Bug 1227873
Opened 9 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Firefox DoS with iframe on windows and non-e10s
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)
Tracking | Status | |
e10s | - | --- |
(Reporter: qab, Unassigned)
(2 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
Steps to reproduce:
<iframe onerror='src="Q:"' src='Q:'></iframe>
Actual results:
Expected results:
No DoS
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Comment 2•9 years ago
(In reply to Loic from comment #1)
> Why do you mean by DoS? Firefox hangs?
Yes, seems like firefox hangs when executing that iframe. Given that its a short payload this could be used in conjunction with a stored XSS to attack Firefox users.
Flags: needinfo?(qab)
Updated•9 years ago
Component: Untriaged → Networking
Product: Firefox → Core
Updated•9 years ago
Component: Networking → DOM
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Comment 4•9 years ago
I don't see a hang on that testcase (at least on Mac). I can close the tab just fine, or navigate it to another page or whatever. Which is what I would expect, since the error event fires async, so we're continuously running the event looop here.
Michelle, can you actually reproduce this bug as reported? It's possible that this is Windows-specific...
Flags: needinfo?(mfunches)
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Comment 5•9 years ago
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #4)
> I don't see a hang on that testcase (at least on Mac). I can close the tab
> just fine, or navigate it to another page or whatever. Which is what I
> would expect, since the error event fires async, so we're continuously
> running the event looop here.
> Michelle, can you actually reproduce this bug as reported? It's possible
> that this is Windows-specific...
This wouldnt work on mac because it is trying to navigate to the non-existent drive 'Q:' (similar to C:)
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Comment 6•9 years ago
Here is a mac version (I assume this will work though I havent tested on a mac, works on win still)
<iframe onerror='src="file://Q"' src='file://Q'></iframe>
'C:' on a windows system atleast is equal to 'file:///C:/'
Does this one work for you?
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
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Comment 7•9 years ago
Nope, nor does:
<iframe onerror='src="file:///Q"' src='file:///Q'></iframe>
which would actually try to load a nonexistent file. It just shows a "no such file" error page and never fires onerror, afaict. The file://Q version just shows the same thing as file:/// and also never fires onerror.
Also, why would src="Q:" be loading the drive Q: when coming from a web page? Were you loading your testcase from file:// on Windows or from a web page?
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky) → needinfo?(qab)
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Comment 8•9 years ago
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #7)
> Nope, nor does:
> <iframe onerror='src="file:///Q"' src='file:///Q'></iframe>
> which would actually try to load a nonexistent file. It just shows a "no
> such file" error page and never fires onerror, afaict. The file://Q version
> just shows the same thing as file:/// and also never fires onerror.
> Also, why would src="Q:" be loading the drive Q: when coming from a web
> page? Were you loading your testcase from file:// on Windows or from a web
> page?
I tested it on locally hosted web server, could it be that the speed of loading from localhost is faster and thus creating a more severe dos?
Flags: needinfo?(qab)
Comment 9•9 years ago
@Reporter & Boris: from Michelle
Yes - I tested in Nightly and FF 42.0 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. ("Connecting..." no error, timeout, DoS)
Flags: needinfo?(mfunches)
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Comment 10•9 years ago
> I tested it on locally hosted web server
In that case it's not loading a file:// URI. It should be identical to loading
data:text/html,<iframe onerror='src="Q:"' src='Q:'></iframe>
in the browser. If you just do that, starting from a blank tab, do you also get an unresponsive browser? That's the testcase I basically tried on Mac. It's trying to load a URI with "Q" as the protocol.
Michelle, just to make sure I understand, when you say "DoS" you mean that you can't open other tabs, can't close the tab, can't navigate to other pages, etc?
Flags: needinfo?(qab)
Flags: needinfo?(mfunches)
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Comment 11•9 years ago
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #10)
> > I tested it on locally hosted web server
> In that case it's not loading a file:// URI. It should be identical to
> loading
> data:text/html,<iframe onerror='src="Q:"' src='Q:'></iframe>
> in the browser. If you just do that, starting from a blank tab, do you also
> get an unresponsive browser? That's the testcase I basically tried on Mac.
