Closed Bug 114210 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Can't compact on startup when also downloading new messages


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: superbiskit, Unassigned)



The present situation, with an uncompacted archive, is that on mail-news startup the user is offered a modal dialog "Do you want to compact folders to save disk space?". If she chooses "Yes" the program gets into a resource conflict because it attempts to start compacting and to do the initial login & transfer fom the server. Alternative solutions: (1) Have the disk-compaction procedure delay the transfer until it is finished. This would be rather like delaying the transfer when the INBOX.MSF file needs to be rebuilt. OR (2) MY FAVORITE: Move the "Do you want to compact folders . . ." function to user-signoff. This behavior would be pretty much what Netscape used to do on exit.
Ever confirmed: true
Severity: normal → enhancement
reassigning to naving. When you say resource conflict, what exactly happens?
Assignee: mscott → naving
OK, not phrased well. The program is trying to simultaneously do two things that in can't do simultaneously: compact a folder (usually the inbox) and download into the same folder. My slightly-informed guess is that the download locks the file so the compaction cannot run. Dispite my [RFE], on second thought the conflict does sound like a bug to me.
Severity: enhancement → normal
Keywords: nsbeta1
Summary: [RFE] Request Synchronizing Initial Compaction with Download → Can't compact on startup when also downloading new messages
conflict is not a bug as long as there is no dataloss. marking invalid
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
It's a bug if the user chooses to compact and get new messages and one of them doesn't work. We shouldn't ask them for something that can't be done or we should make it work.
Both are like two different operations operating on the same folder. The user can start downloading and then right click and start compacting, he should know that one of the operations will not be possible because both are writing to the same folder.
Right, so in your case I'd argue that we should disable Compact Folder when downloading is happening. In the case in this bug, the user isn't really choosing anything. The app is asking the user and the user says yes to both. If we can't do it, we shouldn't be asking it.
It is just very difficult to share the state thru the menus etc...
Navin, that's just ****! If it isn't a bug when a feature is presented that cannot then be used, I don't know what it is. At least take it back to RFE as I originally submitted it.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Resolution: INVALID → ---
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
*** Bug 114302 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Just fyi.. There is also another reporter who has commented bug 114298 about compacting behavior currently. He also comments that compacting should do be done while leaving vs on start up.
from bug 114302: My considerations for this enhancement: But keeping the following things in mind: a. people should be able to get what they want as fast as possible without interruption Also... when you open mail news and let mozilla compress it immediately starts doenloading mail and thus giving an errormessage. so: b. mozilla should check on if compression is still working and if so wait with the automatic download till it's done.
Maybe another option to consider is to compact folders that aren't being read in the background. this would especially be helpful for people who have their mailclietn open all day (like me :)
Severity: enhancement → normal
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Marking this bug a dup of 101584 because the solution suggested will prevent from this bug happening. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 101584 ***
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
vrfy dup
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
dependent is better than dupe, IMO. see also bug 286888
Assignee: naving → nobody
Severity: normal → major
Depends on: 101584
QA Contact: sheelar → backend
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