Closed Bug 1262224 Opened 9 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Intermittent leakcheck | default process: 15870 bytes leaked (CacheEntry, CacheEntryHandle, CacheFile, CacheFileMetadata, CacheFileOutputStream, ...)


(Core :: DOM: Service Workers, defect, P3)




100 Branch
Tracking Status
e10s + ---
firefox47 --- wontfix
firefox48 --- wontfix
firefox49 --- wontfix
firefox50 --- wontfix
firefox51 --- wontfix
firefox52 --- wontfix
firefox-esr91 --- wontfix
firefox53 --- wontfix
firefox54 --- wontfix
firefox55 --- disabled
firefox56 --- disabled
firefox99 --- wontfix
firefox100 --- fixed


(Reporter: bkelly, Assigned: jstutte)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, memory-leak, Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell unknown])


(2 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1238707 +++ After fixing bug 1238707 another leak was revealed: I ran another push with leak stack walking enabled, and the leaked CacheEntry has the following stack: 19:00:51 INFO - Serial Numbers of Leaked Objects: 19:00:51 INFO - 123 @1D2FB9D0 (1 references) 19:00:51 INFO - allocation stack: 19:01:06 INFO - #00: mozilla::net::CacheEntry::CacheEntry(nsACString_internal const &,nsIURI *,nsACString_internal const &,bool,bool,bool) [netwerk/cache2/CacheEntry.cpp:225] 19:01:06 INFO - #01: mozilla::net::CacheStorageService::AddStorageEntry(nsACString_internal const &,nsIURI *,nsACString_internal const &,bool,bool,bool,bool,mozilla::net::CacheEntryHandle * *) [netwerk/cache2/CacheStorageService.cpp:1493] 19:01:06 INFO - #02: mozilla::net::CacheStorageService::AddStorageEntry(mozilla::net::CacheStorage const *,nsIURI *,nsACString_internal const &,bool,mozilla::net::CacheEntryHandle * *) [netwerk/cache2/CacheStorageService.cpp:1411] 19:01:06 INFO - #03: mozilla::net::CacheStorage::OpenTruncate(nsIURI *,nsACString_internal const &,nsICacheEntry * *) [netwerk/cache2/CacheStorage.cpp:131] 19:01:06 INFO - #04: mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::OpenCacheEntry(bool) [netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp:3110] 19:01:06 INFO - #05: mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::Connect() [netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp:380] 19:01:06 INFO - #06: mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnectWithResult() [netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp:5560] 19:01:06 INFO - #07: mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect() [netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp:5463] 19:01:06 INFO - #08: mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::OnProxyAvailable(nsICancelable *,nsIChannel *,nsIProxyInfo *,nsresult) [netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp:5630] 19:01:06 INFO - #09: nsAsyncResolveRequest::DoCallback() [netwerk/base/nsProtocolProxyService.cpp:253] 19:01:06 INFO - #10: nsAsyncResolveRequest::OnQueryComplete(nsresult,nsCString const &,nsCString const &) [netwerk/base/nsProtocolProxyService.cpp:214] 19:01:06 INFO - #11: ExecuteCallback::Run() [netwerk/base/nsPACMan.cpp:87] 19:01:06 INFO - #12: nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool,bool *) [xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:994] 19:01:06 INFO - #13: NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread *,bool) [xpcom/glue/nsThreadUtils.cpp:297] 19:01:06 INFO - #14: mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *) [ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:98] 19:01:06 INFO - #15: MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 19:01:06 INFO - #16: MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 19:01:06 INFO - #17: MessageLoop::Run() [ipc/chromium/src/base/] 19:01:06 INFO - #18: nsBaseAppShell::Run() [widget/nsBaseAppShell.cpp:158] 19:01:06 INFO - #19: nsAppShell::Run() [widget/windows/nsAppShell.cpp:264] 19:01:06 INFO - #20: nsAppStartup::Run() [toolkit/components/startup/nsAppStartup.cpp:282] 19:01:06 INFO - #21: XREMain::XRE_mainRun() [toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4342] 19:01:06 INFO - #22: XREMain::XRE_main(int,char * * const,nsXREAppData const *) [toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4439] 19:01:06 INFO - #23: XRE_main [toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp:4545] 19:01:06 INFO - #24: do_main [browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:220] 19:01:06 INFO - #25: NS_internal_main(int,char * *,char * *) [browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:360] 19:01:06 INFO - #26: wmain [toolkit/xre/nsWindowsWMain.cpp:138] 19:01:06 INFO - #27: __scrt_common_main_seh [f:/dd/vctools/crt/vcstartup/src/startup/exe_common.inl:264] 19:01:06 INFO - #28: kernel32.dll + 0x53c45 19:01:06 INFO - #29: ntdll.dll + 0x637f5 19:01:06 INFO - #30: ntdll.dll + 0x637c8 19:00:51 INFO - Leaked URLs: 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/synthesized-redirect-twice-real-file.txt 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/index.html 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/fetch_worker_script.js 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/fetch_worker_script.js 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/synthesized-redirect-real-file.txt 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/synthesized-redirect-twice-real-file.txt 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/fetch_worker_script.js 19:00:51 INFO - http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/fetch/synthesized-redirect-twice-real-file.txt
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
I managed to reproduce this on linux in an rr chaos session. I guess rr isn't terrible.
I'm having difficulty getting rr to replay on my machine, but at least it reproduces reliably under chaos mode. Should make it easier to track down even without replay.
Finally have a config which lets me replay a capture of this. Will debug tomorrow.
Whiteboard: [MemShrink]
Whiteboard: [MemShrink] → [MemShrink:P2]
It seems the leaked URLs correspond to channels going through this could with shouldIntercept=true: So e10s parent-side redirection with interception.
Try confirms that we can run leak-free on Windows with just test_fetch_event.html skipped, so I'll be pushing a patch shortly that does just that. Other than that, test_notificationclick_focus.html is permafail on Android debug due to bug 1259338 but we're otherwise skip-free now!