> It's trying to load a URI with "Q" as the protocol.
> Michelle, just to make sure I understand, when you say "DoS" you mean that
> you can't open other tabs, can't close the tab, can't navigate to other
> pages, etc?
Ah yes protocol, that makes more sense.
For some reason this doesnt work when executed through the data: url scheme, nor does it seem to work when using websites like jsfiddle.
I want to say its because this will only work when there is an html file uploaded with the content (instead of being injected through data or iframe)
alternatively, this bug might be exclusive to localhost and/or opening directly through file: scheme.
And please forget the Mac version, I think i mistakenly viewed a cached version after editing my html file. My bad.
I dont own any public servers right now and only have my own localhost to test on, Im going to upload a testcase on here to see if it works if uploaded to a non-local host.
Flags: needinfo?(qab)
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Comment 12•9 years ago
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Comment 13•9 years ago
Opening the above attachment on firefox directly results in the same DoS
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Comment 14•9 years ago
Does not work on FF nightly v45.0a1
Comment 15•9 years ago
From Michelle - Adding clarity: My test does not cause loss of functionality in FF. No freeze, crash, DoS or loss of any functionality. I can open and close new tabs/sites without error.
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Comment 16•9 years ago
> Does not work on FF nightly v45.0a1
Hmm, ok. It's possible that we fixed something... Which version do you see the problem in?
Michelle, I guess I misunderstood comment 9? You were saying that you could _not_ reproduce the bug as reported, on both nightly or Firefox 42?
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Comment 17•9 years ago
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #16)
> > Does not work on FF nightly v45.0a1
> Hmm, ok. It's possible that we fixed something... Which version do you see
> the problem in?
> Michelle, I guess I misunderstood comment 9? You were saying that you could
> _not_ reproduce the bug as reported, on both nightly or Firefox 42?
It works on v42.0 using windows 8.1, and it prevents me from closing/opening tabs and cant even exist out of firefox.
Comment 18•9 years ago
FF45 doesn't hang with the testcase when e10s is enabled, if e10s is off, the hang is reproducible like FF42.
In addition (on Win 7), it didn't hang all the UI (tabs, window controls) in the past:
Maybe some OdinMonkey's patches are culprit.
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Comment 19•9 years ago
Ah, good catch on e10s vs not. I'd be _very_ surprised if OdinMonkey were an issue here, but nothing else in that range jumps out at me either. :(
Comment 20•9 years ago
I profiled a debug build on my windows machine. There are two hot paths:
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsInputStreamPump::OnStateStart 27.24
nsBaseChannel::OnStartRequest 27.24
nsDocumentOpenInfo::OnStartRequest 27.24
nsDocumentOpenInfo::DispatchContent 27.24
nsDocumentOpenInfo::TryContentListener 27.24
nsDSURIContentListener::DoContent 27.16
nsDocShell::CreateContentViewer 27.16
nsDocShell::Embed 25.41
nsDocShell::SetupNewViewer 25.34
nsDocumentViewer::Init 24.45
nsDocumentViewer::InitInternal 24.45
nsGlobalWindow::SetNewDocument 23.50
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsInputStreamPump::OnStateStop 22.07
nsBaseChannel::OnStopRequest 22.07
nsUnicharStreamLoader::OnStopRequest 22.02
mozilla::css::SheetLoadData::OnStreamComplete 22.02
mozilla::css::Loader::SheetComplete 22.02
nsXMLContentSink::StyleSheetLoaded 21.95
nsContentSink::StyleSheetLoaded 21.95
nsContentSink::StartLayout 21.91
PresShell::Initialize 21.91
nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted 17.74
nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRangeInserted 17.74
nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructDocElementFrame 17.72
nsCSSFrameConstructor::SetUpDocElementContainingBlock 17.27
nsCSSFrameConstructor::BeginBuildingScrollFrame 17.21
nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateAnonymousFrames 17.14
