering if changes occur when these files are attached to the bug. Will look at files in next CCK build to see how they turn out so I can track down what might have changed the formatting.
Using 1128 build, 1. Run n6ccksetup.exe 2. In Setup type dialog, click "Read Me" button. Result: The format of the readme.txt looks weird. It looks like a unix format.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Could you see if this is a regression? thx!
Yep this is a regression only with the Readme.txt file. Install.txt seems to be formatted correctly. The Readme.txt file should be updated as well for the two default Configs after installation.....the 'MyIsp' and the 'Default' case, Readme is formatted correctly, but contains 6.2 readme.
location of the two old readme files I described are C:\Program Files\Netscape\CCK\CCKTool\Configs\Default\Workspace\readme.txt C:\Program Files\Netscape\CCK\CCKTool\Configs\MyIsp\Workspace\readme.txt This should be updated since these directories contain the correct updated license files.
Just for clarification... Readme.txt files are in four different places. And there are 2 different kinds. CCK 6.2.1 readme: 1.readme.txt in ccktool - this has a wrong format. Others are Netscape 6.2 readme: 2. readme.txt in ccktool\configs\default\workspace 3. readme.txt in ccktool\configs\myisp\workspace 4. reeadme.txt in ccktool\wstemplate
Yes, there are 2 readme files, one for CCK and one for the browser bits. The readme.txt in ccktool\configs\default\workspace is the browser readme. So, if it does'nt state the right version, then either they hav'nt changed the browser readme or CCK build has'nt picked up the right browser readme.txt file.
Could we check the build ID (in the user agent string) of the customized N6.2.1? Also, looking at the desktop icon can tell whether it is the newest N6.2.1 .
Could the readme file problem be related to Bugscape 11189, where the Linux bits also have README as "Netscape 6.2 Read Me" ??
I verified the readme.txt in browser build 2001-11-28-15-6.2.1. It states "Netscape 6.2". So, they hav'nt changed the browser readme.txt. Hence, we have "Netscape 6.2" in CCK also.
I installed a customized netscape using 11/28 build. Looks like it's the newest 6.2.1 Desktop icon : Netscape 6.2 Build ID : 20011128 User Agent: Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1
<<Responses to Jeesun's comments--kf>> CCK 6.2.1 readme: 1.readme.txt in ccktool - this has a wrong format. <<Will re-format. I'm perplexed as to where the format problem crops up. I used BBEdit on Mac to make the changes, and the file displayed OK on my Mac and Win 98 machine.>> Others are Netscape 6.2 readme: 2. readme.txt in ccktool\configs\default\workspace 3. readme.txt in ccktool\configs\myisp\workspace 4. reeadme.txt in ccktool\wstemplate <<It is indeed intentional that the browser Read Me file remains "6.2">> <<Jeesun, the 6.2.1 install.txt file looks OK to me. Does it appear OK to you as well? Thanks -- Kristi>>
Assignee: shrutiv → kristif
Jeesun and Shruti, would you please look at the attached to see if the formatting looks OK. Based on Jeesun's observation that the Read Me file looks like UNIX format, I'm wondering: should UNIX line endings be turned on or off in my text editor (used to be that these were supposed to be ON to make CVS happy, but now I'm wondering...)
Kristi, the new attached readme seems to have its title in a wrong place. Can you see this problem? There are four (the same) install.txt files in cck. They all look fine and I verified that they have 6.2.1 version number.
Kristi, Maybe you have some auto-wrap feature turned on in your BBEdit. Try viewing your file in a browser window. I'll attach what I see in the first screen which shows some of the long lines (missing newlines).
Bob -- Thanks for the tip about checking it out in a browser. That did indeed reveal problems that didn't appear when I sent this to myself in an attached mail file Jeesun -- Please check to see if this file appears OK to you.
Looks good to me!
Can we get this fixed readme checked in today? Shruti, Tao, Bob, is this cause for a respin?
I just checked in the formatted readme file. Marking fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Changing QA contact to jeesun as she's the one who followed this closely.
QA Contact: blee → jeesun
Verified with 1129 build. ftp://sweetlou/products/client/cck/new/win/5.0/domestic/release/Installer/ns/200 1-11-29-17-6.2.1/sea/ Readme for cck 6.2.1 looks ok now.
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