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Keywords: leave-open
FWIW, I've seen chaos mode leak URLs from other tests in the dir that perform redirects.
I'm not currently working on this. I think we should wait for Josh's network interception changes.
Assignee: bkelly → nobody
Depends on: 1231222
Intermittent e10s test leak
Priority: -- → P3
See Also: → 1311290
On Feb 3rd this started up on win8-debug in the dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/ directory. I did a series of retriggers here: ni myself to follow up here on the retriggers. It would be nice to bisect this down, that will take some time as there are many tests in this manifest:
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
:bkelly- can you help figure out which test is leaking or follow along and help come to a resolution of this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher) → needinfo?(bkelly)
Andrew, can you find someone to investigate this leak?
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly) → needinfo?(overholt)
Catalin, please take a look.
Flags: needinfo?(overholt) → needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
oh retriggering helped pinpoint the exact failure (bug 1336043): asking :baku for info here as he authored bug 1336043.
Depends on: 1336043
Flags: needinfo?(amarchesini)
Running test_fetch_event.html --repeat=10 triggers the leak consistently on my machine.
Assignee: nobody → catalin.badea392
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
This might be the same leak as bug 1326136.
See Also: → 1326136
now that bug 1326136 is fixed, I still see errors daily related to this test, it has dropped in frequency about a week ago though, not sure why.
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell unknown]
there is a leak here: 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | nsStringStats 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAllocCount: 276144 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mReallocCount: 57096 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mFreeCount: 276144 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mShareCount: 495693 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAdoptCount: 28101 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAdoptFreeCount: 28101 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => Process ID: 1813, Thread ID: 140735240848128 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDB) failed: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/netwerk/cache/nsDiskCacheDeviceSQL.cpp, line 1426 11:02:30 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: nsAppShell::Exit() called redundantly: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/widget/cocoa/, line 684 11:02:31 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(maybeContext) failed: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp, line 1009 11:02:31 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(RemovePermissionChangeObserver())', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/notification/Notification.cpp, line 669 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aObserver) failed: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/modules/libpref/nsPrefBranch.cpp, line 715 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80070057: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/modules/libpref/Preferences.cpp, line 1709 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 9 (0x11e192800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 4] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 8 (0x125c26800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 1] [outer = 0x0] [url = chrome://browser/content/hiddenWindow.xul] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x12a43b800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 5] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x11b1e8000) [pid = 1812] [serial = 9] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x12a43d800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 6] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 4 (0x12c6dc800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 10] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x12857bc00) [pid = 1812] [serial = 11] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:newtab] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x129f9ac00) [pid = 1812] [serial = 13] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:newtab] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x125c27800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 2] [outer = 0x0] [url = about:blank] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | --DOMWINDOW == 0 (0x11e191800) [pid = 1812] [serial = 3] [outer = 0x0] [url = chrome://browser/content/browser.xul] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!compMgr', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/components/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 63 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 314 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | [Parent 1812] ###!!! ASSERTION: 2 dynamic atom(s) with non-zero refcount: http://mochi.test:8888, 'nonZeroRefcountAtomsCount == 0', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/ds/nsAtomTable.cpp, line 416 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #01: mozilla::VolatileBuffer::NonHeapSizeOfExcludingThis() const[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0xaf800] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #02: nsXPTCStubBase::Stub249()[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0x14d60a] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #03: workerlz4_maxCompressedSize[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0x405ff17] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #04: workerlz4_maxCompressedSize[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0x40691fc] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #05: workerlz4_maxCompressedSize[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0x4069693] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | #06: start[/builds/slave/test/build/application/ +0xeea] 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | Leaked URLs: 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_https_origin_after_redirect.html 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_https_origin_after_redirect.html 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_https_origin_after_redirect.html 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_https_origin_after_redirect.html 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | nsStringStats 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAllocCount: 612616 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mReallocCount: 82475 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mFreeCount: 612404 -- LEAKED 212 !!! 