Open Bug 1239877 Opened 9 years ago Updated 8 years ago

Make find bar in default theme look/match better.


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: rexyrexy2, Unassigned)


(Keywords: classic)


(10 files)

In the newer versions of seamonkey, due to changes in toolkit, the find bar in the default/classic theme does not match well. The background color is "project chameleon", and that X button does not look similar to the default theme, and it seems a tad too big. - The color should be a native color, instead of firefox/project chameleon grey - The size should be fixed - The big, unsightly "project chameleon" X should be fixed to match the SeaMonkey's default/classic theme better.
NOT reproducible with English SeaMonkey 2.43a1 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0 Build 20160109003001 (Default Theme) on VirtualBox Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: I can't see anything unexpected. @reporter: Operating System? Build Number? Screenshot?
Attached image Findbar screenshot
OS: Windows 8.1 Update 1 Build ID: 20151220180515 (nightly 2.43A1, latest version) screenshot attached
Attached image findbar X when hovered
Attachment #8709231 - Attachment description: The ugly and oversized find bar → Findbar screenshot
The color does not match any of the other colors, and the X does not fit in at all
Are you using an extension to move the findbar to the bottom? Those styles might come from that extension. Try safe-mode to see if this is the case.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Flags: needinfo?(rexyrexy2)
Keywords: classic
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
(In reply to Philip Chee from comment #5) > Are you using an extension to move the findbar to the bottom? Those styles > might come from that extension. Try safe-mode to see if this is the case. I do indeed have an extension to move it to the bottom, but that is not what this bug is about. This bug is about the default theme's find bar styling that carried over from Firefox. (which makes the find bar bigger, and has an X carried over from toolkit changes made for firefox that looks out of place. (this X appears elsewhere, but that is outside of the scope of this bug)
Flags: needinfo?(rexyrexy2)
Ever confirmed: true
This should have all of the styles required for the find-bar, (this is the whole CSS file) and makes the find-bar look how close to how it did before. This is only CSS, so it doesn't change the item positions. I used loading_16.png because it matches the other images better, but loading.gif is another option. Notfound.png was the exact same icon as information-16.png, I didn't see the point in having two versions. (IDK how to do patches, so I'll just post all of the files as attachments to put into a patch)
Attached image find.png
Attached image close.png
Attached image wrap.png
Attached image loading_16.png
(The reason match case had no icon is because it was a check box)
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