Bug 1214038
Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
EOY Fundraising 2015 updates to - implementation
( :: Pages & Content, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: JennyD, Assigned: espressive)
(Depends on 1 open bug)
(Whiteboard: [kb=1901770] )
(5 files)
Hi, I don't know what I am doing but I am submitting a few bugs for - here is the second :)
EOY Fundraising is here and we need to update content and implement it on
Our design bug: 1214034 has all the content update planned:
- takeover/overlay of hero section for part of December.
- promo tile for (mid November)
- heart next to “donate” in header and footer (or other font awesome glyph as appropriate)
I am not quite sure what other info is needed here - we will have the design and copy by mid November from the mofo team.
Reporter | ||
Updated•9 years ago
Assignee: nobody → matej
Component: General → Copy
Reporter | ||
Updated•9 years ago
Component: Copy → Pages & Content
Product: Marketing →
Version: unspecified → Production
Comment 1•9 years ago
Jen, could you kindly provide specs for the takeover/overlay? I'll add them to Jordan's design ticket, which is here:
Updated•9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
Comment 2•9 years ago
Hi Jordan-
Is "follow what is here" good enough for specs?
Flags: needinfo?(jbertsch)
Comment 3•9 years ago
Otherwise Craig and Ty may be able to provide specs, but neither really has any time before Nov 3.
Comment 4•9 years ago
Here's the art of the homepage takeover.
Comment 5•9 years ago
(In reply to Jennifer Bertsch [:jbertsch] from comment #4)
> Here's the art of the homepage takeover.
> view?usp=sharing
Looks like it's missing a period after "Dec" — otherwise looks great! Thanks.
Comment 6•9 years ago
Thanks Matej. We (Andrea, the designer and I) elected to leave off the period after "Dec" for a cleaner design.
Comment 7•9 years ago
i think with a period it almost becomes like an overly formal sentence, that Dapper Fox would never say. he's a casual dapper. ;)
Comment 8•9 years ago
I thought I saw a period on some of the other elements (maybe the homepage promos?) so I was going for consistency, but if this is the way it is everywhere, I'm good with it (can we just confirm that it is?). Thanks.
Comment 9•9 years ago
Oh darn, you're right, Matej! The Directory Tiles have a period:
Andrea, let's figure this out with Jordan.
Comment 10•9 years ago
Jordan removed the period from the directory tile, so we're now consistent and beautifully designed, if slightly incorrect in the punctuation department ;)
Thanks for catching, Matej.
Comment 11•9 years ago
(In reply to Erika Drushka from comment #10)
> Jordan removed the period from the directory tile, so we're now consistent
> and beautifully designed, if slightly incorrect in the punctuation
> department ;)
> Thanks for catching, Matej.
Thanks! Can we check this on the homepage promo as well?
Comment 12•9 years ago
The homepage promo has the period on the rollover state:
Does our designer, Jordan, fix this, or does Jen's team do it?
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•9 years ago
(In reply to Erika Drushka from comment #12)
> The homepage promo has the period on the rollover state:
> Does our designer, Jordan, fix this, or does Jen's team do it?
I will fix it up quickly.
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•9 years ago
Comment 15•9 years ago
Here is final designs for homepage takeover. Assigning over to Schalk for implementation.
Schalk, first task should be wrapping strings in template and handing off to l10n.
There may need to be some discussion on how the symbols for each denomination (euro, dollar, yen, etc) get translated.
Go live is Dec 1.
Assignee: matej → schalk.neethling.bugs
Whiteboard: [kb=1901770]
Comment 16•9 years ago
More than 80% of EOY revenue in 2014 from the homepage was EN. Homepage takeover in 2014 was EN-only. DE was a distant 2nd in terms of revenue through with $11,000 (likely will be higher this year). If updating the new homepage takeover design for DE is not too difficult, and you think it is worth the effort, let's localized to DE only. The other locales are probably not worth the effort in terms of ROI.
We have done a lot of research on currencies as we've built our donation form (with support from L10N) so I'm confident that the currency presentation on our DE form is a reliable reference:¤cy=eur
EN should be priority though, in both timing and effort. If you feel that scratching DE is a better
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•9 years ago
(In reply to Mike Alexis [:malexis] from comment #17)
> Schalk, are strings ready for l10n?
