Closed Bug 1205905 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[Open Mobile] Reviewing Spanish translations of ACL and Whatsapp


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: Preinstalled B2G Apps, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dersoz, Unassigned)



Here is the google doc with original script in English and Spanish translations. There are two block of strings translated into Spanish: app.en-US.PROPERTIES
Blocks: 1178983
Hi Didem, What is the deadline for this? Also, for easier compare and review, I have moved the content in a spreadsheet and shared the file with you and David: Thanks, Peiying
+ adding a few community members to help with the review Mauricio, Daniel and Ricardo, I have shared the link with you. Feel free to pass it to anyone who is also willing to help. Do notice, there are two tabs in the above spreadsheet. Make sure the terms are consistent across the board. Thank you!
How should we proceed with fixes? Will we just simply make the fix, or do you need us to highlight corrected lines in some way?
Hi Ricardo, I created a separate column, so you can provide your suggestion there. I don't know who did the initial translation. We just want to make sure it says the right things. And I think it is important to have the community take a look of it before it goes out. For any recommendation, make sure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, etc. We take yours (yours and/or community recommendation) as the final.
Sorry, I was blind. :-) One more question: are these texts supposed to be part of Gaia, or will be presented in web pages? The reason I'm asking is that all of Firefox OS strings use a formal way to direct to the user ("usted") instead of informal/casual ("tú"). There is a story behind this decision, if you're curious. Basically, neutral Spanish used in Firefox OS takes part of es-ES localization, which uses formal way. However, almost all web content uses informal way ("tú"). For I wonder where will its strings will be displayed: web pages or Firefox OS apps?
Also, please note this: #index.html index_install_acl = ACL™ for FireFox needs to be installed to enable certain applications on your phone. In en-US, there is a misspelling in Firefox trademark ("Firefox", not "FireFox").
Didem, correct me if I am wrong and also read the questions Ricardo has. I believe WhatsApp will be one of the apps pre-installed on the device, but "NOT" part of the Gaia code (like Marketplace to Gaia). Ricardo, Thanks for pointing out the spelling error!! Our localizers are the best copy reviewers! Regarding tones, I trust the community decision a while back. Just a bit of background (not about this particular case), from time to time, partners will put their apps on our devices at launch. They provide localization work on their own (because we simply can't get the code as one of the reasons). This can cause style and tone inconsistency and it has happened in the past. I think we can influence the style of this and make it fit for us.
These texts and translations are part of OpenMobile code either in ACL or in the ACL wrapped apps that will be downloaded and installed from Marketplace - not preinstalled, or part of Gaia. Any feedback on changes will be given to OpenMobile for them to include at their discretion. Please advise when your review is complete so OpenMobile can look at integrating the feedback. thanks, Pete
Hi Peiying and Ricardo, First of all thank you very much for your time and support, very much appreciated. The code is not going to be part of Gaia. And, as Pete mentioned, these translations are for ACL and ACL wrapped apps which is part of a high impact project, where the goal is to offer some of the most desired apps to Firefox OS users. Currently the apps are not pre-loaded/pre-installed. Users will have to download them from Firefox Marketplace. But there is a possibility for the future. Ricardo, I highly appreciate if you could review the strings and share your recommendations. We will then share it with Open Mobile. Thanks, Didem
OK, I'll try to continue tomorrow (in about 24 hours). IIRC, I had completed the first tab and stopped at the second because it seems to contain strings to be inserted into HTML files.
Hello, I took a look at the spreadsheet and added some corrections, hoping that it doesn't interfere with Ricardo's work (are you working from the same spreadsheet Peiying shared, btw?). I chose the informal way (tú). I didn't finish because my schedule is tight right now.
I couldn't finish yesterday, sorry. I have reviewed the remaining strings. I've offered my own little changes to dscott suggestions in a couple of lines, and added a bunch of others. In the final section dealing with errors, the main change is that, in Spanish, after colon there is no capital letter. Besides that, in some sentences I've reworded to maintain the overall structure used, and some minor other things. I've finished; perhaps dscott wants to add something?
