Closed Bug 1209309 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Bugzilla Experimental UI co-opt's Firefox's Ctrl+Shift+P key combo (which normally performs "new private window" action)


( :: User Interface, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


STR: 0. Have bugzilla.m.o experimental UI enabled. 1. Visit a bugzilla bug page (e.g. this one) 2. Focus the "Add comment" box at the bottom. Type stuff if you like. 3. Press Ctrl+Shift+P EXPECTED RESULTS: Firefox should receive the key combo, and a new Private Browsing window should open. ACTUAL RESULTS: Bugzilla intercepts & handles the key combo, and renders the comment in "preview" mode. No Private Browsing window opens. Note: I get EXPECTED RESULTS on the "Enter Bug" page, if I have the bug-description field focused there. (This field has a "Preview" option, so I thought it might trigger the bug as well, but it does not.) I'm only seeing ACTUAL RESULTS with the add-comment field on existing bugs.
Summary: Bugzilla Experimental UI co-opt's Firefox's Ctrl+Shift+P key combo (for open new private window) → Bugzilla Experimental UI co-opt's Firefox's Ctrl+Shift+P key combo (which normally performs "new private window" action)
we use ctrl+shift+p to match github, so changing the combo isn't an option. as it's much more likely that someone with that field focused wants a preview instead of a new private window it's best to leave the code as-is. > Note: I get EXPECTED RESULTS on the "Enter Bug" page, if I have the > bug-description field focused there. (This field has a "Preview" option, so > I thought it might trigger the bug as well, but it does not.) the experimental ui is for show-bug only, and hasn't yet been applied to enter-bug.
Closed: 9 years ago
Component: User Interface → User Interface: Modal
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: User Interface: Modal → User Interface
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