Closed Bug 1154376 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

The icons of "share this page" are not showing anymore


(Firefox Graveyard :: SocialAPI, defect)

Not set


(firefox40 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox40 --- affected


(Reporter: armenzg, Unassigned)




(2 files)

I'm running today's nightly on Ubuntu 14.0.4. How to add the button: * Customize the icons on the menu bar * Add the "paper plane" or "share this page" button STR: * Click on "paper plane" * You see available services Expected results: * All icons show up Actual results: * Only delicious and tumblr icons show up
Hey Armen, are you still seeing this?
Component: General → SocialAPI
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
Hi Gijs, Yes, I do. Now it is a bit different. I had not tried this in a while and I had to add the icon back. Scenario 1: When I first click on the plane, it starts completely empty and I need to hover to see the icons. Scenario 2: After I reboot the browser and I try again, I don't have the issue of an empty area. I see all the icons (as I did before rebooting and after I hovered). However, the icons are all clipped (see attachment). On scenario 1, I *might* have seen clipping for an instance but it did not stay like this time.
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
Hey Shane, any idea what's going on here to cause us to mis-size the popup?
Flags: needinfo?(mixedpuppy)
The first image looks exactly like a problem that was fixed a long time ago. It was caused by adblock along with some custom filter list. The list was blocking things like 'id="google"' so I had to change all that. The page was probably cached. The second idea why it isn't working. Quickly tried on osx, noticed the panel get larger as the service selection page loaded, on linux maybe we're not getting the event we need to trigger the resize. Armen, a) do you have adblock or any blocking turned on, if so do you have custom loaded filter sets or just default? b) if you load twitter in the panel then switch back to the + tab, does the tab size correctly (in both cases)?
Flags: needinfo?(mixedpuppy) → needinfo?(armenzg)
here we go...bug 1180743 for the first image.
a) only JsonView (no ABP) b) yes! It gets fixed permanentely. Even after a reboot :) WORKSFORME? Or do you want to look at finding the root issue?
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
SocialAPI was removed from Firefox 57 and is no longer available in any current release.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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