Closed Bug 118714 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Provide a single link for bug and comment #


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: netdragon, Assigned: justdave)



If you say, for instance, comment #1 in a bug, it will give you a link to comment #1. Now, what if you wanted to provide a link to comment #1 of some other bug. It would be nice if you could do this: "Comment #1 of bug 102020" or "bug 102020, comment #1". In both cases, it should provide a link to the comment on the other bug. There have been many times this would have been useful.
As you can see, the first example (bug 102020, comment #1) did provide a direct link. So then this bug must be about making "comment #1 of bug 102020" provide the same link?
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.18
If this is done, "comment #1 in bug 102020" should work, too.
And probably this one (found in bug 95594): > ------- Additional Comment #7 From Stephen Lee 2002-02-04 01:53 ------- > > Bug 82143's Comment #7 is the same as this bug.
Maybe we should make a list of possibilites: case insensitive - I'm not good at regexp, so i'll put the list here with: * = anything or nothing ** = at least 1 whitespace X = #*N or N C = comment*X - accept bugNNNN or bug#NNNN too B = bug**X P = in, at, of, in**the ... I also thought of written**in, found**in, appearing**in, located**in featured**in ;-) but how wild should we get? D = , or - C**P**B C*D*P**B C**P**B C*D*P**B B*D*C <- already implemented B**C C**B Any others? I also though maybe we could allow people to run things together like bug1000comment5 - in that scenario, you would replace the above with: C*P*B C*D*P*B C*P*B C*D*P*B B*D*C <- already implemented B*C C*B I don't see why that would hurt.
*** Bug 134400 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Case c) is already mentioned above; maybe a) and b) should work, too: > a) comment 66 of bug 4302 > b) comment 66 from bug 4302 > c) comment 66 in bug 4302 > (Curse english; spanish uses 'de' for all three previous cases) The testcases are from bug 112457 which is a request for (online) documentation.
Another testcase from that bug: d) comment 66 to bug 4302
We already run every comment through five regexps for five different linkable things every time we send them to a user (which, in itself, is very inefficient.) We should document the forms we do support, rather than trying to support every form. Gerv
> We should document the forms we do support True, *and* we should support most of the forms commonly used. I haven't heard of any performance problems due to this issue yet.
The entire thing was a massive perf problem - see bug 151871. I'm really hesitant about adding more stuff along these lines. Currently, the bug# must come before teh comment #. If you want to change it, then you have to decide what |bug 1, comment 2, bug 3| linkifies as, _AND_ not break the fix in bug 151871.
WONTFIX. quoteUrls is enough of a performance problem already. We support one way to do everything - people should use it :-) Gerv
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
removing target milestone from WONTFIX/INVALID/WORKSFORME/DUPLICATE bugs so they'll show up as untriaged if they get reopened.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.18 → ---
Gerv: I came up with a solution. If we modify the entries upon submission, then we don't have to do it every time. We can add a new entry to the bug data in the database that contains metadata that point to entries to replace in the comments. For instance: Bug.Metadata=<LINK Comment="100" TextLocation="125" Length="5" Location="/showbug.cgiblahblahblah"><LINK blah blah> I didn't put much thought into describing it, but I'm sure you get the idea. When someone submits a bug, it will scan it, fill in metadata, and then it won't be necessary to ever scan the comment again. Sort of a cache for changes. We can make a script to fill this in for existing entries and also to change them if we come up with new rules. This will also leave the plaintext comments intact exactly as written without changing them directly. Therefore, fixing this bug isn't a performance problem and I think it should be reopened.
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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