nsCSSFrameConstructor::AddFrameConstructionItems 15.42
nsCSSFrameConstructor::DoAddFrameConstructionItems 15.12
nsCSSFrameConstructor::AddFrameConstructionItemsInternal 15.12
nsXBLService::LoadBindings 14.96
nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation 14.36
nsXBLPrototypeBinding::InstallImplementation 14.36
nsXBLProtoImpl::InstallImplementation 14.36
nsXBLProtoImpl::InitTargetObjects 14.26
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Comment 21•9 years ago
There is also a fair bit up time spent handling vsync runnables:
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsRunnableMethodImpl<void (__cdecl mozilla::VsyncRefreshDriverTimer::RefreshDriverVsyncObserver::*)(mozilla::TimeStamp) __ptr64,1,mozilla::TimeStamp>::Run 14.96
nsRunnableMethodArguments<mozilla::TimeStamp>::apply<mozilla::VsyncRefreshDriverTimer::RefreshDriverVsyncObserver,void (__cdecl mozilla::VsyncRefreshDriverTimer::RefreshDriverVsyncObserver::*)(mozilla::TimeStamp) __ptr64> 14.94
mozilla::VsyncRefreshDriverTimer::RefreshDriverVsyncObserver::TickRefreshDriver 14.94
mozilla::VsyncRefreshDriverTimer::RunRefreshDrivers 14.94
mozilla::RefreshDriverTimer::Tick 14.94
mozilla::RefreshDriverTimer::TickRefreshDrivers 14.92
mozilla::RefreshDriverTimer::TickDriver 14.91
nsRefreshDriver::Tick 14.91
This vsync refresh tick seems to be triggering GC's as well:
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsXPConnect::NotifyDidPaint 8.83
JS::NotifyDidPaint 8.83
js::gc::GCRuntime::notifyDidPaint 8.83
js::gc::GCRuntime::gcSlice 8.83
js::gc::GCRuntime::collect 8.83
js::gc::GCRuntime::gcCycle 8.78
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Comment 22•9 years ago
That that all looks as expected; the question is why the UI is not responsive, since we're coming back to the event loop all the time....
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
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Comment 23•9 years ago
Has this been confirmed on a non-windows OS? This might me just a windows OS problem?
Alternatively, since this behavior doesnt work when the DoS iframe tag is injected but rather only if the html file contains the iframe (hard coded/stored), it might be possible this is an issue with some sort of preloading firefox is performing?
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Comment 24•9 years ago
Comment 25•9 years ago
Profile from an opt build with symbols:
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
firefox.exe 100.00
js::jit::SetPropertyIC::update 60.00
js::jit::SetProperty 59.87
JSObject::nonNativeSetProperty 59.85
with_SetProperty 59.83
js::NativeSetProperty 59.80
SetExistingProperty 59.75
js::InvokeSetter 59.75
js::Invoke 59.75
js::Invoke 59.72
mozilla::dom::GenericBindingSetter 59.65
mozilla::dom::HTMLImageElementBinding::set_src 59.65
mozilla::dom::HTMLIFrameElement::SetAttr 59.58
nsGenericHTMLFrameElement::SetAttr 59.58
nsFrameLoader::LoadFrame 59.39
nsFrameLoader::LoadURI 58.31
nsDocument::InitializeFrameLoader 57.23
nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner 57.19
nsRunnableMethodImpl<void (__cdecl CameraPermissionRequest::*)(void) __ptr64,1>::Run 57.16
nsDocument::MaybeInitializeFinalizeFrameLoaders 57.14
nsFrameLoader::ReallyStartLoading 57.08
nsFrameLoader::ReallyStartLoadingInternal 56.84
nsDocShell::LoadURI 55.97
nsDocShell::InternalLoad 55.43
With InternalLoad having two hot paths:
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsDocShell::InternalLoad 55.43
nsDocShell::DisplayLoadError 31.25
nsDocShell::LoadErrorPage 26.35
nsDocShell::InternalLoad 23.00
nsDocShell::DoURILoad 14.69
nsDocShell::DoChannelLoad 8.55
Function Name Inclusive Samples %
nsDocShell::InternalLoad 55.43
nsDocShell::DoURILoad 16.08
NS_NewChannelInternal 15.34
nsIOService::NewChannelFromURI2 15.28
nsIOService::NewChannelFromURIWithProxyFlags2 15.28
nsIOService::NewChannelFromURIWithProxyFlagsInternal 14.52
nsExternalProtocolHandler::NewChannel2 14.37
nsExternalProtocolHandler::HaveExternalProtocolHandler 14.37
nsExternalHelperAppService::ExternalProtocolHandlerExists 14.20
nsExternalHelperAppService::GetProtocolHandlerInfo 8.82
Boris, does this show anything different? Seems like its being triggered from a property setter.