There was some discussion about whether this is going to be en-US only or en-US and DE only but, I believe we are going to simply place it behind a l10n flag and then flod will expose it to the relevant people. I will have a WIP PR up in the next hour.
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Assignee | ||
Comment 19•9 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 20•9 years ago
(In reply to Mike Alexis [:malexis] from comment #17)
> Schalk, are strings ready for l10n?
The final design does not incorporate the content here: So, I kinda have to take a guess at whether there will be a defined break in the string and if so, where the break should be.
I would prefer not to guess as moving the <br> invalidates the string.
Also, I do not see a PSD linked to in the copy and design bug. Is this available?
Comment 21•9 years ago
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #18)
> (In reply to Mike Alexis [:malexis] from comment #17)
> > Schalk, are strings ready for l10n?
> There was some discussion about whether this is going to be en-US only or
> en-US and DE only but, I believe we are going to simply place it behind a
> l10n flag and then flod will expose it to the relevant people. I will have a
> WIP PR up in the next hour.
Correct. en-US and DE are the proirity locales but flod can expose the strings for other locales.
Comment 22•9 years ago
Hi all, in comment 4 Jennifer Bertsch posted a .AI file (the final artwork). I converted it to a .PSD just now, let me know if you have a preference.
Comment 23•9 years ago
Mike, the final design files are in the comment above ^
Comment 24•9 years ago
Putting a screenshot in an accessible place for localizers while waiting for the actual implementation
Assignee | ||
Comment 25•9 years ago
Currently donate links for en-US looks as follows:
Besides having to add the locale, we also need to add the currency. Over and above that, the amounts will most likely change between locales?
Instead of 100,50,25,15 and the default 50 it might be different when the currency is not dollar but euro for example?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Assignee | ||
Comment 26•9 years ago
I mentioned the same problem here:
Perhaps we can solve both problems there/here?
Comment 27•9 years ago
On, the default values depend on the currency, but I don't see this in this patch. And we need consistency between the template string, and the currency and the values?
Smells like we need some consistency with ?
Assignee | ||
Comment 28•9 years ago
Andrea, what is the donation URL that should be used for the takeover? Thanks!
Assignee | ||
Comment 29•9 years ago
Quick question, not sure how this was done in the past but, once a user has clicked on 'Continue to' I guess we never show them the modal again?
Or, do we want to not show it for this session
Or, do we just want to show it each time he landing page loads (not suggested)
Comment 30•9 years ago
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #29)
> Quick question, not sure how this was done in the past but, once a user has
> clicked on 'Continue to' I guess we never show them the modal
> again?
> Or, do we want to not show it for this session
> Or, do we just want to show it each time he landing page loads (not
> suggested)
We did it in the past with sessionStorage. See the additions to home.js in You may be able to recycle a good portion of that code.
Assignee | ||
Comment 31•9 years ago
Another two questions has come up while working on this.
1) Which parameter needs to be sent to donate.m.o to switch the radio buttons from one-time to monthly? Currently I send recurring_acknowledge with either single or monthly as the value. This does not work however.
2) On donate.m.o when switching between one-time and monthly the amounts change, is this required for the takeover form as well?
3) While I am asking that, does the amounts need to change per locale as well? If so, which locales? en-US and DE only or, others. Thanks!
Comment 32•9 years ago
1. ?frequency=monthly should set the radio button.
2. The amount change while switching between monthly and single is not required for the takeover form.
3. The amounts should be different per currency, each locale would default to a logical currency. Not sure if that fully answers your question.
Assignee | ||
Comment 33•9 years ago
(In reply to Scott [:thecount] Downe from comment #32)
> Hey,
> 1. ?frequency=monthly should set the radio button.
> 2. The amount change while switching between monthly and single is not
> required for the takeover form.
> 3. The amounts should be different per currency, each locale would default
> to a logical currency. Not sure if that fully answers your question.
Thanks Scott. My question on the last point would be, could we go live without that and add that a day or so after. The means that will nable us to do that resides in a different pull request that still needs to be merged.
Let me know. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(scott)
Comment 34•9 years ago
I'm pretty sure we're already doing #3 with the current implementation, since it copies
e.g. Italian has 100,50,25,10 while Japanese has 10000,5000,2500,1000. The only thing not covered by the current implementation is a different default for one-time vs monthly.