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mShareCount: 501836 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAdoptCount: 24288 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => mAdoptFreeCount: 24286 -- LEAKED 2 !!! 11:02:33 INFO - GECKO(1812) | => Process ID: 1812, Thread ID: 140735240848128 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0 11:02:33 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:01:56.865963 11:02:33 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: /var/folders/cf/5zhxcwh11mq5cjjb5nhm70lm00000w/T/tmp3X109Npidlog 11:02:33 INFO - ==> process 1812 launched child process 1813 11:02:33 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1813 11:02:33 INFO - Stopping web server 11:02:33 INFO - Stopping web socket server 11:02:33 INFO - Stopping ssltunnel 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | plugin process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | tab process: leak threshold set at 10000 bytes 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | geckomediaplugin process: leak threshold set at 20000 bytes 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | gpu process: leak threshold set at 0 bytes 11:02:33 INFO - 11:02:33 INFO - == BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK AND BLOAT STATISTICS, default process 1812 11:02:33 INFO - 11:02:33 INFO - |<----------------Class--------------->|<-----Bytes------>|<----Objects---->| 11:02:33 INFO - | | Per-Inst Leaked| Total Rem| 11:02:33 INFO - 0 |TOTAL | 24 24114|17142113 375| 11:02:33 INFO - 65 |CacheEntry | 256 256| 529 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 68 |CacheEntryHandle | 32 32| 7738 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 69 |CacheFile | 344 344| 529 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 77 |CacheFileMetadata | 200 200| 529 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 78 |CacheFileOutputStream | 104 104| 473 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 87 |CacheStorageService | 304 304| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 93 |CancelableRunnable | 48 48| 48436 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 98 |ChannelEventQueue | 72 72| 977 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 132 |CondVar | 40 400| 1132 10| 11:02:33 INFO - 149 |ConsoleReportCollector | 64 128| 1264 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 152 |ContentParent | 2200 2200| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 189 |DataStorage | 336 1008| 3 3| 11:02:33 INFO - 318 |HttpBaseChannel | 1328 1328| 1042 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 319 |HttpChannelParent | 248 248| 977 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 320 |HttpChannelParentListener | 88 88| 942 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 339 |IdlePeriod | 24 72| 240 3| 11:02:33 INFO - 362 |InterceptedChannelBase | 80 80| 17 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 379 |LoadContext | 104 208| 1002 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 381 |LoadInfo | 192 192| 4133 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 418 |Mutex | 32 768| 14454 24| 11:02:33 INFO - 461 |PBrowserParent | 424 424| 20 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 470 |PContentParent | 1832 1832| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 475 |PHttpChannelParent | 40 40| 977 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 518 |PollableEvent | 24 24| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 563 |ReentrantMonitor | 40 80| 5984 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 564 |RefCountedMonitor | 80 80| 154 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 570 |RequestContextService | 88 88| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 580 |Runnable | 40 80| 142649 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 606 |Service | 144 144| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 623 |SharedMemory | 32 32| 61 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 655 |StringAdopt | 1 2| 24288 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 666 |TabParent | 1248 1248| 20 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 684 |ThirdPartyUtil | 32 32| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 843 |ipc::MessageChannel | 328 328| 176 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 888 |nsAuthURLParser | 24 24| 2 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 944 |nsCategoryObserver | 96 96| 8 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 976 |nsCookiePermission | 64 64| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 977 |nsCookieService | 144 144| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 983 |nsDNSService | 160 160| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1039 |nsEffectiveTLDService | 40 40| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1105 |nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver | 32 64| 2 2| 11:02:33 INFO - 1106 |nsHttpChannel | 1872 1872| 1042 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1107 |nsHttpChannelAuthProvider | 248 248| 995 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1109 |nsHttpConnectionInfo | 184 184| 1004 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1110 |nsHttpConnectionMgr | 296 296| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1112 |nsHttpHandler | 696 696| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1113 |nsHttpRequestHead | 136 136| 1091 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1116 |nsIDNService | 96 96| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1119 |nsIOService | 272 272| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1147 |nsJSPrincipals | 24 72| 9760 3| 11:02:33 INFO - 1158 |nsLocalFile | 192 576| 17563 3| 11:02:33 INFO - 1167 |nsMainThreadPtrHolder<T> | 24 96| 5329 4| 11:02:33 INFO - 1198 |nsNetworkLinkService | 88 88| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1203 |nsNodeWeakReference | 32 32| 739 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1225 |nsPermissionManager | 160 160| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1232 |nsPrefBranch | 128 128| 57 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1241 |nsProxyInfo | 104 104| 996 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1295 |nsSiteSecurityService | 80 80| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1299 |nsSocketTransportService | 256 256| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1302 |nsStandardURL | 264 2112| 59471 8| 11:02:33 INFO - 1308 |nsStreamConverterService | 72 72| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1313 |nsStringBuffer | 8 1696| 695090 212| 11:02:33 INFO - 1359 |nsTArray_base | 8 264| 3750599 33| 11:02:33 INFO - 1368 |nsThread | 352 1056| 239 3| 11:02:33 INFO - 1387 |nsUUIDGenerator | 56 56| 1 1| 11:02:33 INFO - 1406 |nsWeakReference | 40 360| 883 9| 11:02:33 INFO - 11:02:33 INFO - nsTraceRefcnt::DumpStatistics: 1478 entries 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheEntry 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheEntryHandle 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheFile 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheFileMetadata 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheFileOutputStream 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CacheStorageService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 CancelableRunnable 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 ChannelEventQueue 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 10 CondVar 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 ConsoleReportCollector 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 ContentParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 3 DataStorage 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 HttpBaseChannel 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 HttpChannelParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 HttpChannelParentListener 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 3 IdlePeriod 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 InterceptedChannelBase 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 LoadContext 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 LoadInfo 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 24 Mutex 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 PBrowserParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 PContentParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 PHttpChannelParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 PollableEvent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 ReentrantMonitor 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 RefCountedMonitor 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 RequestContextService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 Runnable 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 Service 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 SharedMemory 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 StringAdopt 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 TabParent 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 ThirdPartyUtil 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 ipc::MessageChannel 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsAuthURLParser 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsCategoryObserver 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsCookiePermission 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsCookieService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsDNSService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsEffectiveTLDService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 2 nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpChannel 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpChannelAuthProvider 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpConnectionInfo 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpConnectionMgr 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpHandler 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsHttpRequestHead 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsIDNService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsIOService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 3 nsJSPrincipals 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 3 nsLocalFile 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 4 nsMainThreadPtrHolder<T> 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsNetworkLinkService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsNodeWeakReference 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsPermissionManager 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsPrefBranch 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsProxyInfo 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsSiteSecurityService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsSocketTransportService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 8 nsStandardURL 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsStreamConverterService 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 212 nsStringBuffer 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 33 nsTArray_base 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 3 nsThread 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 1 nsUUIDGenerator 11:02:33 INFO - TEST-INFO | leakcheck | default process: leaked 9 nsWeakReference 11:02:33 ERROR - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck | default process: 24114 bytes leaked (CacheEntry, CacheEntryHandle, CacheFile, CacheFileMetadata, CacheFileOutputStream, ...) 11:02:33 INFO - 11:02:33 INFO - == BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK AND BLOAT STATISTICS, tab process 1813 11:02:33 INFO - 11:02:33 INFO - |<----------------Class--------------->|<-----Bytes------>|<----Objects---->| 11:02:33 INFO - | | Per-Inst Leaked| Total Rem| 11:02:33 INFO - 0 |TOTAL | 29 0| 6061782 0| 11:02:33 INFO - from this log file: I see an assertion, maybe that is the root cause as we might not clean up properly after hitting that? :baku, you are ni? here as the patch author of who originally caused this to spike up a month ago. Can you look at this bug in the next week?
