Closed Bug 1181911 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Required gecko interfaces for gaia application to implement Message Access Profile


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Bluetooth, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: shawnjohnjr, Unassigned)



Listing the required interfaces for MAP: 1. Event from gaia application (maybe implemented by chrome event or system message): a. "NewMessage": indicates that a new message has been received b. "DeliverySuccess": indicates that a message has been successfully delivered to its intended recipient. c. "SendingSuccess": indicates that a message has been successfully sent to a remote network. d. "DeliveryFailure": indicates that the delivery of a message to its intended recipient failed. This event type shall not be applied for emails. It should be reported not more than once for a message. e. "SendingFailure": indicates that sending to the remote network failed. The MSE may send this several times for one message if the 'Retry' application parameter of the PushMessage function (section 5.8) has been set to 'ON' by the MCE, i.e. each time the MSE's delivery to the network has failed. f. "MessageDeleted": indicates that a message has been deleted from the reported folder on the MSE and has therefore been shifted to the 'Deleted' folder. 2. SMS Messages-Listing The following items are fields required by message listing function: * subject * datetime * sender_name * sender_addressing * replyto_addressing * recipient_addressing * recipient_name * type * size * text * reception_status * attachment_size * priority * read * sent * protected 3. Request gaia application to perform some actions (maybe through chrome event) a. Request to delete the specific message b. Request to deliver the new message c. Request to browse specific folder (sent/deleted/inbox) c-1. Need to support select messages list by specific filter parameter: MaxListCount ListStartOffset SubjectLength ParameterMask FilterMessageType FilterPeriodBegin FilterPeriodEnd FilterReadStatus FilterRecipient FilterOriginator FilterPriority
d. Request to change Message state:The function allows the MCE to modify the status of a message on the MSE d-1: StatusIndicator: - "readStatus" for the Read status or - "deletedStatus" for the Deleted status d-2: StatusValue: This header shall be used to indicate the new value of the status indicator to be modified. The parameter shall have one of the values: - "yes" (=read) or "no" (=unread) for the "readStatus" indicator - "yes" (=deleted) or "no" (=undeleted) for the "deletedStatus" indicator
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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