Closed Bug 120993 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

URL bar is cleared when a new page loaded in tabbed browsing


(SeaMonkey :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: parish, Assigned: jag+mozilla)




(1 file)

With tabbed browsing enabled, type an address in the URL bar, hit ENTER or click the Go button. A new tab opens, the page is displayed, but the URL bar is cleared. Switch to another tab, and back again and the URL is now displayed. This only happens with tabs. If tabbing is turned off then it works correctly. I can't pinpoint when this started happening but it was around the time that favicon support appeared.
DUPE of bug 104778 ??
I don't think it is a dup of bug 104778. This problem only appeared recently. Also, this happens when the page is loaded, i.e. when ENTER has been pressed. 104778 is about retaining partially entered text.
Reporter, what are your tabbrowser preferences set?
In the Preferences UI, both options in Tab Display are unchecked, and in Open Tabs Instead Of Windows all options are checked.
OK, I've just installed previous releases to help pinpoint when this problem started. 0.9.6 worked correctly, but 0.9.7 has the bug.
Please try to narrow it down more by trying nightly builds between 0.9.6 and 0.9.7. These can be downloaded from
OK, I'll do that but I've only got a 56K dial-up so it may take some time :-)
Don't bother. The 0.9.7 release was around Dec. 21st, and the earliest nightly is Dec. 25th.
Confirming on 2002011503 Win2k. By the way, the new tab is opened even by just Return (without CTRL) in the URL bar.
Ever confirmed: true
Attached patch fixSplinter Review
(there's a bug on fixing the code to work on ctrl+enter instead of just enter) Here's what's happening: When you press enter, a new tab opens which (tries to) load(s) about:blank, and sets the urlbar to empty. This causes a flag to be set indicating the user has typed, so we don't want to replace what's in there with the new location. Except of course the user didn't type at all, it was merely us changing the urlbar value ourselves. The attachment above resets the flag after we've changed the value.
Comment on attachment 65858 [details] [diff] [review] fix r=bzbarsky
Attachment #65858 - Flags: review+
QA Contact: sairuh → claudius
Does this fix the case when I see this same thing while pasting a URL to URLbar -> click 'Go' button, URLbar is cleared like the bug summary?
It should.
latest build (20020122) still has this bug. Also frustrating when you mistype. this will leave you with a blank tab and blank URLbar. Even switching between tabs does not give you mistyped url back.
Yes, I will put a comment in here when I have checked the patch in (which I currently can't since we're in a code freeze for the Mozilla 0.9.8 release).
Checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
regarding comment #13, it is fixed, thanks jag, good work! Any chance we can get drivers to get this in the branch, I think it might be nice as it kinda is highly visable, and for a milestone release, more people would see this.
*** Bug 120816 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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