Closed Bug 1183146 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Increase memory on developer-celery[1-3]


(Infrastructure & Operations :: Virtualization, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rwatson, Assigned: cknowles)


After lots of discussion with the MDN folk, we (webops) and they (mdn-devs) would like to increase the memory on the 3 webapp boxes: developer-celery[1-3] From 2GB to 4GB. We can do this without any disruption to the nodes provided we bring them down one at a time. Do we have available resource for this?
I available most mornings - around 9:00 Eastern (6 Pacific) for this, with availability earlier if need be. From IRC conversations, looking at 9AM Thursday ... I'll be here.
I'll check with the MDN folk but 9am Thursday is looking good.
Assignee: server-ops-virtualization → cknowles
Hi all, I'm sorry but I won't be able to be around on Thursday 6:00 am PDT, but 11 am PDT at the earliest. Can you reschedule or should I invite another MDN dev?
That's fine for me.
Sure - initial IRC convo was based on "Early AM" - I have a recurring meeting at 11AM PDT, but am available at 12PM PDT until 1:30PM PDT on Thursday ... if you need to go later we can bring in a west coast member of the virtualization team.
Do we have any word on timing?
I'll be working from 11 am PDT till later that day, probably 3 pm PDT. I'm on IRC if you need me, just say the word 15 minutes before.
Alright, taking the intersection of all the times, that looks like we're aiming at moving developer-celery[1-3].webapp.scl3 from 2 to 4G of RAM, at 12PM PDT today, Thursday July 16th. I'll reach out to :jezdez a bit before to confirm, and we'll roll on it.
:cknowles +1
The machines were actually at 4G already (it was the swap that was full at 2G) so we've opted to upgrade RAM to 6G.
Given that the amount falling into swap was ~1G, the 2G increase still felt correct. Work is completed, all 3 of the VMs are at 6G, appropriate paperwork has been updated on our side. Thanks to everyone for being flexible and able to show up at weird hours.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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