Bug 117262
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 14 years ago
Cannot print on Win98 on HP 5Si/5Si MX PS type of printer by default printer
(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)
(Reporter: amyy, Unassigned)
(1 obsolete file)
Build: 12-08 trunk build on Win98
Go File | Print and try to print any page, will get an error message:
"print failed for some reason".
I used same machine/same printer can get print out page by N6.2 and IE.
Updated•23 years ago
Severity: normal → major
I just downloaded today's 1/2 trunk build on windows and I can
print fine..
please try again...clean re-install and new profile.
Tracy, does it print for you?
Comment 2•23 years ago
yes, printing worked fine on this win98 box
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Comment 3•23 years ago
Hmm, that's very strenge.
I tried it on 01-02 trunk build on another win98 machine, same as last week, I
still can not print but I don't get the error message though. I did clean
installation, here is the result on printer lungfish :
1. Can print with test page when add a new printer (both HP 5Si/5Si MX PS driver
and HP 5Si driver).
2. Can print through notepad.
3. Can print through IE.
4. Can not print through netscape.
I think we still have a problem with the printing driver setting on win98 on our
Yuying, can you file a help desk request and have IS re-install
the printer driver ? thanks...
Let us know after that is done so we can close this bug out..
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Comment 5•23 years ago
I can do so, but I'm afaid it's a little different than the similar problem that
we had before.
We used had a problem on WinME by using the default printer driver on lungfish,
but after IS come to re-installed the news driver by some other options of HP
printer drivers, the problem has been resolved.
However, this time is a little difference, I tried a few different drivers,
still can not print. I even changed to another printer here (sanma), still can
not print neither.
okay looks like it is a different problem...
It works for Tracy and myself.
Yuying, can you track the build when this stopped working for you ?
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Comment 7•23 years ago
OK, finally I found a work around to make it work:
1. on a clean win98 machine, add printer lungfish (model HP 5Si/5Si MX PS).
2. Delete the printer, and add lungfish again.
3. Change printer driver from HP 5Si/5Si MX to HP 5Si.
Then the print will work.
But note: if I change printer driver in step 1 or add another printer with
different driver, won't work.
So, there are 2 problems here:
1. Print not work with lungfish by it's default driver(HP 5Si/5Si MX PS) on win98.
2. In order to make it work on win98, you have to add the printer and remove it,
then add it again and change the printer driver to HP 5Si.
You have to follow the exactly steps.
I think even we have a work around, but we probably still need to fix the
problem since I don't see it on other client (IE, notepad). And I guess it's
not a regression.
thanks Yuying, can you change the summary of this bug report or
file a new bug for the problem you discovered? thanks.
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Comment 9•23 years ago
You are right. I'll change the summary since we have the discussion information
Change summary from
Can not print on Win98
Can not print on Win98 on HP 5Si/5Si MX PS type of printer by default printer
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Updated•23 years ago
Summary: Can not print on Win98 → Can not print on Win98 on HP 5Si/5Si MX PS type of printer by default printer
Comment 10•23 years ago
I don't have any idea what would cause this and I have no way to debug it. over
to don to see if he can help out.
Assignee: rods → dcone
Comment 12•23 years ago
.ps file, generated from 'Print to File' of a small GIF image by 2002020415,
from .
Comment 13•23 years ago
Sorry -- comment #12 & attachment were intended for another bug.
Comment 14•23 years ago
I can not reproduce this.. it prints fine for me.. and I have not a clue how to
break it.
I think that Yuying has had printing problems because of the OS's he uses.. is
that right. As I recall you had the JS version before. I am sorry if I am
making an assumption.. but as I recall.. you have always had this kind of
problem.. right? And these kind of problems seem to always crop up with
incompatible operating system.. and print driver.. right?
I have deleted and added print drivers.. like you said.. and it works fine for
me. The only wierd thing we do with our print system.. is we build our printer
list ourselves.. but Yuying has had these kind of problems before that.. correct
last year.. before we started enumerating our own printers.. correct. I know
this is frustrating.. but these problems are not reproducable on other
machines.. and the only thing I can think of are either printer drivers or OS's
that are different from what we are all using.
Comment 15•23 years ago
Yuying please investigate.
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Comment 16•23 years ago
I found this problem was on a new installed Win98-US, and when I first add this
HP 5Si/5Si MX PS printer, it didn't work.
And I changed the driver to HP 5Si, it didn't work neither.
Then I delect the printer and added it again, change the driver to HP 5Si, then
will work.
So, it's kind of hard to reproduce exactly step again unless I re-install the
Win98, there is no such machine available here.
I guess we really have some problem with printing on this kind of printer, other
people here experirenced this problem too (some times do some times don't have),
and we always don't have problem with IE or notepad on same system.
Comment 17•23 years ago
Is this that same lungfish printer.. that we always have problems on?
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Comment 18•23 years ago
Comment 19•23 years ago
could it be that .. that printer is someone getting settings from a variety of
different computers.. gets confused.. somehow. That printer seems to have all
these kinds of problems.. right?
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Comment 20•23 years ago
Yes, but it's very strange that IE and notepad won't has the same problem.
It's kind of bother us keep thinking we may have problem on this kind of printer.
If you never heard anything about similar problem happens on same kind of
printer in other places, I think it's OK to consider it's a printer itself problem.
Updated•22 years ago
Summary: Can not print on Win98 on HP 5Si/5Si MX PS type of printer by default printer → Cannot print on Win98 on HP 5Si/5Si MX PS type of printer by default printer
Updated•18 years ago
Attachment #69571 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 22•18 years ago
One printer type and not reproducable by anyone else, seems unlikely it might go anywhere. Unfortunately I don't have a w98 machine to test.
Assignee: dcone → printing
Severity: major → normal
QA Contact: sujay
Comment 23•18 years ago
I have been experiencing the problem of not being able to print any of my emails on an HP1200 Laserjet. My system is Win 98. What to do? Says firefox is blocking the printer.
Updated•15 years ago
Assignee: printing → nobody
QA Contact: printing
Comment 24•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #23)
> I have been experiencing the problem of not being able to print any of my
> emails on an HP1200 Laserjet. My system is Win 98. What to do? Says firefox
> is blocking the printer.
win98 is no longer supported. So if you still have problem that can't be reproduced on a newer OS, your best bet is probably to try a support forum
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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