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell unknown] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork]
:overholt, can you help us find someone to look into this assuming :baku is not available. This is a test we will probably narrow down and disable next week, it is one of the tests in: dom/workers/test/serviceworkers (which is 109 tests, I assume it is one or two tests causing the leak)
Flags: needinfo?(overholt)
:Mavericks, can you bisect this down to help determine the one or two tests which are causing the leak?
Flags: needinfo?(kshriram18)
Catalin is still assigned to this, and looked at it a month ago, so he's probably the one you should needinfo about this.
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
(I asked Catalin on IRC to take another look)
Flags: needinfo?(overholt)
dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_fetch_event.html is one of the tests where the leak happens. I'm working on finding the issue.
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
in some try pushes, I determined that dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_fetch_event.html is the only leaking test in the directory, that narrows this down- :catalinb, let me know if you need help narrowing it down more or hacking on try pushes, etc.
Flags: needinfo?(kshriram18)
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell unknown]
:catalinb, a few weeks ago you were looking into why dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_fetch_event.html is causing a leak- have you more data? This is still leaking quite frequently. Please let me know what if any help you need!
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher) from comment #78) > :catalinb, a few weeks ago you were looking into why > dom/workers/test/serviceworkers/test_fetch_event.html is causing a leak- > have you more data? This is still leaking quite frequently. Please let me > know what if any help you need! Sorry for the late reply. I spent a couple of days couple investigating this but couldn't find anything more conclusive than: there's a HtppChannelParent that's left hanging which causes everything else to leak. I could spend more time on this, but at this point I think it's better to wait for bug 1231222 to land, which will significantly change the fetch interception code.
Flags: needinfo?(catalin.badea392)
this has been pretty high on the failure list for the last 4 weeks, the last week really high. :overholt, I see you as the triage owner for this component, can you help find someone from the service workers team to look into this leak issue?
Flags: needinfo?(amarchesini) → needinfo?(overholt)
We're still waiting for bug 1231222 to land. Given previous investigations haven't gone anywhere, can we disable this until bug 1231222 lands?
Flags: needinfo?(overholt) → needinfo?(jmaher)
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell unknown] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork]
yeah, we can disable- I haven't seen much traction on bug 1231222, so lets figure out what to disable and move on. I am trying to determine which test to disable: hopefully a bit more work we can narrow this down and resolve this in the short term.
Summary: Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck | default process: 15870 bytes leaked (CacheEntry, CacheEntryHandle, CacheFile, CacheFileMetadata, CacheFileOutputStream, ...) → Intermittent leakcheck | default process: 15870 bytes leaked (CacheEntry, CacheEntryHandle, CacheFile, CacheFileMetadata, CacheFileOutputStream, ...)
Attachment #8879964 - Flags: review?(gbrown) → review+
Pushed by disable test_cross_origin_url_after_redirect.html as it leaks often. r=gbrown
Keywords: leave-open
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell disabled]
Priority: P3 → P5
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell disabled] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork:DOM]
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork:DOM] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell disabled]
Hey Tom, this is something needs investigation. Would you have bandwidth to take a look?
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
Based on the previous investigation in comment 80, it's better to wait for bug 1231222 to land. I'd like to work on telemetry first.
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork:DOM] → [MemShrink:P2][stockwell needswork:owner]
:tt, I don't see any action in bug 1231222 for the last 4 months, this is a frequent intermittent- can you help move bug 1231222 along to get it done faster?
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher) (UTC-5) from comment #112) > :tt, I don't see any action in bug 1231222 for the last 4 months, this is a > frequent intermittent- can you help move bug 1231222 along to get it done > faster? I'm afraid that I cannot help too much for bug 1231222 since it's not easy to split the work inside. Moreover, I believe :asuth is still working on it.
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
:tt, can you recommend someone else to work on this if you don't have time? bug 1231222 doesn't seem to be in active development
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
Sorry for not responding more promptly on that bug; we're aggressively trying to resolve all of these things, but they're a big mess, :bkelly came up with a revised plan based around bug 1391693 that simplifies the intercept situation that we're going to try and aggressively pursue. Re: the parts I've been working on, I've been putting our 55 release regression fires (I miss Aurorora!) but should be back to this area of stuff by Monday.
Flags: needinfo?(ttung)
Priority: -- → P3

Bugbug thinks this bug is a regression, but please revert this change in case of error.

Keywords: regression

Andrew, do you think we might be able to re-enable this test? I ran it one time locally using --verify without it leaking, if that means anything.

Flags: needinfo?(bugmail)

Hi Yaron, we might want to try to enable this again, once you have time.

Flags: needinfo?(bugmail) → needinfo?(ytausky)
Flags: needinfo?(ytausky) → needinfo?(jstutte)
Assignee: nobody → jstutte
Flags: needinfo?(jstutte)
Pushed by Enable test_cross_origin_url_after_redirect.html. r=dom-worker-reviewers,smaug
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 100 Branch
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