Closed Bug 1171709 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

When a gaia app has an issue downloading an update, you're left with an unusable red circle button, instead of the previously-working app


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


A few days ago, I was offered an update for my installed "Run, Bike, Hike" app[1]. I accepted it. There was apparently an issue with the update, though, because my previously-working app icon on my homescreen has now turned into a red circle with an arrow. When I tap it, I get a prompt to "Restart Download" "Do you want to download Run, Bike, Hike...?" When I acknowledge the prompt and tap "Download", this appears in logcat: { I/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS INFO: downloadError event, error code is NO_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE I/GeckoConsole( 318): at AppUpdatable.prototype.errorCallBack (app:// } ...and I'm just dropped back to my homescreen. Anyway: my main goal in filing this bug is: EXPECTED RESULTS: When we try & fail to download an update for an app, we should leave the original app in a working state, not in a "stub" perma-broken state. (also, I'm open to anyone who wants to see if they can figure out what's gone wrong with the app. I haven't uninstalled & reinstalled it, in case there's some diagnostic info that would be useful there; and because in the real world, I might've had tons of locally-saved running routes in the app's local storage, and uninstalling it would blow those all away (I suspect).) I'm using an Xperia Z3C (Aries) w/ Firefox OS 3.0 on dogfood channel. [1]
Component: Gaia → General
Product: Firefox OS → Marketplace
Version: unspecified → 2.0
This seems to be a Marketplace issue. According to the error message, the app package was never sent to the device. Kevin, I have no idea who this should go to. Can you help us get some eyes on it? Gregor, just for visibility, this could be a Systems FE issue.
Flags: needinfo?(kngo)
Flags: needinfo?(anygregor)
Also, frustratingly: I'm still getting system update prompts for this app once a day or so. When I accept the update, this ends up in my logcat: { W/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS WARN: L10n Deprecation Warning: using innerHTML in translations is unsafe and will not be supported in future versions of l10n.js. See W/GeckoConsole( 318): at translateElement (app:// W/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS WARN: L10n Deprecation Warning: using innerHTML in translations is unsafe and will not be supported in future versions of l10n.js. See W/GeckoConsole( 318): at translateElement (app:// I/Usage ( 1889): Content JS LOG: Sending HTTP request check to Customizer Launcher I/Usage ( 1889): at MainController.prototype._checkOpenFromLauncher (app:// I/Usage ( 1889): Content JS LOG: Sending HTTP request check to Customizer Launcher I/Usage ( 1889): at MainController.prototype._checkOpenFromLauncher (app:// W/Usage ( 1889): [JavaScript Warning: "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:3215/request. (Reason: CORS request failed)."] W/Usage ( 1889): [JavaScript Warning: "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:3215/request. (Reason: CORS request failed)."] I/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS INFO: downloadError event, error code is APP_STORE_VERSION_ROLLBACK I/GeckoConsole( 318): at AppUpdatable.prototype.errorCallBack (app:// W/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS WARN: L10n Deprecation Warning: using innerHTML in translations is unsafe and will not be supported in future versions of l10n.js. See W/GeckoConsole( 318): at translateElement (app:// W/GeckoConsole( 318): Content JS WARN: L10n Deprecation Warning: using innerHTML in translations is unsafe and will not be supported in future versions of l10n.js. See W/GeckoConsole( 318): at translateElement (app:// } I think the relevant bit there was "downloadError event, error code is APP_STORE_VERSION_ROLLBACK"
(and the app does not end up getting updated to a non-stub version, unsurprisingly, given the error message)
I'm inclined to think this is a Gaia issue on how they handle failed updates. Possibly Marketplace may have a role in hosting a broken package or something, but the overlying issue is that the app should still work on a failed update.
Flags: needinfo?(kngo)
Is there any usefulness in me keeping the broken app on my device (in its current broken state), for further diagnostics? Or am I OK to try to remove it & install a fresh copy of the app?
Component: General → Gaia::System
Product: Marketplace → Firefox OS
Version: 2.0 → unspecified
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #5) > Is there any usefulness in me keeping the broken app on my device (in its > current broken state), for further diagnostics? Or am I OK to try to remove > it & install a fresh copy of the app? I don't think so. If this is just an issue with a broken app package, this can likely be simulated fairly easily.
Flags: needinfo?(anygregor)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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