Closed Bug 1141371 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Intermittent test_odd_result_order.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::Dispatch(unsigned __int64,nsACString_internal const &,nsIRunnable *,bool,mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::FinishCallback *)]


(Core :: Storage: IndexedDB, defect)

39 Branch
Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: KWierso, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

17:41:12 INFO - 1966 INFO TEST-START | dom/indexedDB/test/test_odd_result_order.html 17:41:12 INFO - ++DOMWINDOW == 65 (0ED9B400) [pid = 2456] [serial = 3669] [outer = 193D0000] 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: Performance Entry buffer size maximum reached!: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\base\nsPerformance.cpp, line 562 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\workers\ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2325 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\netwerk\protocol\http\HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 1952 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\workers\ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2325 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\netwerk\protocol\http\HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 1952 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\workers\ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2325 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\netwerk\protocol\http\HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 1952 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\workers\ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2325 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\netwerk\protocol\http\HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 1952 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\workers\ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2325 17:41:12 INFO - [Parent 2456] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x80004005: file c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\netwerk\protocol\http\HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 1952 17:41:13 INFO - Assertion failure: queue (Passed an invalid transaction id!), at c:\builds\moz2_slave\b2g-in-w32-d-00000000000000000\build\src\dom\indexedDB\TransactionThreadPool.cpp:685 17:41:25 INFO - #01: mozilla::dom::indexedDB::`anonymous namespace'::TransactionBase::CommitOrAbort() [dom/indexeddb/ActorsParent.cpp:6818] 17:41:25 INFO - #02: mozilla::ipc::PBackgroundParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) [obj-firefox/ipc/ipdl/PBackgroundParent.cpp:827] 17:41:25 INFO - #03: mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchAsyncMessage(IPC::Message const &) [ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1213] 17:41:25 INFO - #04: mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchMessageW(IPC::Message const &) [ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1139] 17:41:25 INFO - #05: mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::OnMaybeDequeueOne() [ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1123] 17:41:25 INFO - #06: MessageLoop::RunTask(Task *) [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #07: MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask(MessageLoop::PendingTask const &) [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #08: MessageLoop::DoWork() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #09: mozilla::ipc::DoWorkRunnable::Run() [ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:234] 17:41:25 INFO - #10: nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool,bool *) [xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:855] 17:41:25 INFO - #11: NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread *,bool) [xpcom/glue/nsThreadUtils.cpp:265] 17:41:25 INFO - #12: mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForNonMainThreads::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *) [ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:368] 17:41:25 INFO - #13: MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #14: MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #15: MessageLoop::Run() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 17:41:25 INFO - #16: nsThread::ThreadFunc(void *) [xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:358] 17:41:26 INFO - #17: _PR_NativeRunThread [nsprpub/pr/src/threads/combined/pruthr.c:397] 17:41:26 INFO - #18: pr_root [nsprpub/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c:90] 17:41:26 INFO - #19: MSVCR120 + 0x2c01d 17:41:26 INFO - #20: MSVCR120 + 0x2c001 17:41:26 INFO - #21: kernel32 + 0x4ed6c 17:41:26 INFO - #22: ntdll + 0x6377b 17:41:26 INFO - #23: ntdll + 0x6374e 17:41:26 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit status 1 17:41:26 INFO - 1967 INFO Running 'test_odd_result_order.js' 17:41:26 INFO - 1968 INFO Pushing preferences 17:41:26 INFO - 1969 INFO Pushing permissions 17:41:26 INFO - 1970 INFO Clearing old databases 17:41:26 INFO - 1971 INFO Running test in