Closed Bug 1220463 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

sdk/ in private mode opens a new window at the first invocation


(Add-on SDK Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: markus.heidelberg, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 Build ID: 20151015193503 Steps to reproduce: 1. Invoke "jpm run" or "cfx run" for the attached minimal Add-On. 2. Open "Preferences", go to tab "Privacy" and change "History" from "Remember history" to "Never remember history". 3. Press "OK" then when being asked for Firefox restart. 4. Open the context-menu via mouse right-click and click on "New Tab" jpm 1.0.3 cfx 1.17 Firefox 41.0.2 on Arch Linux Files: packages.json: { "name": "tabs-open-bug", "version": "0.0.1", "id": "@tabs-open-bug", "main": "index.js", "permissions": {"private-browsing": true} } index.js: require("sdk/context-menu").Item({ label: "New Tab", contentScript: 'self.on("click", function () {' + ' self.postMessage();' + '});', onMessage: function () { require("sdk/tabs").open("about:about"); } }); Actual results: A new window instead of a new tab is opened. All subsequent "New Tab" clicks will open a tab as expected. Expected results: Open a new tab at the first click as well. I'm not sure, but think it worked in an older version of Firefox, maybe 37. In a probably related bug I found this patch: Following this change and replacing require("sdk/tabs").open("about:about"); with require("sdk/windows")"about:about"); led to a runtime error: JPM [error] Message: TypeError: require(...).browserWindows.activeWindow is undefined After doing something like minimizing and restoring the browser window, it worked as expected. But require("sdk/windows").browserWindows.length still is 0 instead of 1 in all cases.
I tried with Firefox 38.3.0 on Windows 7 today and could not reproduce the problem. Might this be a bug in Firefox instead of the Add-On SDK?
I can confirm this bug on Firefox 43.0 on Ubuntu Linux. A related comment is
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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