Flags: needinfo?(dscott)
I couldn't finish yesterday, sorry. I have reviewed the remaining strings. I've offered my own little changes to dscott suggestions in a couple of lines, and added a bunch of others. In the final section dealing with errors, the main change is that, in Spanish, after colon there is no capital letter. Besides that, in some sentences I've reworded to maintain the overall structure used, and some minor other things. I've finished; perhaps dscott wants to add something?
Hi, I just checked and all looks good, nothing to add.
Flags: needinfo?(dscott)
Thanks @dscott. I was told that there is a mix of tu and usted. could you check to make sure the tone is consistent?
Peiying, I'm so sorry! The spreadsheet has two tabs, and we completely ignored the first one. I just checked and made the necessary corrections.
(In reply to dscott from comment #16) > Peiying, I'm so sorry! The spreadsheet has two tabs, and we completely > ignored the first one. I just checked and made the necessary corrections. I actually had gone through the first tab before I asked in comment #5 and it was pretty clear to me that formal way was to be used. Why did I only realize about the "# ...html" comments in the second tab, I can't explain it right now, but there were those comments which made me ask in comment #5. Re-reading the comments in this bug, I realize I wasn't clear enough when I asked. When I said this: > One more question: are these texts supposed to be part of Gaia, or will be > presented in web pages? The reason I'm asking is that all of Firefox OS > strings use a formal way to direct to the user ("usted") instead of > informal/casual ("tú"). what I really meant to ask is: will the strings be presented as an app (possibly felt as integral part of Firefox OS), or as a web page? If the answer is the first option, ie., it should be sensed as an app, not as visiting a webpage, then my position is to use the formal way ("usted"), so we would want to revisit all recommendations. Note also that there are some recommendations that don't really change the translated text, and are just removing spaces between the key and the "=" sign, which may or may not interfere with the parser used in OpenMobile.
Flags: needinfo?(pmo)
Flags: needinfo?(dersoz)
@Peter, @Didem, could you answer Ricardo?
Flags: needinfo?(eyecube)
@Rickiees @CoCoMo These are definitely Apps, not webpages.
Flags: needinfo?(pmo)
Flags: needinfo?(eyecube)
Flags: needinfo?(dersoz)
Thanks, so I'm changing the sentences so all use formal way. I'll report back in some minutes.
Meanwhile, please note that I've found another slight misalignment with Mozilla trademarks in app.en-US.PROPERTIES: download_message = needs to be downloaded only once to enable ACL-enabled free and paid apps from the Firefox MarketPlace. It is "Marketplace", not "MarketPlace".
OK, I've reviewed and normalized all strings in both files/tabs. In the end, I'm proposing to use formal way. Some notes to OpenMobile translators, so they can evaluate why we have done some apparently meaningless changes: - opening parenthesis does not warrant capital letter. I take "Capa de compatibilidad de aplicaciones (en inglés, Application Compatibility Layer, ACL)" as a note in the same sentence, instead of two completely different sentences. - Firefox Marketplace is handled as a proper name in all Spanish localizations, so we don't translate it. - Support (as in Support Team or Service) is always translated as Asistencia or Ayuda, depending on the context. - In "100 = Iniciando la instalación..." and corresponding 106, we've kept the gerund form to convey a sense of movement, of "something is happening", instead of just a title. - Percent sign should be separated from numbers (see bug 1019399, where I was told to fix it across es-ES localization). - There is a bunch of strings where I have adjusted spaces and capital letters around colon. According to Spanish Grammar, there shouldn't be spaces before the colon and just one after it, with no capital letter after the colon unless the word must have it following ordinary rules (proper noun, for instance).
Thank you Ricardo for the corrections and detailed report on the updates. I am sure this is very helpful to the original translators so the style and tone are consistent. @Didem, it is all yours!
Peiying and Ricardo thank you very much. Pete, Please see comment 22 and the google doc in comment 1 for the final recommendations for translations. Thanks, Didem
Flags: needinfo?(pblumenthal)
Feedback from OM: Changes were committed, there will be in the next version (by the end of this week).
Translation updates included in ACL v0.1.72
Flags: needinfo?(pblumenthal)
Thank you for the update. Can we close the bug now?
Fine with me.
Thanks Pete. If there is a new request, let's open a new bug.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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