a worker 17:41:26 INFO - 1972 INFO Worker: loading ["http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/indexedDB/test/unit/test_odd_result_order.js"] 17:41:26 INFO - 1973 INFO Worker: starting tests 17:41:26 INFO - 1974 INFO TEST-PASS | dom/indexedDB/test/test_odd_result_order.html | Got a real database 17:41:26 INFO - 1975 INFO TEST-PASS | dom/indexedDB/test/test_odd_result_order.html | Got the right key 17:41:26 INFO - 1976 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/indexedDB/test/test_odd_result_order.html | application terminated with exit code 1 17:41:26 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:23:17.375000 17:41:26 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: c:\users\cltbld\appdata\local\temp\tmpawaq0ppidlog 17:41:26 INFO - ==> process 2456 launched child process 3172 ("C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\plugin-container.exe" --channel=2456.1924b180.1776313531 "c:\users\cltbld\appdata\local\temp\tmpcb27dd.mozrunner\plugins\nptest.dll" -greomni "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\omni.ja" -appomni "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\browser\omni.ja" -appdir "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\browser" - 2456 "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.2456" plugin) 17:41:26 INFO - ==> process 2456 launched child process 2444 ("C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\plugin-container.exe" --channel=2456.1d823480.673630621 "c:\users\cltbld\appdata\local\temp\tmpcb27dd.mozrunner\plugins\nptest.dll" -greomni "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\omni.ja" -appomni "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\browser\omni.ja" -appdir "C:\slave\test\build\application\firefox\browser" - 2456 "\\.\pipe\gecko-crash-server-pipe.2456" plugin) 17:41:36 INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as C:\slave\test\build\blobber_upload_dir\c9bb82f5-1f92-4894-99d6-bb061cd0152d.dmp 17:41:36 INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as C:\slave\test\build\blobber_upload_dir\c9bb82f5-1f92-4894-99d6-bb061cd0152d.extra 17:41:36 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | dom/indexedDB/test/test_odd_result_order.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::Dispatch(unsigned __int64,nsACString_internal const &,nsIRunnable *,bool,mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::FinishCallback *)] 17:41:36 INFO - Crash dump filename: c:\users\cltbld\appdata\local\temp\tmpcb27dd.mozrunner\minidumps\c9bb82f5-1f92-4894-99d6-bb061cd0152d.dmp 17:41:36 INFO - Operating system: Windows NT 17:41:36 INFO - 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 17:41:36 INFO - CPU: x86 17:41:36 INFO - GenuineIntel family 6 model 30 stepping 5 17:41:36 INFO - 8 CPUs 17:41:36 INFO - Crash reason: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT 17:41:36 INFO - Crash address: 0x651d1d7d 17:41:36 INFO - Thread 25 (crashed) 17:41:36 INFO - 0 xul.dll!mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::Dispatch(unsigned __int64,nsACString_internal const &,nsIRunnable *,bool,mozilla::dom::indexedDB::TransactionThreadPool::FinishCallback *) [TransactionThreadPool.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 682 + 0x2b] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x651d1d7d esp = 0x0f0ff738 ebp = 0x0f0ff73c ebx = 0x0e5f79b0 17:41:36 INFO - esi = 0x000002ad edi = 0x0e5f7970 eax = 0x00000000 ecx = 0x63180ad9 17:41:36 INFO - edx = 0x002f8c81 efl = 0x00000212 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 17:41:36 INFO - 1 xul.dll!mozilla::dom::indexedDB::`anonymous namespace'::TransactionBase::CommitOrAbort() [ActorsParent.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 6817 + 0x21] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6518610b esp = 0x0f0ff744 ebp = 0x0f0ff854 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 2 xul.dll!mozilla::dom::indexedDB::`anonymous namespace'::TransactionBase::RecvCommit() [ActorsParent.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 6767 + 0xa] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6519d67d esp = 0x0f0ff76c ebp = 0x0f0ff854 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 3 xul.dll!mozilla::dom::indexedDB::PBackgroundIDBTransactionParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) [PBackgroundIDBTransactionParent.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 311 + 0x6] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x64139698 esp = 0x0f0ff778 ebp = 0x0f0ff854 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 4 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::PBackgroundParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) [PBackgroundParent.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 827 + 0x5] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6413a57d esp = 0x0f0ff85c ebp = 0x0f0ff9f0 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 5 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchAsyncMessage(IPC::Message const &) [MessageChannel.