Assignee | ||
Comment 35•9 years ago
(In reply to Francesco Lodolo [:flod] from comment #34)
> I'm pretty sure we're already doing #3 with the current implementation,
> since it copies
> e.g. Italian has 100,50,25,10 while Japanese has 10000,5000,2500,1000. The
> only thing not covered by the current implementation is a different default
> for one-time vs monthly.
Oh, are the translators making those changes as well?
Comment 36•9 years ago
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #35)
> Oh, are the translators making those changes as well?
Sorry for the confusion, I thought we were talking about the d.m.o links.
We'll have the logic from
And we should reuse it to offer a good set of default amounts.
Comment 37•9 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
Fix Bug 1214038, adds end of year fundraising takeover
Merge pull request #3602 from schalkneethling/bug1214038-eoy2015-mozorg-takeover
Fix Bug 1214038, adds end of year fundraising takeover
Updated•9 years ago
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 38•9 years ago
(In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #33)
> (In reply to Scott [:thecount] Downe from comment #32)
> > Hey,
> >
> > 1. ?frequency=monthly should set the radio button.
> > 2. The amount change while switching between monthly and single is not
> > required for the takeover form.
> > 3. The amounts should be different per currency, each locale would default
> > to a logical currency. Not sure if that fully answers your question.
> Thanks Scott. My question on the last point would be, could we go live
> without that and add that a day or so after. The means that will nable us to
> do that resides in a different pull request that still needs to be merged.
> Let me know. Thanks!
If there is a moment where say mxn sees usd presets, that's fine as long as it's usd like values in usd. If it's a moment where we have 3mxn then that's far too low and the donation form wouldn't accept it.
Flags: needinfo?(scott)
Assignee | ||
Comment 39•9 years ago
(In reply to Scott [:thecount] Downe from comment #38)
> (In reply to Schalk Neethling [:espressive] from comment #33)
> > (In reply to Scott [:thecount] Downe from comment #32)
> > > Hey,
> > >
> > > 1. ?frequency=monthly should set the radio button.
> > > 2. The amount change while switching between monthly and single is not
> > > required for the takeover form.
> > > 3. The amounts should be different per currency, each locale would default
> > > to a logical currency. Not sure if that fully answers your question.
> >
> > Thanks Scott. My question on the last point would be, could we go live
> > without that and add that a day or so after. The means that will nable us to
> > do that resides in a different pull request that still needs to be merged.
> >
> > Let me know. Thanks!
> If there is a moment where say mxn sees usd presets, that's fine as long as
> it's usd like values in usd. If it's a moment where we have 3mxn then that's
> far too low and the donation form wouldn't accept it.
We are handling locales with appropriate currencies and values now. I added it as part of the PR that was merged above. One thing though. It is behind a waffle flag at the moment. Who needs to approve it so we can flip the switch?
It can be seen on
Just a note. We are using sessionStorage so, it is only shown to a user once per browsing session so, if you have seen it once, you will need to open it in a new tab for it to load again.
Flags: needinfo?(scott)
Comment 40•9 years ago
A few minor issues to address before we can go live.
currency codes in these locales are showing dollar signs instead of native currency:
The en-US donate link is showing different presets. I believe we should be pointing to this link instead:¤cy=usd&presets=100,50,25,15
another minor bug that isn't a blocker is that if a user hits the back button the "other amount" field no longer works
Comment 41•9 years ago
(In reply to Mike Alexis [:malexis] from comment #40)
These locales are not done yet, so they fallback to the en-US string on stage, the take-over won't be displayed at all in production until localized.
> The en-US donate link is showing different presets. I believe we should be
> pointing to this link instead:
> ?amount=50&frequency=single¤cy=usd&presets=100,50,25,15
Indeed, it needs to be fixed (I checked all the other currencies).
Comment 43•9 years ago
Francesco these look really good! Thanks so much for your help.
One question for Schalk -- on the live version the hat and nose are gray, not black. Do you know why?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea) → needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Comment 44•9 years ago
Here is a screenshot of the fox as it looks with the gray hat and nose instead of black, as designed:
Assignee | ||
Comment 45•9 years ago
(In reply to Andrea Wood [:andreawood] from comment #43)
> Francesco these look really good! Thanks so much for your help.
