Closed Bug 1126561 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

crash in __aeabi_fcmpgt


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Audio/Video, defect)

Not set


(firefox35 unaffected, firefox36+ wontfix, firefox37+ wontfix, firefox38+ wontfix, fennec37+)

Tracking Status
firefox35 --- unaffected
firefox36 + wontfix
firefox37 + wontfix
firefox38 + wontfix
fennec 37+ ---


(Reporter: kbrosnan, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, topcrash)

Crash Data

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: topcrash, new to 36 beta This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is report bp-5e1dd89b-f96e-4608-a5a6-0e0c72150121. ============================================================= ni - look at URLs and devices.
Flags: needinfo?(kbrosnan)
Assignee: nobody → ajones
tracking-fennec: ? → 36+
Keywords: topcrash
Heavy volume on the S4 (GT-I9505), I'll try more video on it
Mark, do you know someone who could help on this? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(mark.finkle)
Top devices Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model samsung SM-G350E Galaxy Star 2 Plus samsung GT-I9300 Galaxy S3 samsung SM-N9005 Note 3 samsung GT-I9505 Galaxy S4 HUAWEI HUAWEI G610-U20 samsung SM-G7102 samsung SM-T531 Lenovo Lenovo A5500-H samsung GT-I8190 samsung GT-N7100 LGE Nexus 5 asus Nexus 7 samsung GT-I8262 samsung GT-I9100 samsung GT-N8000 Xiaomi HM NOTE 1W samsung GT-S7262 samsung SM-G530H LGE LG-D802 softwinner Infinity-10.1-v2 samsung GT-S7582 samsung SPH-L710 motorola XT1080 LGE LG-D280 Sony C6603 URLs are mostly video, a lot of adult content. Unable to reproduce any crashes on a Nexus 10 using the clean URLs.
Flags: needinfo?(kbrosnan)
Redirecting to snorp. Seems like stagefright issues or MPEG4 issues.
Flags: needinfo?(mark.finkle) → needinfo?(snorp)
Spent some time looking at the S3 as well. No reproducible crashes.
Looks like we are going to ship with this bug. I hope this won't bit us when we move to release...
tracking-fennec: 36+ → 37+
Anthony - You're assigned to this crash that still has reports coming in for 37 Beta. Can you investigate or help find someone else to investigate this crash?
Flags: needinfo?(ajones)
No crashes since March 5 that I can see. I wonder if this was fixed by bug 1137251.
Flags: needinfo?(snorp)
This still happens in 36.0.1 if 1137251 fixed it then it should be gone, or significantly lower.
(In reply to Lawrence Mandel [:lmandel] (use needinfo) from comment #8) > Anthony - You're assigned to this crash that still has reports coming in for > 37 Beta. Can you investigate or help find someone else to investigate this > crash? I'm not looking at it. It looks like an Android issue.
Assignee: ajones → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(ajones)
This signature is just total nonsense, as it turns out. The crash stacks are all over the place. We need to just add it to the skip list. I filed a couple media-related bugs[0][1] that seem to be causing the majority of these for Android, but we should just close this one. I filed bug 1142767 to add this to the skip list. Once completed, we'll have more actionable crash data. [0] 1142746 [1] 1142759
OK. Let's resolve this as wontfix then. I tracked the two bugs that snorp filed (comment 12).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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