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
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Comment 26•9 years ago
Sure, the testcase sets src over and over.
Again, the real question is whether we're starving user input events in this case, and if so why.
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Comment 27•9 years ago
What about bug 849647? Its in the regression range.
Updated•9 years ago
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: Firefox DoS with iframe → Firefox DoS with iframe on windows and non-e10s
Comment 28•9 years ago
We clearly do something special on windows for "q:" btw. If you type it into the URL bar on windows it tries to resolve file:///q:/. On mac it goes to your search provider.
Maybe we bail out sooner in non-windows due to this, like at NS_NewURI() time, but on windows get further into the load process before the error is detected.
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Comment 29•9 years ago
> If you type it into the URL bar on windows it tries to resolve file:///q:/
That's due to URI fixup; that shouldn't be happening for the src attribute of iframes I would think.
> What about bug 849647? Its in the regression range.
Oh, that's quite likely. Masayuki-san, could you take a look, please?
Blocks: 849647
Flags: needinfo?(masayuki)
Comment 30•9 years ago
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #29)
> > If you type it into the URL bar on windows it tries to resolve file:///q:/
> That's due to URI fixup; that shouldn't be happening for the src attribute
> of iframes I would think.
Well, if I change "Q:" to ":::", I still trigger the problem on windows. On mac I get a 404 in the frame.
If I change "Q:" to ";;;" I get a 404 in the frame on both windows and mac.
It seems our URI fixup is doing something strange on windows here.
Comment 31•9 years ago
Hmm, ignore comment 30. I was running a.html on the file system on my windows machine, but over localhost http on mac.
Comment 32•9 years ago
I can't confirm the regression range. I went to a local build just before 7ac778ed79a5 (bug 849647), and it did seem to behave slightly better (unfreezing momentarily every now and then), but I wouldn't call it responsive. Then I went back to a build at the start of the regression range (before bug 849647 landed), and the testcase locked the browser up completely again.
Comment 33•9 years ago
I can reproduce the bad (unresponsive) behavior all the way back to the 2012-02-17 Nightly, which is the first Nightly on which the testcase doesn't print an error. The bad behavior seems harder to trigger on older builds (though it happened right away on the 2012-02-17 build), and the UI doesn't seem to freeze up as much (the loading animation continues) - but once the stuttering starts, the browser no longer responds to events and I have to kill it via the task manager.
So this may have gotten visibly worse because of bug 849647 and perhaps other bugs before it, but they aren't required to put the browser into an unresponsive state.
Comment 34•9 years ago
@Boris: Pardon the delay - to answer your question "Michelle, I guess I misunderstood comment 9? You were saying that you could _not_ reproduce the bug as reported, on both nightly or Firefox 42? "
Correct I could not reproduce to the level reported. I tested this on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 applying Firefox Nightly and Firefox 42. I get the looping but it does not cause loss of functionality for me.
Flags: needinfo?(mfunches)
Comment 35•9 years ago
After I make Q drive as a network drive, I can reproduce this bug when I open the attachment directly (not downloaded into my PC). I checked Windows messages with Spy++, then, during freezing, any messages were not received (including mouse messages). I guess that the process waits some response from the drive. So, this shouldn't be message loop handling issue. Although, the bug fix causes making input events not having highest priority. I think that iframe shouldn't retry to access local resource immediately after it fails.
Flags: needinfo?(masayuki)
Updated•9 years ago
--- → -
Assignee | ||
Updated•6 years ago
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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