Closed Bug 119313 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

unable to save as file while composing news msg


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)


(Keywords: regression)

not sure of component, pls punt as needed. found using 2002.01.09.08 comm linux bits [rh7.2], using an IMAP acct [w/non-migrated profile]. 1. in the folder pane, select a newsgroup to view. 2. click on the Compose button to open a mailnews compose window. 3. in the Newsgroups field of the address region, make sure you have group name entered, eg, netscape.public.mozilla.test. 4. enter some text in the Subject and compose body. 5. try to save the msg by these means: * click the Save button * select File > Save As > File * select File > Save As > Draft * select File > Save As > Template results: attempts to save fail. no progress dlg appears for any of the save attempts [nor does the file picker appear for the File case].
this used to work...will also check on mac os x.
Keywords: regression
side note: after sending the new msg, it was saved in my local Sent folder. still investigating mac os x...
This wfm with the respin build 2002-01-10-03 on Win2k, checking Linux now.
my bad, i forgot to all the other local folders. save as draft and template worked. however, i still think there's an issue wrt save as file not working. and the lack of the progress dlg. unless i'm misunderstanding something and/or that's a known issue. fwiw, i also see this on mac os x. sorry about the noise.
Severity: major → normal
Keywords: regression
Summary: unable to save while composing news msg → unable to save as file while composing news msg
stephend, does save as file work for you?
fooey, save as file fails in regular mail compose. over to composition
Assignee: sspitzer → ducarroz
Component: Networking - News → Composition
Keywords: regression
QA Contact: stephend → sheelar
Yeah, save as file is horked in general for me too.
Keywords: nsbeta1
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
This is a dup of bug 114473. It is not only composing news message but also mail message too which is what is covered in 114473 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 114473 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
verified (thanks, sheela)
thx sheela and stephen. again, sorry for the noise. i shoulda known bettah.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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