Closed Bug 1209002 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Translation update proposed for firefox_ios/Client/Intro.strings:964ede0d


(Mozilla Localizations :: da / Danish, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: flod, Assigned: joradan0)


(Whiteboard: [transvision-feedback])

The string: Introductory slide %1$@ of %2$@ Is translated as: Introduktionsbillede %1$@ af %2$ And should be: Introduktionsbillede %1$@ af %2$@ The last variable is misspelled. Feedback via Transvision:
Excellent spotted. The link to Transvision is not working. There won't be a Danish version of Firefox for iOS:
Sorry about the link, I completely missed that it was added to comment 0. I'm testing locally a version of Transvision that support Firefox for iOS, hopefully it will be available soon. As for bug 1140855, I hope we can find a way to test the app (e.g. screenshots of the key features, or find external volunteers willing to help).
Fixed at revision: r147119
(In reply to Francesco Lodolo [:flod] from comment #2) > Sorry about the link, I completely missed that it was added to comment 0. > > I'm testing locally a version of Transvision that support Firefox for iOS, > hopefully it will be available soon. > > As for bug 1140855, I hope we can find a way to test the app (e.g. > screenshots of the key features, or find external volunteers willing to > help). An external volunteer with a LDAP account. Is a LDAP account needed?
Thanks, marking as fixed. > An external volunteer with a LDAP account. Is a LDAP account needed? TestFlight builds don't require LDAP access (unlike L10N Aurora builds), we might need to coordinate with Jeff and iOS devs but there should still be some available spots.
Assignee: nobody → joradan0
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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