Open Bug 1190098 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Zoom level not follow clicking view of viewing image


(Firefox :: General, defect, P5)

39 Branch




(Reporter: andyxu, Unassigned)



(Keywords: blocked-ux, Whiteboard: [fidefe-quality-foundation])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0 Build ID: 20150630154324 Steps to reproduce: 1. Open a picture larger than your screen in Firefox. 2. Open the Menu, note that the zoom is at 100%. 3. Click the picture to zoom to its full size (it is cut off at the corners but isn't zoomed out). 4. The zoom is still 100% Actual results: The zoom displayed in the menu doesn't change. Expected results: The picture upon opening is zoomed out, so the menu should not say "100%". When the picture is zoomed in, it should say "100%".
I don't see any sign of zoom level in the Menu. Could you attach a screenshot of that in the options?
Flags: needinfo?(andyxu)
You need to add the Zoom Controls to the menu by clicking Customize.
Flags: needinfo?(andyxu)
It actually affects the zoom controls in any location, not just the menu.
Component: Untriaged → General
Maybe related to bug 416661.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: uiwanted
Summary: Viewing a picture directly in Firefox and zooming to full size by clicking on the picture doesn't change the zoom displayed in the menu. → Zoom level not follow clicking view of viewing image
See Also: 1570294
Keywords: uiwantedblocked-ux
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: normal → S3
Whiteboard: [fidefe-quality-foundation]
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