Closed Bug 1129260 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Convert Mozmill testCheckItemHighlight to Firefox UI Test


(Testing :: Firefox UI Tests, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kjozwiak, Unassigned)



Replacement for the following: Installed and ran mozmill locally, the test does the following: * clears all the history so we don't get any interference when using the awesome bar suggests * make sure that suggests are using both History and Bookmarks * opens mozilla_grants.html (waits till loading is completed) * opens about:blank (waits till loading is completed) * focus and clear the contents of the awesomebar * type the string that's associated with mozilla_grants.html (in this case, "grant") * check to make sure that the entire string has been added into the awesomebar * check to make sure that the autocomplete is opened * make sure that there's only a single entry that's been populated * ensure that the string that was inserted above is matches the string that's appearing under the awesomebar suggestion
Assignee: nobody → kjozwiak
OS: Mac OS X → All
QA Contact: kjozwiak
Hardware: x86 → All
Version: Version 3 → unspecified
I will add the places library as dependency here. Given that I have that one ready and it will land in a bit via bug 1121731, it would be good when you can your test updated to make use of the places methods similar to the mozmill test.
Depends on: 1121731
Hi Kamil, I would like to ask if you were able to continue on this test. Please let me know if you are struggling with something.
Flags: needinfo?(kjozwiak)
Priority: -- → P1
Priority: P1 → P2
Haven't had a change to start this yet due to finishing up a security issue that took me most of last week to finish up. I'll start tackling this sometime this week and let you know if I run into any problems. Thanks for checking in :)
Flags: needinfo?(kjozwiak)
Product: Mozilla QA → Testing
Assignee: kamiljoz → nobody
QA Contact: hskupin
I don't think it's worth the effort here. There should be a basic mochitest for those steps around.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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