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 1211 + 0xa] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63fb24b8 esp = 0x0f0ff9f8 ebp = 0x0f0ffa08 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 6 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchMessageW(IPC::Message const &) [MessageChannel.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 1138 + 0x5] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63fb288f esp = 0x0f0ffa10 ebp = 0x0f0ffa64 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 7 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::OnMaybeDequeueOne() [MessageChannel.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 1122 + 0xa] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63fb4aa2 esp = 0x0f0ffa6c ebp = 0x0f0ffaa4 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 8 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunTask(Task *) [ : 361 + 0xd] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f8a46d esp = 0x0f0ffaac ebp = 0x0f0ffac4 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 9 xul.dll!MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask(MessageLoop::PendingTask const &) [ : 369 + 0x6] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f8625b esp = 0x0f0ffacc ebp = 0x0f0ffad0 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 10 xul.dll!MessageLoop::DoWork() [ : 447 + 0x4] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f86a76 esp = 0x0f0ffad8 ebp = 0x0f0ffb00 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 11 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::DoWorkRunnable::Run() [MessagePump.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 233 + 0x6] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63fb746e esp = 0x0f0ffb08 ebp = 0x0f0ffb10 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 12 xul.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool,bool *) [nsThread.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 855 + 0xd] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63d409df esp = 0x0f0ffb18 ebp = 0x0f0ffbec 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 13 xul.dll!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread *,bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 265 + 0xc] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63d69d15 esp = 0x0f0ffbf4 ebp = 0x0f0ffc00 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 14 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForNonMainThreads::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *) [MessagePump.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 368 + 0x9] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63fb798b esp = 0x0f0ffc08 ebp = 0x0f0ffc2c 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 15 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ : 233 + 0xe] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f8a429 esp = 0x0f0ffc34 ebp = 0x0f0ffc4c 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 16 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ : 226 + 0x4] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f8a3e1 esp = 0x0f0ffc54 ebp = 0x0f0ffc80 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 17 xul.dll!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 200 + 0x6] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63f8a15a esp = 0x0f0ffc88 ebp = 0x0f0ffca0 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 18 xul.dll!nsThread::ThreadFunc(void *) [nsThread.cpp:e54521cd1c32 : 356 + 0xb] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x63d44572 esp = 0x0f0ffca8 ebp = 0x0f0ffcc0 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 19 nss3.dll!_PR_NativeRunThread [pruthr.c:e54521cd1c32 : 397 + 0x7] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6309ce58 esp = 0x0f0ffcc8 ebp = 0x0f0ffcdc 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 20 nss3.dll!pr_root [w95thred.c:e54521cd1c32 : 90 + 0xb] 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6308daff esp = 0x0f0ffce4 ebp = 0x0f0ffce8 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 21 msvcr120.dll + 0x2c01c 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6318c01d esp = 0x0f0ffcf0 ebp = 0x0f0ffd20 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: call frame info 17:41:36 INFO - 22 msvcr120.dll + 0x2c000 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x6318c001 esp = 0x0f0ffd28 ebp = 0x0f0ffd2c 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer 17:41:36 INFO - 23 kernel32.dll + 0x4ed6b 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x76aded6c esp = 0x0f0ffd34 ebp = 0x0f0ffd38 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer 17:41:36 INFO - 24 ntdll.dll + 0x6377a 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x7700377b esp = 0x0f0ffd40 ebp = 0x0f0ffd78 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer 17:41:36 INFO - 25 ntdll.dll + 0x6374d 17:41:36 INFO - eip = 0x7700374e esp = 0x0f0ffd80 ebp = 0x0f0ffd90 17:41:36 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer 17:41:36 INFO - Thread 0
Inactive; closing (see bug 1180138).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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