Closed Bug 1163434 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Provide other read it later services than Pocket


(Firefox :: Pocket, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)



Pocket is a proprietary service and Mozilla shouldn't provide it as the only read-it-later provider.

An alternative service that exists is wallabag, which is open-source and can be self-hosted.
Mozilla Manifesto states : « Individuals’ security and privacy on the Internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional. » Using these services compromises your privacy whereas wallabag gives you the choice to select who you want to give your data to.

Moreover, Mozilla itself developed a read-it-later service that could be implemented

Therefore, Firefox should offer the possibility to choose between all these services, and certainly not implement that one in particular.
Blocks: Pocket
No longer depends on: Pocket
Ever confirmed: true
Severity: normal → enhancement
I agree. A proprietary service should be only integrated with an extension. In case you wanted to have a service like that it would be better option an open source one like wallabag. I think this step doesn't goes with the Mozilla philosophy. Or at least it doesn't follows the way of think that differenciated Firefox from other proprietary browsers like Chrome or IE.
Pocket inside Firefox is a mistake : Wallabag is open source and is the right tool for the right internet browser.

What is Pocket doing with our informations and datas ? As a commercial proprietary service, it cannot be trusted.
(In reply to alex.vlc88 from comment #3)
> A proprietary service should be only integrated with an extension.

I completely agree with this. I took a look at the list of Firefox services and it appears that they are all proprietary. I don't even understand the point of services at all. There is already a diverse collection of add-ons available for Firefox, including an add-on for Pocket, so what exactly is the point of bundling it as a "Service for Firefox"?

The biggest issue here is that bundling these services completely contradicts The Mozilla Manifest (, especially number 7:

> Free and open source software promotes the development of the Internet as a public resource.

So why exactly is it that Mozilla is promoting proprietary software that doesn't safeguard user privacy, especially when there are free and open source alternatives available? Wallabag is mature software that works extremely well, so if Mozilla feels the need to promote services, then at least promote software with similar regards to Mozilla's ten principles.
Wallabag v2 will even have a FFOS frontend
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While this bug is absolutely useful, adding comments like "I agree" doesn't help, quite the contrary.
add wallabag please, it's foss alternative for pocket
This should be closed as WONTFIX. We have the Social API for exactly this stuff.

On the other hand, including Pocket as core Firefox functionality is of course a total joke and another step in destroying any trust in Mozilla, while always emphasizing how much Firefox respects your privacy compared to Chrome. It started with defaulting to send Firefox Health Report by default (Chrome defaults to NOT send usage statistics!), then destroying Firefox Sync (while also trashing the surely soon-to-be completely closed down BrowserID) and finally introducing "Enhanced Tiles". Listing "Pocket on Firefox" as "Mozilla Service"(!) ( ) only shows again how little Mozilla values privacy in practice.
I agree. It should be closed as a WONTFIX. Mozilla is **** up.
I too am very unhappy with this integration.  This is 3rd party tool with 3rd party privacy policies that ultimately destroy Mozilla's privacy policies.  If anything should be incorporated it is local only storage to have true privacy!
AIUI, the first request from this bug is to get Firefox to use a free and open source reading list service, which will hopefully be achieved through

I'm understand that folks also want choice to use a different service and have that choice baked into our UI.
That was never in scope for the pocket integration and it seems unlikely to happen. Those third-party services will have to continue writing extensions and offering bookmarklets.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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