Closed Bug 1243759 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[tracker] In-tree scheduling for all desktop jobs


(Taskcluster :: Services, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dustin, Assigned: dustin)



We'd like to get to the point where we can schedule all jobs in-tree, with many of them still executed via the buildbot bridge.  At this point, the future is hazy as to how possible that is and what prevents it.  Possible prerequisites include:

 * More / better access control for BBB (e.g., bug 1226018)
 * Credentials handling in BBB (pass temp creds from a task to BBB, rather than using on-slave permacreds)
 * Overhaul the in-tree graph generation system from the current yaml inheritance
 * Connect jobs to hooks for nightly, periodic runs
 * Some kind of stable storage for state that's kept from one graph to the next (e.g., jobs that run every 4 pushes, or SETA)
>  * Overhaul the in-tree graph generation system from the current yaml
> inheritance
This work will be tracked in bug 1243844
Depends on: 1247343
Depends on: 1247703
Depends on: 1252568
>  * Some kind of stable storage for state that's kept from one graph to the
>    next (e.g., jobs that run every 4 pushes, or SETA)

Bug 1252568 is to give TC the ability to determine what Buildbot jobs to schedule. We're pretty far from working on it. We can determine the proper way to proceed depending on where we are with bug 1247703.
Component: Integration → Platform and Services
It's not clear we still want to do this -- Joel?
Flags: needinfo?(eriley)
I've noted your comments in the BBB scope document

If any of these items need to move ahead we'll need to add a section into the project task schedule.
Flags: needinfo?(eriley)
I don't think this is a useful tracker anymore -- it doesn't align with any of our OKRs or milestones.
No longer blocks: 1252999, 1261953, 1262165, hyperchunk
Closed: 8 years ago
No longer depends on: 1252568
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Component: Platform and Services → Services
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