Closed Bug 1138408 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Feature Request: allow user to change the background color in Popcorn Maker


(Webmaker Graveyard :: Popcorn Maker, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sashotoseeam, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0 Build ID: 20150222232811 Actual results: Popcorn maker should allow users to change the background color from white to something else. Expected results: Though we can change the whole background with video/picture, why don't popcorn maker allows us to change the background color. There should be a option like the text color changer so we can change the background color.
Hey Sashoto, There is! We currently keep it inside the project editor which itself is only accessible once the project has been saved. Totally open to suggestions for relocating where it is kept.
(In reply to Matthew Schranz [:mjschranz] from comment #1) > Hey Sashoto, > > There is! We currently keep it inside the project editor which itself is > only accessible once the project has been saved. > > Totally open to suggestions for relocating where it is kept. Hi Matthew, I'm sorry that I can't understand your word properly. Is this feature already available in popcorn maker? How can I get it?
It is indeed available. After signing in with your Webmaker account you can then save the project by pressing the save button on the left side of the header. That save button will open a dialog to enter some additional fields and require a final save inside of it to confirm. Once that is finished the project editor will be accessible from the right side of the app where our Add Events and Add Media editors are. It will have an editable field inside of it just like the colour editors in our other plugin editors.
OH! Thank you.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
No worries! Always let us know if have any other suggestions.
But is it possible to have multiple color? You can a see demo which is created by me but I have to do create it with custom images:
That is currently not possible but would definitely prove to be an interesting problem to solve. It's hard to say time would be invested though since I can't imagine it having a large use case.
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