Bug 1208343
Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
YouTube site is slow when logged in with an "original" YouTube account
(Firefox :: General, defect)
(Reporter: xaivior13, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
Build ID: 20150917150946
Steps to reproduce:
I have a YouTube account that I did not totally merge with my Google+ account (that is, it exists as a separate channel from my Google+ account). This account has many, many subscriptions. I signed into this YouTube account on the YouTube site.
Actual results:
YouTube causes Firefox to slowly load each page. Sometimes crash, but mostly be unresponsive for long periods of time. Videos will load and play, but when the window is moved or I click outside of the video player, Firefox becomes unresponsive, only eventually giving control back.
Expected results:
Firefox should not stall. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge do not stall. Nor does the account stall on my cell phone or tablet (though other issues exist on those platforms).
Firefox does not stall, however, when no account is signed in or when my Google+ account (that is, where the username is my Google+ identity) is signed in. I'm investigating whether or not this has to do with the content of the account by moving subscriptions to the functioning account.
Can confirm. Started last week. Whenever I tried to watch a youtube video the browser would hang for 10~ seconds. If I would interract with the video player or for example move the window to another screen it would freeze again and make the browser unresponsive for 10 or so seconds. Sound continues playing in the background.
First I though it was something to do with html5 player (I'm not tech savvy), but found other people's reports about it having to do with the youtube account, and with this bug report, I'm convinced that it has to do with a youtube account that doesn't have a google+ page. I tried private window/logging out and watching youtube videos and it worked perfectly. Then I tried to log in to a different youtube account with a google+ page and it worked as it should.
I'm not able to reproduce this issue, because now when you create a YouTube account it automatically creates an account for all the google services (eg. Google+, Drive, Gmail, etc). If your issue is present only on the individual YouTube account, I cannot reproduce this without an account like yours. Do you know any method of creating a YouTube only account now ?
Isn't this a flash plugin issue ? Try to update the flash. Or try to update your video driver.
Also please try to reproduce this issue on a new Firefox profile with all addons disabled. Sometimes this kind of issues could happen because of some custom settings or installed addons.
Component: Untriaged → General
Since the reporter did not provided more information on how to reproduce this issue, we will mark this issue as RESOLVED WORKSFORME. If this still reproduces, please reopen this one or file a new bug.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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