> One question for Schalk -- on the live version the hat and nose are gray,
> not black. Do you know why?
I have no idea. I guess it is an SVG thing. I exported it to SVG directly from Illustrator. I will look into it though.
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Assignee | ||
Comment 46•9 years ago
As I thought, it is the color gradient in the SVG. Does this look better Andrea?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 47•9 years ago
Hmm. I don't see any color gradient in the final designs shared by our designer. I attached a screenshot. It looks like flat black? You see gradient?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 48•9 years ago
Schalk I also noticed that the Google Analytics parameters are missing from the URL (sorry I didn't catch this before)
For example, this is what it would look like for en-US:¤cy=usd&presets=100%2C50%2C25%2C15&ref=EOYFR2015&utm_campaign=EOYFR2015&
Is it possible to update? I want to be able to know how much revenue we get from takeover.
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Comment 49•9 years ago
I just confirmed with our lead designer the nose and hat are flat black. I've asked our designer, Natalie, to keep an eye on this bug in case you need anything further from us.
Comment 50•9 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
Fix Bug 1214038, Add GA parameters and update SVG on homepage takeover
Merge pull request #3623 from schalkneethling/bug1214038-update-svg-add-ga-params
Fix Bug 1214038, update to SVG and adds GA parameters
Assignee | ||
Updated•9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Comment 51•9 years ago
When is the homepage takeover scheduled to come down? Flod asked and I can't recall what we decided. Just confirming.
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs)
Comment 52•9 years ago
(In reply to Andrea Wood [:andreawood] from comment #51)
> When is the homepage takeover scheduled to come down? Flod asked and I can't
> recall what we decided. Just confirming.
I'm not aware of a specific schedule either, but I'd be happy to take it down either today or tomorrow. What would you prefer?
Flags: needinfo?(schalk.neethling.bugs) → needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 53•9 years ago
Hi Josh! We should disable it as close to midnight on December 31 as possible -- that's the campaign deadline. 1am Jan 1 is also fine if easier. Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 54•9 years ago
(In reply to Andrea Wood [:andreawood] from comment #53)
> Hi Josh! We should disable it as close to midnight on December 31 as
> possible -- that's the campaign deadline. 1am Jan 1 is also fine if easier.
> Thank you!
Given the need for manual verification of a change to the homepage, combined with our inability to disable it on a per-timezone basis and the fact that I will be celebrating New Year's with family and friends at midnight in my own time zone, I've chosen to interpret the "Midnight on Dec 31st" deadline in one of the timezones where it is already past midnight, and I'm disabling the home page takeover now.
Comment 55•9 years ago
Hi Josh, we're expecting another $5000 - $8000 USD from the homepage today, with much of it from the US. Is there any way to schedule the shut down or is there anyone else who can turn the takeover off? If there's no other way then it's fine to disable now, I just wanted to be sure there is no workaround available given the revenue projected.
Comment 56•9 years ago
(In reply to Andrea Wood [:andreawood] from comment #55)
> Hi Josh, we're expecting another $5000 - $8000 USD from the homepage today,
> with much of it from the US. Is there any way to schedule the shut down or
> is there anyone else who can turn the takeover off? If there's no other way
> then it's fine to disable now, I just wanted to be sure there is no
> workaround available given the revenue projected.
I've re-enabled the home page takeover for now, and I can either disable it again right before I go offline for the day, or I can schedule commands to automatically disable it again at a later time. The latter option carries some minor amount of risk, because I will not be online to verify that the scheduled commands succeeded, and was not planning on being back online until after the holiday. I personally would rather play it safe and stick with the former option, but if you feel that the extra hours are worth it, please give me a specific time (including timezone) to schedule the commands to disable the takeover.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 57•9 years ago
hi Josh, I didn't realize you could not schedule the takedown without being present to verify. It's fine to take down before you end your day :)
Thank you so much -- FYI we've made over $10,000 USD today from the takeover.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Comment 58•9 years ago
Thanks Andrea, I've disabled the homepage takeover and verified that it is no longer appearing for me now that the caches have expired.
Comment 59•9 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
[bug 1214038] Remove end of year fundraising takeover
Merge pull request #3726 from alexgibson/bug-1214038-remove-homepage-takeover
[bug 1214038] Remove end of year fundraising takeover
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